Jana Maria Hutter1, Anthony N Price1, Lucilio Cordero Grande1, Emer Judith Hughes1, Kelly Pegoretti1, Andreia Oliveira Gaspar1, Laura McCabe1, Mary Rutherford1, and Joseph V Hajnal1
1Centre for the developing brain, King's College London, London, United Kingdom
sequences are of particular importance for fetal EPI based imaging,
where the necessary protection of the unborn infant can often
compromise the efficiency and achievable resolution of the EPI
acquisition. This is of particular relevance for connectome type
studies, where long functional and diffusion weighted sequences need
to be acquired in an efficient and safe way.This abstract presents a
quiet SE and GE EPI framework with sinusoidal read-out constant phase
and merged crusher strategy, completely flexible and adaptable to the
scanner impulse response function leading to a decrease of up to
acoustic noise reduction is a general aim for MRI examinations to
enhance patient comfort or to avoid disturbance in functional MRI
(fMRI) studies, it is of particular importance for successful fetal
examinations. The vulnerability of the unborn infant to excessive
acoustic noise, leading in the extreme cases (so far not reported in
MRI) to hearing loss and shortened gestation [L], puts a particular
emphasis on adequate protection levels. As external noise protection
with ear-plugs/headphones is not available in-utero, safety of this
vulnerable subject group can only be guaranteed by reducing the
acoustic noise output of the scanner to increase the natural
protection provided by maternal habitus. Single-shot
echo-planar-imaging (ssEPI) sequences, which are widely used for fMRI
and diffusion MRI (dMRI), can
be extremely noisy and may cause PNS in the mother. Noise reduction tends to
prolong the read-out, potentially limiting resolution as well as
increasing distortion. Building on previous work [S,Sm,He] we
developed a ssEPI acquisition platform both for GE and SE, called
QuEPI, which allows a significant noise reduction by reshaping all
gradient waveforms and tuning these to the scanner acoustic response
function, while keeping the acquisition efficient. It is implemented
for all ssEPI based sequences, but here we have focused on fetal dMRI
and fMRI studies.
acoustic noise output for axis
i=∈{x,y,z} is calculated [E]
as the convolution of the gradient impulse response function
IRFi(t) (fixed property of the hardware) and the gradient waveform
gi(t):ri(t)=IRFi(t)∗gi(t), equivalent to
Ri(f)=FT{IRF}i(f)∗FT{g}i(t). The greatest noise reduction
is achieved by modifying the frequency content of the gradient
waveforms on all three axis with respect to the IRF, in particular
exploiting local minima. Therefore, the read-out was modified from
conventional trapezoids to sinusoids [S] with controlled amplitude
ramp up/down (Fig.1, bottom). This results in a single dominant
frequency, which can be optimized to coincide with a low IRF value
(Fig.2a, red
The phase-encoding (PE) blips, contributing to frequency content at
double the EPI frequency, were modified to a constant low-amplitude
gradient (Fig.2a, arrow), shifted to keep the k-space centres in the
read-direction at the same PE locations. The slice-refocusing
gradient was modified to a single half-sinusoid with a period that
can be matched to a multiple of the read-out period. Finally,
specifically for dMRI, acoustic contributions arise from the
butterfly crushers around the refocusing pulse. These were combined
with the slice excitation-refocusing gradient and stretched out in
parallel to the diffusion encoding gradients. The reduction of the
available maximal strength for diffusion encoding was minimal, and in
part compensated by the freed up time (Fig2a, arrow). QuEPI was
implemented together with the required modified gridding strategy on
a Phillips Archieva 3T scanner, including in-house implemented
Multiband [P], and modified diffusion acquisitions [H]. Fetal GE and
SE acquisitions with a FOV of 320x320mm, transverse were acquired on
10 fetuses, GA 24+0-34+2 weeks. Further parameters for dSE-QuEPI
include resolution=2.5mm3,
partial Fourier=0.87, no SENSE, TE=118ms, TR=2000s, frequency 500 Hz
GE-QuEPI include resolution=2.7mm3,
no partial Fourier, no SENSE, TE=59ms, TR=1000ms, TE=50ms. QuEPI
Hz (higher, as the general noise output was lower in GE).
The dSE-QuEPI protocol was tested with different variants to evaluate
the noise reduction of each QuEPI element: the sinusoidal read-out,
constant PE humped re/pre-winders with (i) combined and (ii) standard
crushers, the trapezoid-cartesian acquisition at (iii) the same
frequency and (iv) as defined with low PNS, gradient slew
restriction to 120msT/m for fetal use.
Results and Discussion
results of the sound measurements
dSE experiments (Table 1), reveal a reduction of 9dB(A) compared to
the standard trapezoidal-cartesian settings. If compared to a
trapezoidal-cartesian acquisition at the same frequency (500Hz),
noise levels were reduced by 5.3dB(A) for the same scan time. The
non-compromised image quality for QuEPI and EPI with matched
frequency is shown in Fig.3, acquired fetal volumes from a dSE-QuEPI
scan and
a GE-QuEPI scan in Fig.4. While previous methods are either not available
for EPI, influence the applied acceleration factors or increase
acquisition time, the proposed QuEPI framework is available for all
ssEPI based scans, fully compatible with further acceleration
techniques such as partial Fourier, SENSE and multiband.
QuEPI approach provides a flexible platform for comprehensive fetal
connectome examinations where high data rate with acceptable acoustic
performance is needed as well as other examinations where reduced
sound is important. Furthermore, it provides flexibility to optimize and synergistically tune the read-out frequency, diffusion gradients and multiband-blips to
the scanner specific transfer function depending on the target
acoustic output to achieve optimal
combinations of acoustic performance and efficiency.
authors acknowledge funding from the MRC
strategic funds, GSTT BRC and the ERC funded dHCP.References
[S] Schmitter, MAGMA21:317,
[E] Edelstein, MRI20(2):155, 2002
[L] Lecanuet, DevPsychoBiol33(3):203,
[O] Ott, MAGMA,2015
[H]Hutter, ISMRM-SMS-Workshop 2015
[P] Price, ISMRM-SMS-Workshop 2015
[Sm] Smink, ISMRM 2007, 1088
[He] Heismann, MRM73(3):1104, 2015
[Pi] Pierre, ISMRM 2013, 256
[He] Hennel, MRM42(6):10, 1999