Neville D Gai1, Ashkan A Malayeri1, and David A Bluemke1
1Radiology & Imaging Sciences, NIH, Bethesda, MD, United States
T1/T2* may be useful in discriminating between normal and pathological tissue
particularly in disorders such as fibrosis, edema or emphysema. Quantitative
mapping of the lung parenchyma is challenging due to the low proton density, respiratory
and cardiac motion and susceptibility effects. Here we describe a technique
based on segmented respiratory triggered 3D ultrashort echo time dual-echo
radial imaging interleaved with and without a WET saturation pulse to estimate
T1 and T2* maps simultaneously in a single scan. The results show that T1/T2* mapping of lung
parenchyma can be reliably performed with relatively high resolution in a
clinically feasible time.Purpose
To develop a technique for relatively high resolution 3D simultaneous
T1 and T2* mapping of the entire lung using a single free breathing scan in a
clinically feasible time.
vivo and in vitro lung studies in humans have demonstrated significant
relaxation time differences between normal and pathological tissue and
malignant and non-malignant abnormalities. In-vivo mapping of lung tissue is
difficult due to the low proton density, respiratory motion and susceptibility
effects. Nevertheless, several techniques have been proposed for human lung T1 mapping
including inversion recovery Look-Locker with 2D Cartesian sampling[1,2] or
with low resolution 3D Cartesian sampling[3] and inversion recovery 2D low
resolution ultrashort echo time imaging (UTE)[4]. Similarly, T2* mapping has
been done using fractional echo GRE[5] and 2D UTE[6].
To reduce scan time, a saturation scheme was
used. Saturation was achieved using a modified four pulse WET[7] technique optimized
for lung T1/T2* by performing a search using Bloch simulations and taking
relaxation into account. For the
saturation scheme, T1 is estimated by T1 = ̶ TS/log[{1 - S(TS)/S0}/η], where TS is the saturation time and
S(TS), S(0) refers to the signal with and without saturation; η is the
saturation efficiency.
A segmented 3D ultrashort echo time (UTE) dual
echo radial scheme was employed for data acquisition in an interleaved fashion
such that a S(0) segment shot was
followed by a S(TS) segment to reduce misregistration between the acquisitions.
Respiratory triggering (RT) was employed with minimum shot duration set to 3.5s
to allow near complete recovery of lung tissue signal. TS was optimized based
on error propagation analysis for T1 and consideration of end expiration time.
T2* was calculated using T2*
= ΔTE/log[S(TE1)/S(TE2)], where S(TE1,2)
from the S(0) acquisition images were utilized. While TE1 was fixed
at minimum, TE2 was optimized based on considerations of SNR, TR and
error propagation analysis of T2* as a function of TE2.
Seven volunteers were scanned under an
IRB approved protocol after informed consent was obtained. Scanning was
performed on a 3T Philips Achieva scanner (software release 3.2.3) with the
following scan parameters: FOV=34cm, TR/TE1/TE2=3.3/0.13/1.3 ms, res: 2.5×2.5×6mm3, 512 radial lines, 128 lines/segment, RT, TS=700 ms, shot dur = 3.5s (minimum), 37 slices, scan time:~9:30. In
addition, scanning was repeated on two volunteers after a few weeks to assess
repeatability. T1 and T2* values were assessed from the maps in a semi-automated
fashion by drawing an ROI around the chest cavity followed by thresholding to
remove chest wall and vessels. Mean T1, T2* and standard deviation over the
entire lung parenchyma and across all volunteers was calculated.
optimized WET pulse had a total duration of 18 ms with crushers. Magnetization
response from Bloch simulations over a range of off-resonance frequencies and
for two different T2s (lung and muscle) is shown in Figure 1 (T1 >> 18 ms).
The 95% suppression bandwidth was 1.72 kHz and 2.2 kHz for muscle and lung,
respectively. B1 inhomogeneity of ±20% still resulted in a BW of 2 kHz for lung
tissue with this WET pulse.
2 shows sample T1 maps while Figure 3 shows T2* maps obtained in a volunteer
with the above technique. T1 (mean ± std) of lung parenchyma across the seven volunteers was estimated
to be 917 ± 83.6 ms while T2* was 0.9 ± 0.07 ms. Mean difference in the
repeated studies on two volunteers was 1.8% for T1 and 3.8% for T2*.
Lung disorders such as fibrosis, edema or emphysema may
involve the entire lung making a 3D
technique more pertinent. Despite interleaving the S0 and S(TS) measurements, residual relative
motion between the acquisitions can affect the accuracy of the estimated T1/T2*
values. However, techniques using multiple inversion times would be more prone
to misregistration related inaccuracies.
Previous works have estimated longer times for
T1[1,2] which could be related to several factors including lack of sufficient
SNR with Cartesian acquisition schemes or lower signal images at inversion
times close to null of lung parenchyma, partial voluming effects from vessels (which
have a substantially longer T1 values) particularly at lower resolution as well
as from motion. More recent work using UTE showed lower T1 values [4,8,9] and
variation of T1 with the employed echo time[7] attributed to a multicomponent
model of the lung. In addition to physiological factors which affect
relaxation, respiratory phase has also been shown to impact quantitative values [2].
We have shown that relatively high resolution 3D entire lung
T1 and T2* maps can be simultaneously acquired with a single scan in a
clinically feasible time.
No acknowledgement found.References
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