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Concurrent Excitation and Acquisition in Steady State: T1-Modulation Effects of Frequency Sweep
Ali Caglar Özen1, Jan Korvink2, and Michael Bock1

1Dept. of Radiology - Medical Physics, University Medical Center Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany, 2Institute of Microstructure Technology, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany


Concurrent Excitation and Acquisition (CEA) enables MRI with true zero echo times, and full signal acquisition efficiency. However, frequency sweep along readout gradients results in sequential excitation of spins at different locations, thus a unique TR is experienced by each spin at each radial acquisition spoke. In this work, implications of modulations in transverse magnetization as a function of T1, flip angle and TR were investigated for 2D and 3D radial acquisition schemes with equidistant point trajectory, segmented ordering and golden angle ordering. Resulting changes in point spread function (PSF) of a point source located at the edge of the field of view (FOV) were analyzed and discussed.


Concurrent Excitation and Acquisition (CEA) was shown to be feasible in MRI at a preclinical field strength [1] as well as a 3T clinical MR system with transmit array [2], but the signal acquisition features and contrast mechanisms have not been addressed comprehensively. In MRI with CEA, frequency modulated radiofrequency (RF) excitation pulses are applied. Thus, magnetization across the sample is excited sequentially by the combined action of the magnetic field gradients and the RF pulse. Gradient directions change during data acquisition which results in TR variation across the sample (Fig. 1), leading to changes in transverse magnetization. This signal modulation causes a non-ideal point spread function (PSF), and is a potential source of artifacts.

In this work, the T1-modulation effects were investigated for frequency-swept excitation schemes in CEA, and changes in PSFs of 2D and 3D virtual point sources were analyzed for various acquisition schemes. Our findings lead to an optimal approach in designing pulse sequences for CEA, and can be generalized to other pulse sequences such as SWIFT [3].


CEA sequences with a radial inside-out acquisition scheme was simulated for 3 different k-space ordering methods: (1) Equidistant spokes based on the algorithm developed in [4], (2) segmented equidistant trajectory with 16 segments, and (3) the golden angle trajectory. A point source was defined on a 2D grid, and for each radial acquisition, the effective TR, TReff, was calculated as a function of distance from isocenter, dn and the default TR (here: 4.2 ms), assuming a chirp excitation with a sweep range of fo - Δf to fo + Δf over 2 ms along with a constant gradient. Note that TReff changes from one radial spoke to the next for all off-isocenter positions. Transverse magnetization (Mxy) was prepared to reach steady state after 200 dummy scans, then, modulations in Mxy were calculated iteratively as a function of TReff, T1 and the flip angle, α:



Using the central slice theorem [5], 2D k-space is formed by weighting each radial spoke signal by the modulation in the magnitude of the Mxy as a result of the variation in TR. Image reconstruction with zero-order gridding was used to obtain PSF of the point source located at the edge of FOV on a 512x512 grid. In extension to 3D calculations, similar steps were followed and PSFs were calculated. Segmentation and golden angle ordering was applied only along the azimuthal angle. Resulting k-space data was reconstructed using gridding with Kaiser-Bessel interpolation. PSF comparison was based on scaling and subtracting the reconstructed data obtained with T1-modulated magnetization values and the data which was reconstructed under constant TR assumption.

Results and Discussion

In Fig. 2, TReff for the three different trajectories and the resulting modulations in Mxy are shown using a 2D sequence with α=10° for a point source with T1 = 100 ms placed at (x,y)=(150,150) on a 512x512 grid. The oscillations in Mxy is more evident for golden angle trajectory. In Table 1, resulting amount of change in TReff, Mxy, and the PSF for appoint source at the edge of the field of view (FOV) are summarized for all 2D and 3D trajectories for T1 values of 10 and 100 ms and α values of 10° and 30°.

T1-modulation effects for sequential ordering of equidistant points were below 0.2% for all conditions. However, with segmented ordering, changes up to 1.8% are calculated in PSF. Golden angle trajectory resulted in the most extreme modulations in TReff, Mxy and PSF for majority of the simulated conditions. The maximum change in PSF of 5.2% was observed for 2D golden angle trajectory (cf. Fig.3).

As a result of sequentially satisfying the resonance conditions in frequency-swept pulses, the k-space representation of the signal is also affected. Although in most of the cases the PSF-related signal change is less than 5%, modulations can cause blurring artifacts under extreme conditions (radial segmentation schemes with lines far apart, short T1, and/or high α). To avoid PSF artifacts, readout gradients should preferably be adjusted to follow sequential ordering of equidistant points in k-space, and low flip angles are more preferable.


Grant supports from German Research Foundation (DFG) under grant numbers BO 3025/8-1 and LU 1187/6-1 are gratefully acknowledged.


[1] Idiyatullin D, Suddarth S, Corum CA, Adriany G, Garwood M (2012) Continuous SWIFT. J Magn Reson 220:26–31

[2] Özen AC, Bock M, Atalar E. Active decoupling of RF coils using a transmit array system. MAGMA in press (2015)

[3] Idiyatullin D, Corum C, Park JY, Garwood M. Fast and quiet MRI using a swept radiofrequency. J Magn Reson 181(2):342–349 (2006)

[4] Saff EB, Kuijlaars ABJ (1997) Distributing many points on a sphere. Math Intell 19(1):5–11

[5] Nishimura, D. G. (1996). Principles of magnetic resonance imaging. Stanford, Calif: Stanford Univ.


Fig. 1: Demonstration of the frequency sweep during readout gradients resulting in different instants of resonance for two different radial spokes for an off-isocenter voxel. The actual TR between two moments of excitation is referred to as effective TR, TReff.

Fig. 2: Effective TR, TReff with respect to the radial spoke angle for three different 2D k-space trajectories for a sample located in (x,y) = (150,150) on a 512x512 grid (a). Modulation in transverse magnetization with respect to the radial spoke number (b). The most extreme modulations are observed with golden angle ordering.

Fig. 3: Comparison of PSFs for T1-modulated and constant TR reconstruction for a point source at the edge of the FOV (x,y) = (200,200) on 512x512 grid. Here the case with maximum of 5.2% difference in PSF is shown, which was calculated for golden angle ordering.

Table 1: Simulation results for comparison of three k-space ordering strategies in 2D and 3D. The further the consecutive spokes are apart from each other, the higher the %change in TReff, Mxy, and PSF.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)