Moosa Zaidi1, Joseph Cheng1, Tao Zhang1, and John Pauly1
1Electrical Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United States
Sensitivity to motion remains a major limitation to the
clinical utility of MRI. Self-navigating Cartesian trajectory (Butterfly) can provide
coil-by-coil estimates of local linear translation without lengthening scan
time or requiring external sensors. We
propose to combine translational motion estimates with the geometry of the
differing coil sensitivities to estimate global translation and rotation. These estimates can then be used to
retrospectively correct for motion. For
2D slices we are successfully able to extract both unknown rotation with known
translation and unknown translation and unknown rotation. Extension to 3D is a promising direction for
future work.Purpose
Sensitivity to motion remains a major limitation to the
clinical utility of MRI. Several
acquisition trajectories have been developed to enable self-navigation including
translation and rotation.
1,2 Self-navigating
Cartesian trajectory (Butterfly) can provide coil-by-coil estimates of local
linear translation without lengthening scan time or attaching external sensors.
However, direct rotation estimation is currently not available for Butterfly. In
this work, we propose to combine translational motion estimates with the
geometry of the differing coil sensitivities to estimate global translation and
rotation. These estimates can then be
used to retrospectively correct for motion.
Simulation of known motion was used to design our
methods. To accurately model translation
and rotation the sum of squares image from motion free data was translated and
rotated, and then multiplied by the stationary sensitivity maps. Sensitivity maps were estimated from the
image data.4 Butterfly navigator was simulated by extracting the
appropriate points in kspace from the rotated and translated multi-coil image
(Fig. 1). Our work here focuses on 2D
Extracting Rotation with Known Translation: Assuming
that rotation occurs without translation or with known translation we can
estimate rotation of small angles using the simple geometrical relationship s=θr, where s is arc length,θ the angle of rotation in radians,
and r the radius. For each coil we take
s to be the magnitude of estimated translation and r to be the distance from
the center of rotation. θ is then chosen by the best linear
approximation of r to s. To determine
the appropriate reference point to compute the distance r, two different
approaches are investigated:
1. Coil Center: For each coil, the coil
center is estimated to be a linear combination of the point of highest sensitivity
and the centroid of sensitivity.
2. Virtual Coils: Virtual coils, formed as
weighted sums of the array coils5 allow enhanced localization of
translation estimates. The weights are chosen for the sensitivities to best fit
an elliptical region of interest (ROI) smoothed with a Hanning window. Virtual navigators are generated by summing array
coil navigators with the same weights.
Local translation estimates are then extracted from each virtual
navigator as usual and the coil center is set to the center of the elliptical
Extracting Unknown Rotation and Translation: We can
also simultaneously extract unknown rotation and unknown translation. We take the initial locations of the points
to be the coil centers and the new locations to be the coil centers plus the
estimated translations and find the best mapping in the least squares sense.6 This method can be applied to either the
array coils or the virtual coils.
and Discussion
A major challenge for using the array coils directly is
choosing the correct location for coil center.
The points of maximum sensitivity seem to be too far from the center of
the image while centroids appear to be too close. For the appropriate choice of a linear
combination of these coils we obtain high accuracy for small angles of
rotation, though for very small angles we underestimate motion. (Fig. 2) Virtual coils resolve this difficulty
by providing a ready and accurate choice for the coil center.
We observe
a significant correlation between the virtual coil center locations that best
predict translation in the x direction, y direction, and in rotation (Fig. 3). This suggests that virtual coils centered at
certain locations provide more accurate estimates of local linear translation
than others. We also observe that
regions of highest accuracy are those near the top, bottom, left, and right
edge of the head. We hypothesize this
is because the motion points closer to the edge of the head more closely
approximates translation for rotation about the center. We further hypothesize these edge regions
have higher accuracy than diagonal edges because their motion is concentrated
solely in the x or y direction which are the directions of our navigators. We propose a motion corrupted image can be
rotated and translated in simulation to determine the optimal virtual coils for
that image, before using virtual coils to correct for the motion.
technique for extracting rotation and translation simultaneously proved highly
effective when coupled with virtual coils (Fig. 4). The algorithm used for extracting rotation
and translation simultaneously natively accepts a 3D set of points. Generalization of these techniques to 3D
should prove a promising and ready direction for future work.
No acknowledgement found.References
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