Jinil Park1,2, Taehoon Shin3, Soon Ho Yoon4,5, Jin Mo Goo4,5,6, and Jang-Yeon Park1,2
1Center for Neuroscience Imaging Research, Institute for Basic Science, Suwon, Korea, Republic of, 2Department of Biomedical Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon, Korea, Republic of, 3Diagnostic Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, University of Maryland, Baltimore, MD, United States, 4Department of Radiology, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea, Republic of, 5Institute of Radiation Medicine, Seoul National University Medical Research Center, Seoul, Korea, Republic of, 6Cancer Research Institute, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, Republic of
imaging is suitable for lung imaging because it allows a very short TE and a
desirable degree of motion insensitivity. Despite its tolerance to motion
artifacts, respiratory motion is still a major reason of causing image
artifacts in lung imaging, which motivates the need for the respiratory gating.
In retrospective-respiratory gating, it is significant to keep the k-space
as uniform as possible after gating. In this study, we explore the optimal
condition for obtaining uniform k-space coverage after retrospective
gating in consideration of various breathing patterns.Purpose
Radial-acquisition(RA) imaging is suitable for lung
imaging because it allows a very short TE and a desirable degree of motion
insensitivity. Despite its tolerance to motion artifacts, respiratory motion is
still a major reason of causing image artifacts in lung imaging such as blurring
and some streak artifacts. To minimize the motion artifacts, respiratory gating is performed in lung
imaging in a prospective or a retrospective way [1]. Prospective gating usually takes more time
than retrospective gating since the expected number of samples are to be
acquired with the length of acquisition window fixed. In contrast,
retrospective gating can maintain the scan time constantly and provide a flexibility
in choosing any respiratory phase to be reconstructed. In retrospective gating,
it is an important issue to keep
k-space as uniform as possible after gating. Recently we suggested that use
of many interleaves in the
k-space trajectory work for this purpose [2]. In
this study, we address how many number of interleaves would be optimal to
maintain the uniformity of
k-space coverage after retrospective gating in
consideration of different breathing patterns.
In ref.2,
we showed that increasing the number of interleaves(imax) could
significantly reduce non-uniformity of k-space coverage after retrospective
gating. What is
then an optimal condition for attaining as uniform k-space coverage as possible after gating in various respiratory
patterns? For
discussion, the respiratory-signal form is assumed to be a sinusoidal function
ranging from 1 and -1. Gated
samples are assumed to be selected below the threshold set to 0. The
gated period of one respiratory cycle and the duration of one interleaf are
dubbed Tgating and Tinterleaf, respectively.
With respect to Tgating and Tinterleaf, three cases can be thought of as possible references: Tgating>Tinterleaf (Case I), Tgating=Tinterleaf (Case II), Tgating<Tinterleaf (Case III). Figure
1 illustrates the sampling uniformity of each case when respiratory-gated data
are selected during every Tgating. As
shown in Fig. 1b, Case II is most
probable to provide a nearly uniform sample distribution when compared to Case I
and Case III. Since Tinterleaf = TR×pmax(= # of views per one interleaf) and Nviews = imax×pmax, Case II is rewritten
in terms of TR and pmax:
optima pmax=TgatingTR
optimal imax=Nviews⋅TRTgating
Simulation was performed to see how the gated-sample
uniformity changes with respect to pmax
using an in-vivo respiratory signal. pmax varied from 130 to 1,180
by an increment of 50. The total number of views Nviews = 157,000. Uniformity was evaluated by the distribution
of the number of points (Ncircle)
inside an imaginary circle around each point on the surface of k-space sphere. If
sample points are more uniformly distributed, Ncircle would have a smaller variation throughout the
entire points. Phantom
and in-vivo human lung were scanned at
Siemens 3T(Trio) to evaluate the effect of k-space non-uniformity on image
quality. The
gradient-echo-based ultrashort-TE sequence, CODE(Concurrent Dephasing and
Excitation), was used for experiments[3]. 89,830 views were selected out of Nviews = 160,200 through retrospective gating. Two
cases of pmax = Nviews and optimal pmax = 900 were compared. Scan parameters
were given in Table 1.
shows that the optimal
pmax(=630) provides the minimum standard
deviation of
indicating the highest uniformity of
k-space coverage (Fig.2). The
weak dependence on the statistics of
shows that the proposed sampling scheme can maintain the sample uniformity over
a range of variation in breathing patterns expected in actual
in-vivo scans. Figure
3 shows the selected axial slices of phantom and human lung imaging. Ringing
and striped image artifacts appear in the images obtained with a single-spiral
Nviews) due to the
non-uniform sample density in
and are well suppressed in the images obtained with the optimal
pmax due to the improved
sample uniformity.
We suggested
here the optimal condition that uniformity of
k-space coverage is well
maintained after retrospective-respiratory gating, that is, the length of one
interleaf be equal to the gating length in one respiratory cycle.
simulation showed that the proposed condition maximized the sample uniformity
as validated by the smallest standard deviation of the number of neighboring
samples. Phantom and human lung experiments also demonstrated that the proposed
method combined with retrospective-respiratory gating can significantly
suppress streak artifacts as well as motion-related blurring. Although our
sampling strategy was based on the 3D radial trajectory proposed by Wong’s et
al.[4], it can also be applied to other interleaved sampling functions such as the
golden-angle-ordered readout in a spiral phyllotaxis pattern[5].
This work was supported by IBS-R015-D1-2015-a00References
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