PET attenuation correction is critical to accurate
PET quantitation. For hybrid PET/MR imaging, MR-based attenuation correction (MRAC)
has challenges in implants, internal air, bones and lung regions where MR
signals are low. To address the challenges and improve robustness and accuracy
of MRAC, a joint estimation algorithm with MR-based priors is implemented where
prior weights are spatially modulated, providing great flexibility to users.
The JE algorithm was applied to whole-body clinical TOF PET/MR data and it was
demonstrated that the algorithm can recover the attenuation of implants,
abdominal air and lungs in a robust way.Purpose
improve robustness and accuracy of MR-based PET attenuation correction for PET/MR.
emerging hybrid PET/MR imaging modality provides great promise in a number of clinical
1 PET attenuation correction is critical to accurate
PET quantitation. The most commonly used MR-segmentation based PET attenuation
correction approach has challenges in implants, bones, lungs and internal air
cavities, which are difficult to distinguish in MR. An alternative approach is based
on joint estimation (JE)
2 of PET attenuation and activity using PET
emission scan data. Although the inverse problem for JE is highly
ill-conditioned, PET time-of-flight (TOF) information greatly improves the
conditioning and reduces crosstalk artifacts.
3 Those two
segmentation-based and JE-based approaches have been combined into selective
update JE
4 where PET attenuation values are calculated by JE selectively
in MR-dark regions and otherwise determined by the MR-segmentation based
method. In this work, a more general JE approach with MR-based priors
is developed where MR-based prior weights can be spatially modulated to locally
control the degree of weights given to JE or MR-segmentation.
JE algorithm with MR-based priors was evaluated on TOF PET/MR clinical data.
were scanned on a GE Signa PET/MR scanner (GE Healthcare, Waukesha, WI, USA)
with TOF timing resolution of <400 ps. For each patient, a dedicated 3D GRE
scan (FA=5°) with Dixon-type fat-water separation and a whole-body FDG TOF PET
emission scan were acquired. An MR-based attenuation map was obtained using 4-class
MR-segmentation (water, fat, lung and air) as described by Wollenweber et al.
6 where a TOF
OSEM (ordered subsets expectation maximization)
7 image was used for completing truncated
regions in MR. The MR-based attenuation map was taken as an MR-based prior map for JE. To
differentiate between reliable soft-tissue MR signals and uncertain low MR signal
regions, a threshold was derived, based on two level Huang threshold method,
from MR histogram distributions, as in Cheng et al.
4 An MR-based prior
weight map was generated by assigning low weights to the uncertain low MR signal regions
and high weights to the other regions. Given the TOF PET emission scan data,
an attenuation map and an activity image are jointly reconstructed by
maximizing the following objective function:
λ and
μ represent
the activity image and the attenuation map to estimate, respectively. In the objective
L(μ,λ) is
the Poisson log-likelihood function for the TOF PET emission data;
RMR(μ)=∑jβj(μ−μMR)2 is the MR-based prior where
βj are voxel-wise MR-based prior weights and
μMR is the MR-based prior map; and
Rsmoothing(μ)=βsmoothing∑j∑k∈Njwjk(μj−μk)2 is the quadratic smoothing penalty where
βsmoothing is a smoothing parameter,
wjk are predetermined weights and
Nj is the set of neighborhoods of voxel
j. The attenuation map
μ and the activity
λ were alternatively updated where OSTR (ordered subset transmission)
8 was used for updating
μ and TOF OSEM
7 for updating
Figs. 1 and 2 show representative coronal
slices from the results. Fig. 1(a) shows an MR in-phase image with a dark region
due to a hip implant, and Fig. 1(b) shows the MR-based attenuation map with the
implant-induced artifact. Fig. 1(c) shows the attenuation map obtained using
the JE algorithm with MR-based priors. Fig. 1(c) shows the attenuation of the hip
implant is recovered by JE. In addition, the lung boundary in the JE-based
attenuation map seems more accurate that that in the MR-based attenuation map in the sense that the lung boundary in Fig.
1(c) is closer to that in Fig. 1(a) than that in Fig. 1(b) is. Figs. 1(d) and (e)
are TOF OSEM activity images reconstructed with the MR-based and the JE-based
attenuation maps, respectively. Similarly, Fig. 2 shows, for a different slice,
the MR in-phase image (Fig. 2(a)), the MR-based attenuation map (Fig. 2(b)),
the JE-based attenuation map (Fig. 2(c)) and TOF OSEM images reconstructed using
the MR-based and the JE-based attenuation maps in Figs. 2(d) and (e), respectively. The
JE-based attenuation map shows the metal pins are recovered (Fig. 2(c)) whereas the metal pins generate artifacts in the MR image (Fig. 2(a)) and the MR-based attenuation map (Fig. 2(b)).
A joint estimation algorithm with
MR-based priors is developed to improve MR-segmentation based attenuation
correction. The JE algorithm with MR-based priors was applied to whole-body TOF
PET/MR clinical data and it was demonstrated that the JE algorithm can recover
the attenuation of implants, greatly improving
robustness and accuracy of MR-based attenuation correction. Here TOF information is
critical to the success of JE.
No acknowledgement found.References
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