Thorsten Heußer1, Christopher M Rank1, Martin T Freitag2, Heinz-Peter Schlemmer2, Antonia Dimitrakopoulou-Strauss3, Thomas Beyer4, and Marc Kachelrieß1
1Medical Physics in Radiology, German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg, Germany, 2Department of Radiology, German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg, Germany, 3Clinical Cooperation Unit Nuclear Medicine, German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg, Germany, 4Center for Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, Medical University Vienna, Vienna, Austria
To improve attenuation correction (AC) and thus PET quantification for
PET/MR imaging, we have recently proposed a method to jointly estimate
attenuation and activity distributions from the non-TOF PET emission data.
Available MR information is used to derive voxel-specific expectations on the
attenuation coefficients, favoring the occurrence of pre-selected attenuation
values corresponding to air, soft tissue, and bone. We here present first
results for clinical non-TOF 18F-FDG PET/MR data sets of the head
region. PET reconstruction was performed using MR-based AC as provided by the
vendor, our proposed algorithm, and CT-based AC for comparison.Purpose
Standard MR-based attenuation correction neglects bone attenuation and
therefore leads to an underestimation of the reconstructed PET activity. In
this work, we improve PET quantification of clinical non-TOF PET/MR data by
joint estimation of attenuation and activity distributions from the PET
emission data employing MR prior information.
We have recently proposed a method to simultaneously
estimate attenuation and activity distributions from non-TOF PET emission data
incorporating MR prior information
1. Since the proposed algorithm is an extension of the
maximum-likelihood reconstruction of attenuation and activity (MLAA)
for PET/MR, we call it MR-MLAA. A schematic overview of the
algorithm, updating attenuation and activity in an alternating manner, is given
in figure 1. The available MR images are used to derive initial attenuation maps
and so-called attenuation masks, which consist of an air/bone (AB) and a soft
tissue (ST) compartment (figure 2). The mask is parameterized by
r) with
ω = 0 for the air/bone compartment,
ω = 1 for the soft tissue compartment, and intermediate values
obtained by 3D smoothing of the mask. Based on this voxel-specific information,
a prior term modifying the attenuation update is defined as
L(\boldsymbol r) = \omega(\boldsymbol r) \beta_\text{ST}L_\text{ST} + \left[1-\omega(\boldsymbol r)\right] \beta_\text{AB} L_\text{AB}.
Here, the terms
LAB are modeled using pre-selected
attenuation values for soft tissue and air and bone, respectively, as well as
corresponding Gaussian-like probability distributions (figure 2). The
βST and
βAB represent global weighting
factors defining the strength of the prior. The voxel-dependency of the prior
is provided by the attenuation mask and its correspondent parameter
r). In previous simulation experiments, the MR prior
information had been shown to efficiently reduce the cross-talk between
attenuation and activity
We here present first results of an ongoing
patient study. Three clinical non-TOF
18F-FDG PET/MR data sets of
the head region were acquired with the Biograph mMR (Siemens Healthcare,
Erlangen, Germany). Average injected activity was 240±7 MBq and the data was
acquired 112±6 min post injection. The attenuation masks were derived from
diagnostic T1-weighted MR images. All subjects underwent an additional PET/CT
examination, of which only the CT data were of interest for this study. To obtain a patient-specific CT-based
attenuation map, the CT image was scaled to 511 keV and co-registered with the
MR. Finally, the PET rawdata acquired with the mMR was reconstructed using
MR-based AC as provided by the vendor, the proposed MR-MLAA algorithm, and
CT-based AC for comparison.
Figure 3 presents sagittal
and transversal slices of the obtained attenuation distributions for one
specific patient. In contrast to MRAC,
MR-MLAA is able to recover bone attenuation information while at the same time
preserving air cavities like the frontal and nasal sinuses. MR-MLAA also
improves attenuation estimation in regions affected by MR-induced
susceptibility artifacts, e.g., surrounding dental implants. However, some
misclassifications of air as bone and vice versa are observed. Neglecting bone attenuation in the MRAC attenuation maps leads to an
underestimation of the activity distribution as compared to CTAC, which is particularly
evident in the corresponding difference images (see figure 4). In fact, the
activity evaluated in the full brain is underestimated by 11.1±1.8 % on average across all patients. The presence of bone in the MR-MLAA
attenuation maps greatly reduces the activity underestimation, now reaching 3.2±1.9
% for the full brain throughout the entire study. Regional evaluation showed
the activity to be underestimated by 14.0±0.8 % in the occipital lobe for MRAC,
while errors compared to CTAC could be reduced to 4.0±1.8 % when using MR-MLAA.
segmentation of the attenuation mask as well as misclassifications of air as
bone or vice versa may locally increase or decrease the MR-MLAA activity
distribution. Challenges remain for
thin bone structures and in case of susceptibility-induced artifacts in the MR
images. However, compared to MRAC, activity underestimation
evaluated in the brain is significantly reduced using the presented approach. To
be applicable for whole-body PET/MR, additional tissue classes like fat need to
be considered and additional challenges like a limited MR field-of-view need to
be coped with.
MR-MLAA shows promising potential to improve PET
quantification for non-TOF PET/MR imaging. In contrast to other advanced
techniques for PET/MR attenuation correction, it does not require additional TOF
or transmission information, anatomical prior knowledge taken from a patient
atlas, or special MR sequences like UTE. As such, it is directly applicable to current
clinical PET/MR systems. MR-MLAA may also be applied retrospectively to routine
clinical PET/MR data since it does not require dedicated acquisition protocols.
No acknowledgement found.References
1. Heußer T, Rank C M, Beyer T, and Kachelrieß M.
Simultaneous reconstruction of attenuation and activity for non-TOF PET/MR
using MR prior information. EJNMMI Physics 2015;2(Suppl 1): A30.
2. Nuyts J, Dupont P, Stroobants S, Benninck R,
Mortelmans L, and Suetens S. Simultaneous maximum a posteriori
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sinograms. IEEE Trans. Med.
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