Spiral Deblurring Using B0 Maps with B0 Drift Correction
Melvyn B Ooi1,2, Dinghui Wang2, Ashley G Anderson III2, Zhiqiang Li2, Nicholas R Zwart2, Ryan K Robison2, and James G Pipe2

1Philips Healthcare, Cleveland, OH, United States, 2Imaging Research, Barrow Neurological Institute, Phoenix, AZ, United States


Spiral MRI enables long sampling durations but at the cost of increased sensitivity to B0-field fluctuations. For example, scanner B0-drift will be observed in spiral MRI as a time-varying component of image blurring. A spiral deblurring strategy is presented where a reference B0 map is acquired at the start of the spiral exam; F0 navigators then quickly measure B0 drift over the course of the spiral exam, and are used to calculate B0-drift corrected B0-maps for deblurring of the current scan. F0-navigator accuracy is verified with independent B0-map acquisitions, and improved spiral deblurring is shown for a structural brain scan.


Spiral MRI acquisitions1,2 can achieve a long sampling duration τ vs. standard Cartesian methods, allowing them to concurrently decrease scan time while also increasing image SNR3. However, increasing τ comes at the expense of increased sensitivity to B0-field inhomogeneities, which cause image blurring. This sensitivity is further compounded by the scanner's inherent B0 drift, which can be observed as a time-dependent change in center-frequency ΔF0(t) under gradient loading. Nevertheless, if an accurate B0 map is known at the time of the spiral scan, this may be used to remove the blurring artifact during image reconstruction4.

The current work is part of a larger spiral project whose goal is to achieve a comprehensive, routine brain exam with spiral MRI. For this spiral exam, we propose a two-stage deblurring strategy: (stage 1) a reference B0 map, B0ref, is acquired at the start of the exam. However, due to B0 drift, B0ref may not accurately reflect the B0 field observed by a later spiral scan; deblurring using B0ref would then result in residual blurring artifact. It would be time prohibitive to acquire a B0 map prior to every spiral scan, therefore (stage 2) F0 navigators (F0-nav) are used to quickly measure the DC component of B0 drift over time in order to estimate a corrected B0 map, B0corr, for deblurring of the current spiral scan.


The F0-nav (~ 3 s) consists of STIR fat suppression, RF excitation, followed by four adiabatic refocusing pulses (two each in two orthogonal directions5) to volumetrically excite and measure the water resonance frequency. Experiments were performed on a Philips Ingenia 3T scanner.

Experiment 1 was designed to validate F0-nav measurements in the presence of B0 drift. A block of 3 scans (B0 map, s1, s2) was repeated 9 times on a Philips resolution phantom, with an F0-nav inserted at the end of each scan. B0 maps (3D-FFE mDIXON, res = 2 mm3, acq = 3, ΔTE = 0.7 ms, T = 86 s) were used to independently verify the accuracy of the F0-navs, while s1, s2 were spiral scans used to establish heavy gradients duty cycle conditions. Gradient temperature was also recorded in real-time via temperature probes at 6 locations.

Experiment 2 demonstrates F0-navs for improved deblurring in a typical spiral brain exam. B0ref was acquired at the start of the exam, followed by a series of anatomical spiral scans based on spherically-distributed spiral (SDS) trajectories6, with an F0-nav inserted at the end of each scan. For each scan t, ΔF0(t) = F0(t)F0ref, where F0(t) is the F0-nav measurement at the end of scan t, and F0ref is the center frequency for B0ref. We then have B0corr(t) = B0ref + ΔF0(t), where B0corr(t) is the B0-drift corrected B0-map. B0corr(t) is then used in a conjugate-gradient algorithm4 for deblurring and water/fat separation of scan t.


Data from experiment 1, 2 are shown in Fig. 1, 2, respectively. In Fig. 1, B0 drift measured by F0-navs (ΔF0) and B0-maps (ΔB0) are in good agreement, with error = 2.4±2.0 Hz (mean±std). Increase in gradient temperature and B0 drift directly correlate with gradient activity (green bars), while the time to return to resting values is on the order of ~ 10 min for gradient temperatures and ~ 1 hr for B0 drift. In Fig. 2, an example spiral scan is shown ~ 30 min into the spiral exam where ΔF0 = 32 Hz. Image quality is significantly improved with spiral deblurring using B0corr (bottom) vs. B0ref (top).


Short F0-navs successfully track B0 drift over time (Fig. 1), enabling a spiral deblurring strategy where only an initial B0 map needs to be acquired. B0 maps showed only small spatial variations over time, suggesting that B0 drift can largely be characterized by the F0-nav’s DC measurement alone. We observed a B0 drift ~ 2.2 Hz/min under the max gradient load evaluated (Fig. 1, 0–25 min), which is consistent with other MR vendors7, and necessitates compensation especially for spiral MRI due to its sensitivity to off-resonances.

A B0 map with B0 drift correction, B0corr, is shown to improve spiral deblurring (Fig. 2) using data from an F0-nav at the end of the scan. This strategy may be extended by inserting an F0-nav at both scan start and end, and interpolating between them to estimate the F0 for each spiral arm; intra-scan correction may then be performed by demodulating each spiral arm by its corresponding F0. These B0 drift correction methods will be particularly beneficial for long τ scans, and heavy gradient duty-cycle applications.


This work is funded by Philips Healthcare.


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2. Meyer CH, Hu BS, Nishimura DG, Macovski A. Fast spiral coronary artery imaging. Magn Reson Med 1992;28(2):202-213.

3. Pipe JG, Robison RK. Simplified Signal Equations for Spoiled Gradient Echo MRI. Proceedings of the 18th Annual Meeting of ISMRM. Stockholm, Sweden2010. p 3114.

4. Wang D, Zwart NR, Li Z, Schar M, Pipe JG. Analytical three-point Dixon method: With applications for spiral water-fat imaging. Magn Reson Med 2015.

5. Shen J, Rycyna RE, Rothman DL. Improvements on an in vivo automatic shimming method [FASTERMAP]. Magn Reson Med 1997;38(5):834-839.

6. Turley DC, Pipe JG. Distributed spirals: a new class of three-dimensional k-space trajectories. Magn Reson Med 2013;70(2):413-419.

7. Benner T, van der Kouwe AJ, Kirsch JE, Sorensen AG. Real-time RF pulse adjustment for B0 drift correction. Magn Reson Med 2006;56(1):204-209.


Fig. 1. B0 drift (Hz) as measured by F0-navs (blue circles) and B0-maps (red triangles), and gradient temperatures (°C) at 6 locations (T1-T6), vs. time. Green bars denote gradient activity. ΔB0 values are measured from a center ROI in each B0 map. A max ΔF0 ~ 55Hz @ 25min is observed.

Fig. 2. Spiral scan (3D-SDS MPRAGE, res = 1×1×2 mm, TI = 1 s, Tshot = 3 s, τ = 18 ms, T = 161 s) deblurred using B0ref (top row) and B0corr (bottom row). Magnified images show improved edge definition as a result of spiral deblurring using B0corr (bottom-right).

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)