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Optimizing the parameter space for functional-MRI in rodents
Georges Hankov1,2, Basil Künnecke2, Markus Rudin1,3, and Markus von Kienlin2

1Institute for Biomedical Engineering, ETH and University Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland, 2Roche Pharma Research & Early Development, Neuroscience Discovery, Roche Innovation Center Basel, F. Hoffmann-La Roche Pharmaceuticals Ltd, Basel, Switzerland, 3Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology, University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland


In the past years, functional MRI studies in rodents have become increasingly popular. However the parameter space for optimal data acquisition scheme has been poorly explored. In this work, we compare different acquisition methods such as single-shot and segmented Echo Planar Imaging, and PRESTO, to determine which technique offers the best compromise between temporal resolution, geometric distortions, artefacts and signal-to-noise ratio. The results suggest that segmented EPI, using two or three segments, could fulfill the requirements needed for rodent fMRI if ghost artefacts are minimized.


fMRI studies in rodents have mainly adopted the same experimental parameters as typically used in human fMRI (i.e., single-shot EPI with a TR of 2s), without addressing putatively physiological and instrumental differences. First, the higher magnetic fields used in rodents lead to stronger susceptibility artefacts, especially in lower parts of the brain. Second, the physiology of the animals needs to be taken into account, as typical heart and respiration rates are much higher, causing physiological noise to alias into the bandwidth of interest [1]. In this work, we have explored various modalities of image acquisition to achieve the best compromise between temporal resolution, geometric distortions, artefacts and SNR. For this purpose, we compared single-shot EPI, segmented EPI and PRESTO, which uses echo shifting to allow rapid acquisition of images that require a long TE and an echo train to reduce distortions [2].

Material and Methods

Studies were conducted on Sprague Dawley rats (male, 400-450g) and were carried out on a BioSpec 9.4T MR system (Bruker BioSpinMRI, Germany) equipped with a volume resonator for transmission and a room temperature surface coil for reception. Isoflurane (2-3%) mixed with oxygen enriched air was used for inducing and maintaining the animals under anesthesia. Body temperature was kept constant at 37°C throughout the entire experiment. After acquiring an anatomical reference scan (TR/TE= 3200/11ms), we compared single-shot with two and three shots GRE-EPI and PRESTO (TR=15ms). The following parameters were kept constant between acquisitions: TEeff = 22ms (optimal BOLD contrast), FOV = 35x35mm, matrix size = 96x96, bandwidth= 300kHz, whereas the slice thickness varied between 1.0, 0.8, 0.6 and 0.4mm; flip angles were set to the Ernst angle for T1= 1900ms [3]. To evaluate the influence of temporal resolution, we compared three different sampling rates (Tvol): 2000, 1000 and 500ms. TRs were adapted according to the formula: TR = Tvol / Nseg, to keep the sampling rate constant for each of the three cases. Noise profiles were acquired by repeating each experiment with FA= 0°. All stability parameters summarized here are explained in [4] and were extracted from an ROI in the left somatosensory cortex. In addition, we ran simulations to evaluate the effect of sampling rate and the number of segments on SNR efficiency by using the following formula [5], and compared it to our experimental data:


Results and discussions

PRESTO allows for high temporal resolution and is more robust to susceptibility distortions due to its shorter acquisition time. However, its low efficiency results in insufficient SNR for fMRI studies (Fig.1d). Similarly, segmented EPI uses echo trains to minimize off-resonance distortions to an extent dependent on the number of segments (Fig.1), but without imposing such a radical TR constraint. Off-resonance effects are reduced to their minimum, when the number of segments is equal to the number of k-space lines (i.e., FLASH: the extreme case of segmented EPI, acquiring one k-space line per segment). But, this scheme drastically decreases the temporal resolution and, as shown in figure 2 for constant Tvol, decreases the SNR efficiency (with increasing number of segments). Using two or three segments, on the other hand, maintains the SNR efficiency in an acceptable range (Fig.2), keeps the temporal resolution sufficient for fMRI and improves image quality in terms of in-plane susceptibility distortion (Fig.1). Signal losses due to dephasing also appear through-plane. These losses can be diminished by reducing slice thickness (Fig.3) at the price of SNR. Additionally, the temporal resolution can be further improved by shortening TR, as for a fixed number of segments, decreasing TR does not induce a major penalty in SNR efficiency (Fig.2). In fact, shorter TRs even give the advantage of a more accurate physiological noise sampling, thus avoiding artefacts from respiration aliasing in to the bandwidth of interest. Although, segmented EPI improves general image quality, it comes at the cost of an enlarged number of ghosts and an amplified sensitivity to scanner instabilities, highlighted in figure 4, by decreased SNRt and increased percent fluctuations.


These initial results show the potential advantages of using segmented EPI, with two or three shots, depending on minimum TR and total volume coverage, in the study of functional brain networks in rodents. It allows for rapid acquisition of multiple slices, while reducing susceptibility artefacts and maintaining sufficient SNR. However, an efficient strategy for minimizing ghosting needs to be implemented.


We would like to thank Stephanie Schoeppenthau, Giovanna Ielacqua and Sebastien Debilly for their tremendous help with animals handling and preparation, as well as Franciszek Hennel for the fruitful discussions and inputs.


[1] Kalthoff D, Seehafer JU, Po C, Wiedermann D, Hoehn M, Functional connectivity in the rat at 11.7T: Impact of physiological noise in resting state fMRI, NeuroImage, 2010;54(4):2828-39

[2] van Gelderen P, Duyn JH, Ramsey NF, Liu G, Moonen CT, The PRESTO technique for fMRI, NeuroImage. 2012;62(2):676-81

[3] Pohmann R, Shajan G, Balla DZ, Contrast at high field: relaxation times, magnetization transfer and phase in the rat brain at 16.4 T, Magn Reson Med, 2011;66(6):1572-81

[4] Friedman L, Glover GH, Report on a multicenter fMRI quality assurance protocol, J Magn Reson Imaging, 2006;23(6):827-39

[5] von Kienlin M, Habilitation thesis, 1996


Comparison of single (a), two (b) and three shots GRE-EPI (c) and PRESTO (d). Images represent a single slice, acquired during one volume repetition. SNR0 values are highlighted on the right. The green anatomical contour was manually defined on an anatomical reference image and coregistered to EPIs.

SNR efficiency plot showing simulation results (plain line), in addition to in vivo experimental measurements from an ROI in the left somatosensory cortex of a single Sprague Dawley rat (dashed line). The numbers of segments used for each measurement are highlighted bellow the corresponding data point.

Effect of reducing slice thickness, on signal loss due to through-plane dephasing. Images represent a single slice, acquired using 2 segments GRE-EPI. The green anatomical contour was manually drawn on an anatomical reference image and coregistered to the EPIs. Red arrows point to areas of major signal loss.

Summary of stability metrics, measured in single, two and three shots GRE-EPI for three different sampling rates (Tvol): 2000, 1000, 500ms. TACQ relates to the acquisition window. SNR0 and SNRt represent the static and temporal SNR. pDrift and pFluct are the percent drift and fluctuation of the signal over time.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)