The computational
processes required for slice-unaliasing in SMS-BOLD scans are taxing on the
scanner reconstruction computers, so data is sometimes observed far from real-time, and reconstruction may lag up to tens of minutes behind the acquisition. A channel compression algorithm has been
proposed to counter computational demands of these reconstruction processes. We
studied functional networks derived from resting-state scans as a function of
slice acceleration, slice-GRAPPA kernel size and channel compression to find an
optimal solution for an existing, conventional 3.0 T scanner. Slice-GRAPPA kernel size
played little effect in functional network definition and two-fold channel
compression was beneficial to reconstruction time without impacting functional
network data quality.Purpose
Slice-accelerated EPI using
multiband RF pulses that allow simultaneous multi-slice (SMS) acquisition
of BOLD contrast images
1,2 can significantly enhance the
temporal and spatial resolution of fMRI. This advance
enables whole-brain fMRI at sub-second volume-TRs,
3,4 which is advantageous
for resting-state fMRI, which attempts to capture sub-second frequency
5,6 However, the computational processes required
for slice-unaliasing can be taxing for the reconstruction computer, so data can be observed
far from real-time, and reconstruction may lag up to tens of minutes behind the
acquisition. A channel compression
algorithm has been proposed to counter these computational demands.
7 Here, functional networks derived from
resting-state scans are studied as a function of slice acceleration,
slice-GRAPPA kernel size,
2 and channel compression to find an optimal
solution in terms of data quality and reconstruction time for a conventional
3.0 T scanner.
All measurements were
performed using a Siemens Tim Trio 3.0 T MRI scanner equipped with the fastest Step4 image reconstruction computer, and using
the vendor-supplied 32-channel head coil. Slice-accelerated
BOLD images were acquired using Siemens WIP770A sequence with modified
reconstruction code that improved computational speed and enabled channel
compression. All resting-state scans employed ~6 min of data acquisition
while subjects rested with eyes open. A 3mm isotropic, unaccelerated scan was
acquired with the conventional BOLD sequence as a reference point.
Slice-accelerated scans were acquired at 2mm nominal resolution (6/8 partial-fourier), with SMS=1, 3, 4, 6 or 8, enabling TR=5.90, 2.00, 1.44, 0.93 and
0.76 sec respectively. TE=30 ms, BW~1600 Hz/px,
echo spacing~0.71 ms for all 2mm scans. The raw data was reconstructed at
the scanner multiple times with varying slice-GRAPPA kernel sizes (3×3, 5×5, 7×7)
and channel compression factors (CCR=1, 2, 4). Notation throughout indicates
kernel size and CCR as: kX×kY×CCR. Seed-based functional connectivity
analysis was performed using in-house scripts.
8 Slice-time correction was performed
for the 3mm and MB1 scans, but omitted for all slice-accelerated scans.
Fig. 1 shows an example for the
Default Network (posterior cingulate seed
8) where SMS=4 shows a larger number of
voxels detected than the SMS=8 case, using the same reconstruction parameters. For a given SMS factor, larger kernel sizes with
CCR=1 or 2 yielded improved tSNR over the default 3×3×1 reconstruction,
however this generally did not improve network definition. Fig. 2 shows example maps of the Default Network for SMS=8, with different levels of channel compression. CCR=2 has minimal effect on network definition, but CCR=4 resulted in lower tSNR for all kernel sizes, and significant loss of network definition as well as introducing significant noise
and false positives. Similar results are seen in the
motor and visual networks. Fig. 3
highlights differences between pairs of reconstructions (from the same
z scores for major network nodes are slightly lower when CCR>1, usually ~0.05 – these have been masked out. Fig. 4 shows voxel counts for Default and motor networks as a function of SMS and reconstruction parameters. While SMS=8 (and maximum number of time points) aids motor network definition, the default network is optimally shown with SMS=4.
Despite the increase in the
number of time-points acquired, increasing the SMS factor to 6 or 8 was not
always beneficial for resting-state analysis. While slice-accelerated scans always resulted in better
network definition over unaccelerated scans, for some networks, SMS=4 provided
the maximum number of voxels above threshold. Motor
and visual networks benefited the most from SMS=8 acceleration. For a given SMS-acquired dataset, 5×5 kernels had been commonly used for SMS>6 accelerations,
2,3 but this is
unnecessary for fcMRI analysis. Although the tSNR is
increased by the larger kernel size (after normalizing out other effects), this
had minimal effect on network definition, while reconstruction
times were heavily impacted. CCR=2 had minimal effect on data from SMS=4 and SMS=8 scans reconstructed with any kernel
size, however CCR=4 introduced unacceptable levels of false activations and
loss of network definition. Without
channel compression, increasing the kernel size lengthened the reconstruction time by ~40 %. CCR=2 results in a
time reduction for a 3×3 kernel,
but ~40% time reduction for 5×5. One acceptable
compromise for maximum tSNR without impacting reconstruction time
may be to use 5×5×2, although similar fcMRI maps will likely be achievable with
3×3×1. These conclusions relate specifically to the use of the Siemens
32-channel head coil on a Tim Trio scanner – higher kernel sizes and compression
factors may be optimal with higher-array head coils or other
scanner platforms, especially those equipped with GPU-assisted reconstruction computers. Future work will consider the effect of physiological noise effects over the different TR values on the results above.
Harvard Center for Brain
Science; NIH Grant P41-RR14075. Himanshu Bhat and Thomas Benner of Siemens for
sequence modifications.References
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