High-Resolution CMRO2 Mapping During a Unilateral Pinch-Force Task
Maria Guidi1, Christopher J. Steele1, Laurentius Huber2, Leonie Lampe1, Viola Rjosk1, Pierre-Louis Bazin1, and Harald E. Möller1

1Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig, Germany, 2NIMH, Bethesda, MD, United States


Motor tasks have been extensively studied with BOLD fMRI. The way the BOLD response scales with task intensity level might come from an increased metabolic activity as well as an increased CBF and CBV. In this study, we aimed at disentangling such contributions combining a gas manipulation session with a pinch-task with simultaneous recording of force values. This way, the Davis model for calibration of fMRI could be applied and the oxygen metabolism changes estimated at every timestep. BOLD signal changes, VASO signal changes, and CMRO2 changes were shown to weakly scale with the intensity of the pinch-force task.


It was previously shown that the contraction force scales positively with the BOLD signal change1, but due to the ambiguous nature of the BOLD contrast alone, it is impossible to say to which extent this proportionality comes from an increased oxidative metabolism rather than the vasculature. A useful tool for investigating oxygen consumption in healthy human brain is Davis model for fMRI signal calibration2. However, applicability at high field is limited by low CNR of ASL sequences. Vascular-Space Occupancy (VASO) measures CBV, providing a valid alternative to CBF to estimate CMRO2 changes. Here, we aimed to disentangle the ambiguity between metabolic and vascular effects by combining a gas manipulation challenge (mild hypercapnia) with BOLD/VASO measurements during a controlled pinch-force task.


Experiments comprising a gas-manipulation and a pinch-force session were performed at 7T (Siemens, Erlangen, Germany) in 6 healthy participants (23±2 years). Two were excluded due to intolerance to gas manipulation or excessive motion (>3 mm).

Gas manipulation: Hypercapnia was achieved by administering a gas containing 5% CO2, 21% O2 and 74% N2 through a non-rebreathing mouth piece, twice for 3 min (15min total session duration).

Pinching task: The force task involved pinching with 4 fingers simultaneously (thumb, index, middle and ring finger) between 10% and 66% of the participant’s MVC in a controlled sinusoidal fashion (wavelength = 2s). Activation periods of 1 minute were interleaved to rest periods of the same duration (Fig. 1), for a total time of 15 min. Force data were recorded simultaneously, with a temporal resolution of 0.1 ms and undersampled to match the temporal resolution of the MR acquisitions.

Acquisition: Interleaved BOLD and VASO acquisitions were recorded with simultaneous multi-slice (SMS) SS-SI VASO3 with TI1/TI2/TR/TE = 1100/2600/3000/26 ms; 16 slices of 1×1×1.5 mm³ nominal resolution (no slice gaps); SMS factor = 2; CAIPI-shift = 2, GRAPPA factor = 4, segmented reference line acquisition, no partial Fourier.

Analysis: An ROI encompassing the primary motor area (M1) was defined based on the FEAT-detected VASO activation (more specific to grey matter than BOLD4). For the calculation of CMRO2 changes, the Davis model was solved at every timepoint combining BOLD and VASO data from the same session with the M value calculated from the gas manipulation acquisition using the following parameters5: αtot = 0.38, αvein = 0.2, β = 1. VASO data were first interpolated (mean between neighboring timepoints), and the Davis model was calculated at each timestep.


The average MVC across participants was (8.2±2.1) kg. Statistically significant activation was found and used to define the ROI in the contralateral M1 (Fig. 2). Corresponding time courses are shown in Fig. 1.

Average signal changes for the pinch-force task were found to be (5.1±0.3)% for BOLD and (-3.0±0.4)% for VASO. For hypercapnia, a BOLD signal change of (5.3±0.7)% and a VASO signal change of (-1.3±1.1)% were obtained. The parameter M was found to be (16±3)%, and the average CMRO2 change during activation was estimated as (59±27)%.

A timecourse of CMRO2 changes was constructed at each timestep of the pinch-force task session as shown in Fig. 3. Correlation between BOLD signal changes, VASO signal changes and estimated CMRO2 changes versus normalized force values are visualized in scatter plots (Fig. 4).


All contrasts (BOLD signal, inverted VASO signal, and estimated CMRO2 changes) show a positive correlation with the force level (note that VASO is a negative contrast, i.e. a positive CBV change leads to a negative VASO change). This positive trend is weaker for CMRO2 changes than for BOLD and VASO changes. This may suggest that the stronger correlation of BOLD with the force level comes from CBF and CBV changes primarily, and only to a lesser extent from an increased oxygen consumption. However, it may also be a result of the higher noise level in CMRO2-time courses compared to BOLD and VASO.

As expected, the CMRO2 timecourse (Fig. 3), resemble the functional paradigm, however, it is much more affected by noise than the BOLD or VASO timecourses.


The application of the Davis model itself was shown to be straightforward at 7T when BOLD and VASO contrasts are acquired. Constructing a CMRO2 timecourse is feasible but challenging even at high resolution, due to the noise amplification inherent to the model. It was shown that the applied contraction scales positively with the BOLD signal, as previously observed, but has only a weak correlation with CMRO2 changes.


MG was supported by the Initial Training Network, HiMR, funded by the FP7 Marie Curie Actions of the European Commission (FP7-PEOPLE-2012-ITN-316716).


[1] Sehm B, et al. Functional Neuroanatomy of Mirroring during a Unimanual Force Generation Task. Cereb. Cortex 2010;20(1):34-45.

[2] Davis TL, et al. Calibrated functional MRI: mapping the dynamics of oxidative metabolism. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 1998;95:1834-1839.

[3] Huber L, et al. Functional Cerebral Blood Volume Mapping with Simultaneous Multi-Slice Acquisition. NeuroImage 2015; doi; 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2015.10.082.

[4] Huber L, et al. Cortical lamina-dependent blood volume changes in human brain at 7 T. NeuroImage 2015;107:23-33.

[5] Guidi M, et al. Layer-Dependent Calibrated BOLD Response in Human M1. Proc ISMRM 2015;23:562.


Top: average timecourse for BOLD (red) and VASO (blue) signal change for the pinching-force session. Bottom: average BOLD and VASO responses.

Example of BOLD and VASO activation for one participant. Z-stat values are shown overlayed on temporal SNR VASO maps.

CMRO2 timecourse estimated from the Davis model, combining BOLD and VASO responses from the pinching-force task and the hypercapnia induced signal changes.

Scatter plot for BOLD (red), VASO (blue) and estimated CMRO2 changes (black) versus the force values recorded by the pinching force device. Individual data points represent single-TR time steps. The force values are scaled based on the participant‘s MVC.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)