It has been suggested
that during a hyperoxic calibration, the paramagnetic
oxygen dissolved in arterial blood plasma can be a confounding factor for the
interpretation of the calibrated BOLD signal. In this study, we aimed to predict the relative
effect of dissolved oxygen on hyperoxic BOLD signal by expanding the detailed BOLD model with the effect of dissolved oxygen. Our
results showed minimal difference in both the relative BOLD signal and the
calibration parameter calculated with the effect of dissolved oxygen. Therefore,
the influence of the dissolved oxygen in arterial blood plasma on the measured
calibrated BOLD signal at 3 T can generally be ignored.Purpose
has been suggested that during a hyperoxic calibration, the effect of the paramagnetic
oxygen dissolved in the arterial blood plasma can be a concerning factor for
the interpretation of the calibrated BOLD signal. We recently showed that dissolved
oxygen in the arterial blood plasma has little effect on the susceptibility, R
and R
2* of blood plasma
1,2. Nevertheless, R
1 was significantly enhanced
due to the paramagnetic effect of the dissolved oxygen. Hence, the overall
effect from the dissolved O
2 on the calibrated BOLD signal needs to
be further investigated. In this study, we modified the detailed BOLD model (DBM)
3 to incorporate dissolved O
2 related relaxation
enhancement in order to predict the relative effect of dissolved O
on the calibrated BOLD signal.
was implemented using custom Matlab (Mathworks,
Inc) functions. The DBM was then expanded in two ways to account for hyperoxic
calibrated BOLD experiments: the arterial plasma R1 changes due to dissolved O2 were incorporated (DBM-R1); or both the arterial plasma R1
and R2* changes due to dissolved O2 were incorporated (DBM-R1-R2*). The relative BOLD signal was then given by:
Here is the volume fraction of
each compartment. The subscripts I, A, C,
and V represent intravascular,
arterial, capillary, and venous compartments, respectively. The subscript “0” defines the
baseline values. If not mentioned, the definitions of variables follow the same
rules as described in the original DBM paper3.
The parameter η is the ratio of the signal at
TE = 0 with and without a stimulus. ΔR1A is the change of the R1
relaxation rate in the arterial blood with a stimulus. The parameter θ represents the flip angle. To incorporate the effect of the change
of the R2* relaxation rate of the arterial blood plasma, ΔR∗2A is also separated into two
components: the change of R2* caused by the oxygen
saturation of hemoglobin (ΔR∗2A,Hb); and the change of R2* in RBC water and
plasma water due to dissolved oxygen (ΔR∗2A,O2).
Three simulations were performed: 1) the
original DBM was simulated; 2) the DBM was expanded with the parameter η to examine the effect of R1; 3)
the DBM was expanded to include the parameter η and the two-compartment model
of ΔR∗2A. Simulations were performed for 3 T with TE = 30 ms, TRs = 0.5 s (typical
of simultaneous multi-slice fMRI4)
and 3 s (traditional fMRI). In addition to the relative BOLD signal change, the
hyperoxic calibration parameter MHO was simulated as:
[dHb]/[dHb]0 is the fractional reduction of the deoxyhemoglobin
concentration in the venous vasculature due to the hyperoxic stimulus. The
parameter β is a constant linking the blood oxygenation and the BOLD signal. β was set to 1.3 for a field strength of 3 T5.
Simulations of the hyperoxia
calibrated BOLD signal change using the DBM, DBM-R
1 and DBM-R
2* are shown in
Figure 1. For the range of pO
2 (210 to 610 mmHg), the simulated relative BOLD
signal increase was 1-3%; these increases were nearly identical for all three
simulation schemes. For TR = 3 s, the average of the calibration parameter M
across all ranges of pO
2 was found to be 10.0±0.3 for the DBM, 10.1±0.3 for
1, and 10.1±0.3 for DBM-R
2*. Differences in M calculated from DBM-R
and DBM-R
2* were negligible. When a TR of 0.5 s was used in the
simulations, the R
1 effect became larger for higher pO
2 levels. For TR = 0.5 s,
the average of the calibration parameter M across all ranges of pO
2 was
10.0±0.3 for the DBM, 10.3±0.4 for DBM-R
1, and 10.2±0.4 for DBM-R
2*. Again, these
differences are very small and well below the measurement precision of M.
Discussions and Conclusions
simulation results showed very small difference in both the relative BOLD
signal and the calibration parameter calculated with the effect of dissolved oxygen, indicating that the dissolved oxygen induced relaxation
rate changes are negligible. The effect of R
1 and R
changes will increase with shorter TRs and longer TEs. However, even for a
short TR of 0.5 s, as commonly seen in the accelerated simultaneous multi-slice
fMRI acquisition, there will be only a small increase in the relative BOLD
signal due to the R
1 effect. Therefore, during hyperoxic conditions, the influence of the
dissolved oxygen in arterial blood plasma on the
measured calibrated BOLD signal at 3 T can generally be ignored.
No acknowledgement found.References
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