In this study we
investigate the sensitivity
of streamlined-qBOLD for detecting changes in baseline brain oxygenation and
therefore its suitability for clinical application to vascular dysfunction and
stroke. Baseline brain oxygenation is modulated in a group of normal volunteers
using hypocapnia (a reduction in blood CO2). In this group, streamlined-qBOLD
measured significant (p<0.05) increases in grey matter R2β² and OEF, between normocapnic and
hypocapnic conditions. This suggests
the technique can provide important metabolic information in cases of vascular dysfunction where flow and brain oxygenation may be
In this study we aim to
investigate the sensitivity
of streamlined-qBOLD
1 for detecting changes in baseline brain oxygenation. The
ability to detect changes in baseline brain oxygenation is important for tracking
disease progression over multiple time points. Hypocapnia (a reduction in blood
2) offers a convenient means to assess the ability of
streamlined-qBOLD to detect changes in oxygen extraction fraction (OEF) in a healthy
subject. Hypocapnia causes vasoconstriction leading to globally reduced CBF
2 resulting in an
increased OEF. Here, streamlined-qBOLD is used to measure baseline brain
oxygenation in these two conditions (normocapnia and hypocapnia) where OEF is
expected to globally increase when moving from normo- to hypocapnia, compensating
for vasoconstriction in order to support tissue oxygenation
1 is a recent refinement of the quantitative BOLD (qBOLD) technique
4 providing a
simplified approach
to mapping baseline brain oxygenation. A FLAIR-GASE acquisition combines FLAIR (removal of CSF contamination), GESEPI (inherent reduction in magnetic
field inhomgeneties) and ASE (direct
measure of R
2β² independent of underlying R
2) to reduce confounding
effects in the qBOLD model and simplify the analysis.
Five healthy participants
(aged 30-36; mean age 32.5 Β± 2.7; 1 female) were scanned using a 3T Siemens Prisma system with a 32-channel receive
coil. For each subject, FLAIR-GASE scans were acquired
during normocapnia and hypocapnia. Imaging parameters were FOV 220 mm
96x96 matrix, nine 5mm slabs (4 sub-slices), TR/TE = 3s/80ms, BW 2004 Hz/px, TI
ms. ASE images were acquired with the following π sampling scheme (π
for a total acquisition time of 4.5 mins. A prospective end-tidal gas targeting system (RespirAct
TM) was used to
modulate end-tidal CO
2 between the normocapnic and hypocapnic
conditions in a controlled and repeatable manner, whilst maintaining constant
end-tidal O
2 (~110mmHg), Figure
1. For each FLAIR-GASE acquisition the qBOLD model was applied to
quantify brain oxygenation. R
2β² was calculated using a log-linear
fit to the mono-exponential regime
5 (π>15ms) of the ASE data. The intercept of this fit and the spin-echo signal (π=0ms) were subtracted in order to
provide a measure of Deoxygenated Blood Volume (DBV). OEF was then calculated
using the following equation,
OEF=Rβ²2DBVΞ³43ΟΞΟ0HctB0 where DBV and R
2β² were measured and
other parameters are known or
assumed constants (Ξπ0=0.264x10
-6, Hct=0.34)
1. ROI
analysis was performed for grey matter ROIβs in each participant defined by an
automated segmentation of previously acquired T
1-weighted structural
images (FAST, FSL) registered to the parameter maps.
From Table 1, End Tidal (ET)-CO
2 was
successfully decreased between the normo- and hypocapnic conditions for all
participants. Table 1 displays R
2β², DBV and
OEF for each subject, averaged
over a grey matter ROI in the slice displayed in Figures 2-4. With the application of hypocapnia, significant (p<0.05)
increases in grey matter R
2β² and OEF
were detected across the group. No clear trend in DBV with hypocapnia was observed.
Using the Fick principle and
normocapnic values from Table 1, we can make predictions of the changes in OEF, DBV and
2β² due to a hypocapnia induced
reduction in CBF. CBF has been reported to decrease by 2-5% per mmHg decrease
in CO
which equates to a 16-40% reduction for an 8mmHg decrease in CO
2. Assuming
oxygen metabolism (CMRO
2) remains constant between normocapnia and
hypocapnia, we predict an increase in OEF from 27% at normocapnia to 32-45% during hypocapnia. Assuming DBV is
predominantly venous in origin and that changes in DBV are related to CBF by a power-law
7 (exponent Ξ±=0.2)
8, we predict a 3-10% decrease in DBV
from normocapnic levels. Since R
2β² is a
function of the product of these quantities, we predict an increase in R
2β² from 3.0 s
-1 at normocapnia to 3.5-4.5 s
-1 during hypocapnia. Significant increases in R
2β² and OEF with hypocapnia were detected, but
changes in DBV were insignificant (Table 1). Changes in R
2β² and OEF were lower than predicted, whilst the predicted
small change in DBV is likely beyond the sensitivity of this method. However, these
predictions were based on the assumption that CMRO
2 is constant between
normocapnia and hypocapnia, which may not be the case
2,3,9. Furthermore,
CBF is not directly measured in this study (being inferred from ET-CO
and physiological responses to an 8mmHg decrease in ET-CO
2 may vary
across the group (Table 1).
Streamlined-qBOLD is
sensitive to detecting changes in brain oxygenation (increases in R
2β² and OEF) caused by reduced CBF in the healthy brain. This
suggests the technique could be used to track metabolic changes that underlie the
progression of vascular diseases such as ischaemic
stroke. However, further work is
required to assess the accuracy, reproducibility and repeatability of this
This work was funded by EPSRC grant EP/K025716/1.References
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