Do human cerebral arteries contain fully oxygenated blood?
Esther AH Warnert1, Ian D Driver1, Joseph Whittaker1, and Kevin Murphy1

1Cardiff University Brain Research Imaging Centre, Cardiff University, Cardiff, United Kingdom


When modelling the BOLD response it is often assumed that arterial blood is fully oxygenated, and that therefore contrast is driven solely by changes in venous oxygen saturation. Recent evidence has emerged from rodent studies indicating that precapillary arterioles may have an oxygenation level as low as 78%. Here, we assess arterial oxygenation in vivo in humans by using short inversion time ASL in normoxia, as well as hyperoxia. Our results suggest that imaging the BOLD response may not be affected by partially oxygenated arterioles.


When modelling the blood oxygenation level dependent (BOLD) response in the brain it is often assumed that arterial haemoglobin (Hb) is fully oxygenated, and that therefore the change in BOLD signal during functional hyperaemia is driven by changes in venous Hb saturation1. However, recent work in mice has shown that Hb oxygen saturation (SaO2) in cerebral precapillary arterioles can be as low as 78%2, which suggests that arterial Hb saturation may affect measurement of the BOLD response. Here, we aimed to non-invasively measure SaO2 along the cerebral arterial tree in humans, by assessing T2* of arterial blood with short inversion time (TI) arterial spin labelling (ASL) in normoxia and mild hyperoxia.


5 healthy volunteers (2 F, 27.2 ± 1.6 years) underwent a MRI scan session (3 T, GE HDx, Milwaukee, USA). Single slice PICORE ASL images were acquired: TI = 450ms, TR = 600ms, 4 echoes = 3, 26, 49, and 72ms, number of time points = 3200, slice along the anterior-posterior cingulate line, resolution = 3x3x7 mm3, FOV = 198 mm, label thickness = 50 mm (10 mm below the imaging plane). There were 8 different levels of fixed inspired O2 (FiO2) ranging from 21% (normoxia) to 42% in 3% increments. Each level lasted 4 minutes and was created by mixing medical air and 100% O2. Automated flow controllers driven by in-house Matlab (R2012b) scripts ensured a randomized order. Gases were delivered via a face mask. To determine baseline arterial blood volume (aBV), a multi-TI PICORE ASL scan was acquired at normoxia. Parameters: imaging and labelling planes identical to the above scan; 8 TIs (150ms to 850ms, spacing 100ms); variable TR (minimized); TE = 3ms; 320 time points (20 tag-control pairs per TI). End-tidal partial pressures of O2 and CO2 (PETO2 and PETCO2) were monitored throughout the scan.

A running subtraction was performed per echo to obtain 4x1600 subtraction (ΔM) images. A mono-exponential decay over TE was fitted to obtain time series of T2* (in ms) per voxel. To obtain average T2* per FiO2, the parameter maps of the last minute of each hyperoxia level were averaged together, i.e. when PETO2 was stable. Maps of arterial blood volume (aBV) were used to create masks of large (aBVLarge = aBV > 5 %v), medium (aBVMedium: 2 %v < aBV < 5 %v), and small arteries (aBVSmall: 0.5 %v < aBV < 2%v) (see Fig 1, where the anterior cerebral artery is disregarded because of field inhomogeneity above the sinus). The aBV maps were created by voxelwise fitting of an arterial input function3 to the average tag-control subtraction images from the multi TI scan at normoxia. Average T2* for each hyperoxia level was calculated for aBVLarge, aBVMedium, and aBVSmall. Repeated measures ANOVA (RM-ANOVA) was used to investigate the effect of Hyperoxia and Artery Size on the fitted T2*.


The RM-ANOVA of the fitted T2* showed no significant interaction between Hyperoxia and Artery Size (F(14,56) = 2.15, p = 0.056), but significant effects of Hyperoxia (F(7,28) = 6.32, p < .01) and Artery Size (F(2,28) = 10.6, p < .01). The T2* for aBVLarge was significantly smaller than for aBVSmall (paired t-test, p < .01, see Fig 2). Separate RM-ANOVA per Artery Size showed that there was no effect of Hyperoxia on T2* in aBVLarge (F(7,28) = 2.12, p = 0.10), but T2* decreased in aBVMedium (F(7,28) = 4.63, p < 0.02) and aBV­­Small (F(7,28) = 4.69, p < 0.01).


Absolute in vivo quantification of SaO2 by T2* measurements is difficult, because not only O2 content, but also field inhomogeneity and blood flow velocity affect relaxation4. The low T2* values in aBVLarge may therefore be due to intravoxel dephasing with higher blood flow velocities4, rather than indicating low SaO2. The decrease in T2* with hyperoxia as seen in aBVSmall­ may be caused by increased sensitivity to local susceptibility changes induced by O2 dissolved in the blood plasma. Note that an increase in T2* in aBVSmall would have been expected at low levels of FiO2, should baseline SaO2 in small arteries have been low. Moreover, assuming low blood velocity in aBVSmall, the baseline T2* at normoxia (52.3 ± 8.2 ms) suggests that SaO2 in aBVSmall is high (96%5), rather than low (78%2). This is possibly explained by insufficient resolution to be sensitive to arteriolar SaO2, which is reported to be spatially heterogeneous2. Given that a similar resolution is often used in functional imaging, partially oxygenated arterioles may not interfere with measurement of the BOLD response.


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1. Buxton RB. Front Neuroenergetics. 2010;2(June):8. 2. Sakadžic S et al. Nat Commun. 2014;5:5734. 3. Chappell MA et al. Magn Reson Med. 2010;63(5):1357–65. 4. Kodama T et al. Eur J Radiol. 1997;26(1):83–91. 5. Zhao JM et al. Magn Reson Med. 2007;58(3):592–7.


Fig 1. Example aBV masks: voxels with aBV > 5%v are used for aBVLarge (white), voxels with 2 %v < aBV < 5 %v for aBV­Medium (orange), and voxels with 0.5%v < aBV < 2 %v are used for aBVSmall (red).

Fig 2. Fitted T2* (ms), plotted against the FiO­2 for each participant (grey lines) and group averaged (black line). With increasing FiO2 there is an increase in T2* for aBVLarge (Left), aBVMedium (Middle), and aBVSmall (Right). aBV­Small is larger than aBVLarge (paired t-test, p < .05).

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)