Flow-diffusion constrained estimation of oxygen extraction fraction and tissue oxygen tension by dual calibrated fMRI
Michael Germuska1, Alberto Merola1, and Richard G Wise1

1CUBRIC, Cardiff University, Cardiff, United Kingdom


An emerging method for quantitative mapping of OEF is by dual calibration of the BOLD signal. 1,2 However, this method is highly sensitive to measurement noise, resulting in unstable estimates of OEF. An alternative approach is to use flow-diffusion equations to calculate the biophysically supported OEF. 3 However, this approach is limited by the need to assume a tissue oxygen tension (PtO2). We propose a method for combining these two approaches, producing calibrated BOLD estimates of OEF that are constrained by a modelled flow-diffusion relationship of oxygen extraction. The proposed method is shown to produce stable estimates of OEF and PtO2.


To improve the robustness of cerebral oxygen extraction fraction estimation by dual calibrated fMRI, and to produce in-vivo estimates of tissue oxygen tension without additional data acquisition.


We have recently proposed a forward modelling method for the estimation of OEF using the dual calibrated fMRI methodology4. This method allows for the simultaneous estimation of resting OEF, resting blood flow (CBF), BOLD-weighted blood volume (CBV) and the flow-related cerebral vascular reactivity (CVR). In this work we re-parameterise the minimisation problem in terms of PtO2, CBF, CBV and CVR. In this parameterisation OEF is an internal parameter that is derived as a function of PtO2, CBV and CBF. This follows from the flow-diffusion modelling undertaken by 3, where the biophysically supported OEF is modelled as a function of the mean transit time (MTT), PtO2, and an equal forward and reverse diffusion rate constant k. The MTT can be estimated from CBV/CBF and the rate constant is fixed to achieve a typical OEF (0.3) for normal resting physiological values (MTT = 1.4 s, PtO2 = 25 mmHg), as per 3. The steady state value of OEF for a wide range of MTT and PtO2 values can be calculated using numerical integration techniques to provide a lookup table for OEF (see figure 1). Thus, estimates OEF via the dual calibrated BOLD method can be constrained to obey the flow-diffusion model. In the work presented by 3 a model was presented that allows capillary transit time heterogeneity (CTTH) to be included in estimates of OEF. However, for consistency with standard BOLD models, CTTH effects have not been included in our current implementation.

The performance of the proposed technique was assessed against the standard dual calibrated fMRI technique in a cohort of 10 healthy volunteers. Image data were acquired on a 3 T whole body MRI system. Functional data were acquired using a pulsed arterial spin labelling (ASL) using a QUIPSS II acquisition scheme. This sequence used a dual-echo gradient echo (GRE) readout (TE1 = 2.7 ms TE2 = 29 ms, TR = 2.2 s, flip angle 90°, FOV 22 cm, matrix 64 × 64, 12 slices of 7 mm thickness with an inter-slice gap of 1 mm, TI1 = 700 ms, TI2 = 1500 ms). Respiratory challenges consisted of 3 periods of hypercapnia (5% CO2) and 2 periods of hyperoxia (50% O2) interleaved with room air, for a total acquisition time of 18 minutes. Data were analysed using our proposed forward modelling method, 4 using a regularised non-linear least squares minimisation to solve for the parameter estimates.


Estimates of OEF are more closely correlated to the mean transit time (MTT) when they are constrained by the biophysical flow-diffusion relationship (see figure 1). Using the non-constrained fitting method a positive relationship is found between MTT and OEF with an R2 of 0.51. This correlation is expected as a longer MTT allows for greater extraction of oxygen. When the OEF estimates are constrained by the biophysical flow-diffusion relationship the R2 increases to 0.88. This increase in R2 represents better agreement with the biophysical model of oxygen extraction and so is expected in the proposed method. The coefficient of variance (COV) of OEF estimates is reduced from 35% to 27% when using the constrained fitting method. This reduction in COV results in a significant reduction in implausible estimates of resting OEF, as can be seen from the example parameter maps in figure 2, and the associated histograms in figure 3. Estimates of PtO2 have a group mean value of 24.5 mmHg, which are found to have a negative correlation with resting CBF (R2 = 0.23).


The proposed method of OEF estimation by calibrated fMRI demonstrates reduced variance in parameter estimates and better agreement with expected biophysiological processes when compared to standard analysis methods. We suggest that the incorporation of flow-diffusion modelling into quantitative calibrated fMRI measurements could significantly improve the robustness and accuracy of in-vivo estimates, while simultaneously providing additional information on tissue oxygen tension that may prove useful in the assessment of disease and brain function.


We would like to thank Sune Jespersen for sharing his well-commented Matlab modelling code with us, and would like to acknowledge the support of the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EP/K020404/1) for this work.


1. Bulte D, Kelly M, Germuska M, Xie J, Chappell M, Okell T, Bright M, Jezzard P. Quantitative measurement of cerebral physiology using respiratory-calibrated MRI. NeuroImage 60 (2012) 582–591

2. Gauthier C and Hoge R. Magnetic resonance imaging of resting OEF and CMRO2 using a generalized calibration model for hypercapnia and hyperoxia. NeuroImage 60 (2012) 1212–1225.

3. Jespersen S and Østergaard L. The roles of cerebral blood flow, capillary transit time heterogeneity, and oxygen tension in brain oxygenation and metabolism. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism (2012) 32, 264–277.

4. Germuska M, Merola A, Stone A, Murphy K, Wise RG. A Bayesian framework for the estimation of OEF by calibrated MRI. 23rd ISMRM Annual Meeting (2015).


Dependence of the biophysically supported OEF on mean transit time (MTT) and tissue oxygen tension (PtO2). Data used to create a lookup table to convert PtO2 and MTT estimates into corresponding OEF estimates during analysis of dual calibrated BOLD data.

In-vivo grey matter relationship between the estimated mean transit time (MTT) and oxygen extraction fraction (OEF) in 10 healthy volunteers. A: Data fitting constrained by modelled flow-diffusion relationship of oxygen extraction. B: Data fitting not constrained by flow-diffusion modelling (standard data analysis). The constrained fitting method shows a stronger relationship between MTT and OEF.

Example parameter maps (OEF and PtO2) from a single subject calculated with the proposed flow-diffusion constrained methodology (A), and the unconstrained fitting approach (B). When fitting with the proposed constrained methodology maps of OEF have fewer extreme values. In addition, re-parameterisation of the fitting problem provides in-vivo estimates of the tissue partial pressure of oxygen.

Histogram of voxel-wise OEF estimates for a single subject (excluding white matter and CSF voxels). A: Data fitting constrained by modelled flow-diffusion relationship of oxygen extraction. B: Data fitting not constrained by flow-diffusion modelling (standard data analysis).

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)