Time-shift functional connectivity MRI based on specific regional-of-interest for mapping acute ischemic Stroke
xiaokun fang1, qiang xu2, yong zhang3, zhiqiang zhang1, and guangming lu1

1Medical Imaging, Jingling Hospital, School of Medicine, Nanjing University, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China, nanjing, China, People's Republic of, 2Medical Imaging, Jingling Hospital, School of Medicine, Nanjing, nanjing, China, People's Republic of, 3MR Research China, GE Healthcare, beijing, China, People's Republic of


To investigate if Time-shift functional connectivity based resting-state fMRI can be used to create maps similar to time-to-maximum of (Tmax) in acute stroke and to determine whether Maps obtained with the SSS seed (superior saggital sinus) or whole brain as the seed in Time-shift functional connectivity based resting-state fMRI be better in mapping the acute stroke.


Purposes: Time-shift functional connectivity based resting-state fMRI has proven a novel and non-invasive approach to evaluate the hemodynamic level, which has been used to reflect perfusion abnormality in stroke (1) and epilepsy (2). We aimed to compare time-shift functional connectivity maps (obtained using two differentapproaches) , to find the maps more similar to time-to-maximum(Tmax) of the dynamic susceptibility contrast (DSC). Methods: Seventeen patients with acute ischemic stroke underwent MR scan on a 3 T magnetic resonance (MR) scanner (Discovery MR750System; GE Medical Systems, Milwaukee, WI, USA). Resting-state blood oxygenation level-dependent functional MRI data were obtained using single shot EPI sequence: TR/TE = 2,000 ms/40 ms, FA=90º, matrix=64×64, field of view =22×22 cm, thickness/gap= 3.0mm/0.3mm, 43 transverse slices, 200 volume measurements, after excluding the first five volumes. Moreover, DWI, Arterial-spin-labeling (ASL) based perfusion data were also obtained. Head movement correction, realignment to anatomic images and band pass filtering (0.01-0.08Hz) were performed for resting-state fMRI. Regional-of-interest of superior sagital sinus and averaged whole brain signals were regarded as reference signals for time-shift (-5TR~5TR) connectivity. The results were also compared with perfusion images of ASL. Results: Good agreement were found in the perfusion deficit between time-shift functional connectivity maps maps and Tmax maps(Tmax>6s) using the SSS as referenceor WB. Spatial pattern of time-shift functional connectivity maps using the SSS as reference was moresimilar with DSC perfusion map, than WB, as well as ASL map. Discussion: With the comparison of ASL, resting-state fMRI were proved to be feasible and more precious to demonstrate the perfusion deficit in this preliminary study. Recently, resting-state fMRI were adapted to detect the cerebro-vascular diseases(1,3) as well as the glioma (ljr). besides that, in the stroke patients, we found that delay maps obtained with the SSS seed rather than whole brain show a better agreement with Tmax maps , which was in line with the previous study of moyamoya disease. (3) Especially in the presence of alarge lesion, If the affected region is very large, the signal of the whole brain will be lower and unaccurate. Conclusion: These preliminary results suggested that resting-state fMRI ,especially with sss as seed, had the ablilty to detect perfusiondeficts. This noninvasive neuroimaging approachcoule be used to evaluate the hypoperfusion in stroke.


GE HealthCare


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Figure1. Resting-state fMRI based time-shift functional connectivity of ischemic stroke, and the comparing results of ASL- and DSC-based PWI. Visual ecaluationdemonstratedd that time-shift functional connectivity maps using the SSS as reference was moresimilar with DCE perfusion map, than WB, as well as ASL map

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)