Neurofeedback impact onto the brain networks interaction: fMRI study
Oleksii Omelchenko1 and Volodymyr Rogozhyn2

1Human and Animal Physiology, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine, 2Radiology, Medical Clinic BORIS, Kyiv, Ukraine


Concerning the use of audio-visual stimulation (AVS) as a component of neurofeedback therapy for neuropsychiatric disorders we propose to evaluate its effect onto the brain networks interaction. We performed fMRI before and after the AVS. fMRI exams showed considerable increase of the volumes of activation after the AVS and almost complete extinction of the DMN deactivation. RS fMRI showed functional connectivity changes after the AVS (connectivity disruption in visual network, DMN frequency shift). Volume of activation increase and functional connectivity changes could be the marker for prolonged effect of AVS brain stimulation.


To analyze task-positive (sensorimotor) and task-negative (default mode) networks interaction under the neurofeedback and audiovisual therapy with fMRI.


To date the therapeutic Audio Visual Stimulation (AVS) is used as a part of neurofeedback treatment for a variety of neuropsychiatric disorders1. AVS concerns repetitive presentation of light and sound to the patient. Treatment of anxiety, dysphoria, agitation, depression is the main target for neuropsychiatric disorders and addiction therapy. But usually it can’t replace specificity of emotions which could be obtained under the stimulant consumption2. Tranquilizers, antipsychotics, sedatives can quickly help to cope with the negative behavioral disorders that accompany drug usage, but reduced psycho-physical and bio-social activity are common side effects of their use. Timoleptics and antidepressants, soft psychostimulants start to have an impact over a longer period3. Thus development of the new replacement therapy methods for stimulant addiction is urgent task for today’s medicine. Concerning the use of audio-visual stimulation (AVS) as a component of neurofeedback therapy for neuropsychiatric disorders we propose to evaluate its effect onto the brain networks interaction.


Cohort included 15 volunteers (8M, 7F, 20-32y.o.). AVS was done with NovaPro-100 (Photosonix, USA) using protocol: 12Hz-8Hz-6Hz-3Hz-8Hz. We performed fMRI before and after the AVS using 1.5T Signa Excite (GE, USA). Resting state (RS) and finger tapping task were used for the acquisition of fMRI data with EPI pulse sequence: TR/TE=3000/71ms, FA=90, voxel=4x4x6 mm. Activation and deactivation were modelled with GLM as an opposite contrasts. ICA was done. Analysis was made with FSL software (Oxford GB).

Results and Discussion

fMRI data showed (Fig. 1, 2) activation of contralateral primary sensory-motor (SM) and supplementary motor areas during finger movements measured before the AVS (Volume=72cm3). Default-mode network (DMN) and ipsilateral SM were deactivated during the task execution (Volume=77,3cm3). After the AVS motor activation occurred at the previously described regions but also at the striatum, prefrontal, parietal cortex (Volume=162cm3), Deactivation at the DMN disappeared and at the ipsilateral SM was reduced (Volume=4,5cm3). RS fMRI showed functional connectivity before AVS (visual network, f=0.0167Hz; DMN, f=0.0167Hz), which was changed after the AVS (connectivity disruption in visual network, DMN frequency shiftf=0.0357Hz). Volume of activation increase and functional connectivity changes could be considered as the marker for prolonged effect of AVS brain stimulation.


fMRI confirmed the prolonged effect of AVS onto the brain by considerable increase of the volume of activation, extinction of deactivationand changes in RS networks interaction.


No acknowledgement found.


1Joyse and Siever, 2000. J Neurother. 2Kirkpatrick et al. 2013. J Psychopharmacol. 3Malat and Turner. 2013. Am J Addict.


Figure 1. Anatomical representation of the activation and deactivation, measured by fMRI, Z≥3.09. Red – regions of activation before the stimulation. Blue – regions of deactivation before the stimulation. Yellow – regions of activation after the stimulation. Green – regions of deactivation after the stimulation.

Figure 2. Total activation and deactivation volumes before and after the neurofeedback audiovisual stimulation, as measured by fMRI, threshold Z≥3.09.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)