In this work we investigated resting-state functional
connectivity (FC) changes and invariant properties in 133 healthy people across
the life-span (6-79y) using a novel graph model that emphasizes centrality of
nodes. This model estimates a weight for each node’s pair (94 cortical regions)
accounting for the node degrees, anatomical distance and FC between them and
penalizing the formation of long connections. Preliminary findings in two
groups of 25 and 62 year-old subjects highlighted a number of interesting
properties and confirmed the important role of the Precuneus and the Cingulate
Gyrus, which are characterized by high functional strength and degree.Purpose
goal of this work is to identify functional connectivity (FC) changes and
invariant properties in healthy people across the life span, using a novel
graph model that accounts for anatomical distance between nodes.
Our research
bases on a recently proposed graph model for representing FC in healthy people1.
The weights of the links are computed according to the following mathematical formula
being W(t)=[Wij(t)]
the matrix of weights at the age t (in
years), k(i),k(j) the degrees of nodes i,j, η a parameter
which penalizes the formation of long connections2, D=[Dij] the structural connectivity
matrix, and Fs(t)=[Fijs(t)]
the FC matrix at time t, suitably
thresholded, as described in the Methods.
resulting weights keep into account not only the statistical dependency between
pairs of nodes, but also their anatomical distance and their degrees, so that
centrality of nodes is emphasized.
Resting-state fMRI (rfMRI) images (TR/TE=2500/30
ms; resolution=3.1x3.1x2.5mm3; 39 axial slices; 160 volumes) were
acquired from 133 healthy right-handed volunteers (age range: 6-79 yrs; M/F: 51/82).
High-resolution T1-weighted scans were also collected for anatomical reference.
After standard preprocessing with FSL3, data were coregistered to
MNI space using the Advanced Normalization Tools (ANTs)4.
For each subject, the average rfMRI time-series
from 94 regions of interest (ROIs) defined by the Harvard-Oxford anatomical
atlas were extracted. Subject-specific FC matrices were estimated by
correlating each pair’s time-series.
The Euclidean distance between all the
centroids of these regions was estimated and used as common structural
connectivity index for all the subjects.
In order to compute the FC threshold, we
firstly computed, by means of a histogram, the distribution of the functional
values for the whole population. Then we selected the center values of the most
populated bins, and set the threshold as the average of these center values. As no estimate is available for parameter η
in the human brain, we assumed the value provided for macaques2 for
any age t. The structural connectivity matrix D has been considered independent from time.
The extraction of a meaningful
age-dependent representative graph required a second thresholding procedure on
the weights of the corresponding population, in order to point out both the
strongest functional values and the importance of the node degrees. Therefore, we grouped together all subjects
having the same age. After collecting the distribution of values of the related
matrices W, we thresholded each
matrix with the center of the bin enclosing the highest values.
Then, the resulting graphs of each subject
have been joined together to get a Group
Graph G(t), where links are weighted with the average values of each
member, representing the resting state description of the whole t-aged group.
a final step the common active links can be extracted from the Group Graphs G(t1),…,G(tn) of differently t1,…,tn aged
groups, so forming a Matching Graph M(t1,…,tn).
Preliminary analyses were performed on two groups of 25 year-old (N=4) and 62
year-old subjects (N=3).
Results and Discussion
The two groups showed both common (
M(25,62)) and age-specific connections
G(25) and
G(62), see figure 1). From the preliminary data, several interesting
results can be already discussed in view of a deeper analysis. First of all, the
most important resting state network areas, including the default mode and
frontal-executive networks, are included in
M(25,62), consistent with the literature
5. Second, the
comparison of
G(25) and
G(62) might suggest that the density of active links increases with age. Further,
several pathways detected in
G(62) are preserved in
M(25,62), which could be interpreted as
the age-related brain reserve capacity, i.e. the brain’s ability to effectively
manage the increasing changes in normal aging and to cope with pathological
A main role seems to be played by the precuneus and the
cingulate gyrus, which are characterized by high functional strength and
degree, consistent with their role as hubs in cognition, as previously
described in the literature
6. These findings seem to agree with the
results in
7, where a general correspondence between functional and
structural connectivity has been demonstrated across the cortex, pointing out
that the structural core contains many connecting hubs, and centrality appears
highest in the posterior cingulate cortex and in the Cuneus/Precuneus.
exploiting a recent mathematical model for assigning weights to the functional
connectivity, we have investigated changes and invariant properties of the
functional connectivity in two different age groups of healthy people at rest. Results
of this pilot study highlighted a number of interesting properties, whose
investigation deserves to be deepened and extended to other age groups across
the life span.
No acknowledgement found.References
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