Clemens Diwoky1, Renate Schreiber1, and Rudolf Zechner1
1Institute of Molecular Biosciences, University of Graz, Graz, Austria
Interscapular brown adipose tissue plays an important role in the maintenance of core body temperature of small mammals through a process known as nonshivering thermogenesis. A dense vascular system delivers oxygen for the thermogenesis and is needed for the transport of produced heat from iBAT towards thoracic and abdominal areas. Therefore iBAT blood perfusion is an important parameter for analyzing iBAT activation and function.
The FAIR ASL protocol developed within this study accounts for the high lipid content in the interscapular area as well as the structure of the iBAT vascular system.
iBAT blood perfusion was determined in wildtype mice and the used protocol is justified based on perfusion numbers determined from skeletal muscle.
A feasibility study was
carried out for the determination of blood perfusion based on arterial spin
labelling (ASL) with flow alternating inversion recovery (FAIR) in the interscapular
brown adipose tissue (iBAT). iBAT consists of brown adipocytes (fat cells)
containing numerous lipid droplets and a high concentration of mitochondria
which give rise to the primary function of iBAT as to generate body heat
without shivering. A dense network of micro vessels support the oxygen needed for
the thermogenesis process, therefore iBAT blood perfusion is a parameter of
relevance for iBAT functional analysis and phenotyping. So far, iBAT perfusion
has been investigated using near infrared fluorescence imaging [1] or through MRI
blood pool contrast agent administration [2]. In this study, quantitative ASL
based blood perfusion was measured in iBAT and skeletal muscle of C57BL/6
wildtype mice (n = 4) and in addition, total iBAT blood consumption was
estimated based on the perfusion rate and iBAT volumetry.
were carried out on a 7 T preclinical MRI platform with 640 mT/m gradient
strength and a 2 CH T/R cryo surface coil. Instead of echo planar imaging
(EPI), rapid acquisition with relaxation enhancement (RARE) was chosen as imaging
readout of the FAIR perfusion sequence in order to prevent off-resonant
distortions arising from the high lipid content of iBAT and the difficult to
shim morphology of the interscapular area. The used surface coil array covered
the heart and the lungs in order to ensure inversion of the inflowing blood
through the global adiabatic pulse of the FAIR sequence. Two consecutive captured
sagittal slices covered the left and right iBAT lobe as well as the
back (skeletal) muscle. The slice positions (Fig. 1) were chosen orthogonal to
the iBAT vascular system based on an a priori acquired time of flight angiography
(parameters: TR/TE = 17/3.8 ms, α = 50°, matrix = 256x256, 70 coronal slices,
~80 µm in-plane at a slice thickness of 0.15 mm, Taq = 4:5 min:s). Measuring 12
inversion time delays within the range of [50..1000] ms guaranteed good
coverage of the short background T1 (~400..500 ms) of iBAT and a TR of 10 s was
used for total spin relaxation. With a RARE factor of 16, one slice was
acquired within two shots. Other parameters were: total Taq/slice: 8:20 min:s;
TE = 36 ms; matrix: interpolated 128x64 for ~240 µm in-plane resolution at a
slice thickness of 1.5 mm. Perfusion rate was calculated as in [3], estimated blood
T1 = 2300 ms [4] and assumed tissue
blood participation coefficient λ = 0.83 [5]. For iBAT volumetry, T1 weighted
RARE acquisitions with the following parameters were used: TR/TE = 800/6.5 ms, RARE
factor = 2, matrix = 256x192, 15 slices, ~100 µm in-plane at a slice thickness of
1 mm, Taq = 57 s. iBAT volumes were determined by manual segmentation of the interscapular BAT
region within the acquired axial image slices.
were measured at an age of 11 weeks and anesthetized with isoflurane under body
temperature control (37°C) with isoflurane concentration kept at a minimum
(< 1.5 % in 1 l/min O2) in dependence of animals breath-rate (target: 80-100
The high iBAT perfusion
(Fig. 2b) is a result of a dense vessel network supplying the iBAT with blood
(Fig. 2a). Measured perfusion rates are summarized in Fig. 3. The blood
perfusion of skeletal muscle in WT mice was determined with an average mean
(left/right slice) of f
muscle =
82.3 ± 17.7 ml/100g/min by contrast to the perfusion of interscapular
BAT of f
iBAT = 518.0 ± 132.3 ml/100g/min. Segmentation of the total
iBAT volumes resulted in 119.6 ± 5.8 µl and, assuming a tissue density of 1 g/ml,
total blood flow into iBAT was determined to be 546 ± 186 µl/min.
The perfusion values acquired
from the back muscle of wildtype mice are in good agreement with literature [6]
and justify the applied in vivo measurement setup. The perfusion rate in iBAT is comparable to numbers
known from well perfused myocardial tissue [3] indicating a high grade of blood
perfusion even in the thermoneutral state the animals had been kept in during
measurement. However, at this point it is important to mention that different studies
reported that isoflurane anesthesia, which has a vasodilatory effect, modulates
blood perfusion in various tissue types [6, 7]. In addition, the absolute perfusion values in iBAT presented here underlie an uncertainty
arising from the assumed participation coefficient of blood, actually derived
for myocardial tissue [6].
Conclusion/Future Work
Quantitative blood
perfusion was demonstrated in the interscapular brown adipose tissue. Future
work should clarify the impact of anesthesia to the observed perfusion rates
and future measurements will investigate iBAT blood perfusion during
cold-induced activated iBAT thermogenesis.
No acknowledgement found.References
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