Anthropomorphic phantoms are an essential tool for the
validation of image registration algorithms of multimodal data and are important
for quantification experiments in 1H and 23Na MR imaging.
A human thorax phantom was developed with insertable lung, liver,
rib cage modules and tracking spheres. Evaluation regarding the tissue-mimicking characteristics with 1H and 23Na MR and CT imaging shows that
the modules possess T1, T2 and HU values comparable to those of human
tissues. This work presents an MR- and CT-compatible phantom which allows
experimental studies for quantitative evaluation of deformable, multimodal
image registration algorithms and realistic multi-nuclei MR imaging techniques.Purpose
Image-guided interventions rely on real-time
imaging and the fusion of data sets with previous images acquired by CT and MRI. Image registration
algorithms have to take up various challenges such as varying resolutions,
slice thicknesses and altered patient positions between the different acquisitions.
Anthropomorphic phantoms for validation of algorithms under near real-world
conditions serve as an important additional stage between geometric phantoms and in vivo
Methods and Materials
The anthropomorphic thorax phantom consists of four main
modules placed in an acrylic case that can be flooded with water for
MR imaging (Fig. 1).
A lung module is built from two breathing
bags (volume of 2 l each) filled with cubical natural rubber foam (side
length 5 or 20 mm). Inflation can be performed manually by a connected
resuscitator. Inferiorly, a movable diaphragm is retracted by rubber bands and causes deflation of the breathing bags.
Two balloon-shaped
liver modules (weight 1500 g each) are filled with distilled water. Approximate tissue parameters are achieved by further adding 2.37 ppm gadoterate meglumine (T1 modifier),
1.3 % agarose (T2 modifier), 3 % carrageenan (mechanical
stabilizer) and 0.03 % sodium azide (preservative) based
on Hattori et al.1 Na+ concentration was set to 20 mM.2
Several spherical inserts representing tumors (30 mm diameter)
were added to one of the liver modules. Na+ concentrations of the inserts were varied in a physiological range
(30/40/80/154 mM Na+).
Two rib cage modules can be inserted on top of lung
and liver modules. They either consist of artificial ribs (dimension 15×10×200 mm3) made of epoxy (structural support) and 19.6/39.2 %
CaCO3 (HU modifier) or porcine ribs.
Isometric tracking spheres consisting of an MR visible sphere (30 mm
diameter) enclosed by a CT visible shell (40 mm diameter) were also designed (Fig. 2).
CT data were
acquired with a Somatom Force (Siemens Healthcare, Erlangen) using a convolution kernel Br36d (kVp=110 kV). A ROI-based HU analysis with ImageJ was
conducted. CT images were rendered to 3D volume data sets
using ITK software.3 The motion of the diaphragm was evaluated at two positions during five
breathing cycles.
MR imaging was performed on a 3 T whole-body scanner (Magnetom Skyra, Siemens
Healthcare, Erlangen) with a 16-channel body coil using turbo spin echo
sequences (TE=[15, 30, 40, 50, 60, 120, 240] ms,
TI=[250, 500, 800, 1000, 2000, 5000] ms, 2.3 mm
resolution, 300×300 mm2 FOV). T1 and T2 relaxation times were obtained by pixel-wise fitting. 23Na
imaging was performed with a double-resonant transmit receive array using a density-adapted three-dimensional radial gradient echo sequence (TR=100 ms, TE=0.49 ms, 4.0 mm resolution, 348×348 mm2 FOV, 10000 spokes) as presented by Haneder et al.4
Results and Discussion
The HU values of the lung filling (-801 to
-668 HU) are comparable to human lung tissue
5 and depend on the state
of compression of the foam cubes similar to human lungs. The diaphragm moves 26 mm on average
during breathing cycles which is in accordance with literature values (18.8 mm
to 38.2 mm).
6 The liver filling has a T
relaxation time comparable to human liver (measured 790±28 ms, literature 812 ms
6) with a relative standard
deviation of 3.5 % (Fig. 3). The T
2 relaxation time is larger
than human liver values (measured 65±1 ms, literature 42 ms
7, Fig. 3). However, the T
2 relaxation time is adjustable during future construction by increasing the agarose concentration. Spherical inserts
representing tumors are well distinguishable in
1H and
23Na MR
imaging (Fig. 4). HU values of the artificial ribs (218±56 HU/339±121 HU) are comparable to human bone
4 and offer a simple geometric structure suitable for registration algorithm validation. Porcine ribs are geometrically
more complex and essential for near-realistic bone imitation. The tracking spheres
are well detectable in both CT and MRI and serve as multimodal landmarks. The parameters of the tracking speres can be adjusted in the following
ranges to receive a distinct signal: HU value from 150 HU to 900 HU, T
1 relaxation
time from 550 ms to 2000 ms, T
2 relaxation time from 40 ms
to 200 ms.
This work proposes an anthropomorphic
multimodal thorax phantom which fulfills the demands of a simple,
inexpensive system with interchangeable modules. It enables experimental studies
for quantitative evaluation of multimodal, dynamic and deformable image registration as well as multi-nuclear MR imaging techniques. The modular design
permits to complement the present setup with additional modules. In the future, this phantom will be used for validation of quantitative MR measurements
(perfusion, density, diffusion) which is in line with current developements
for reliable and comparable data in addition to diagnostic images.
This research project is part of the
Research Campus M²OLIE and funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education
and Research (BMBF) within the Framework “Forschungscampus: public-private
partnership for Innovations” under the funding code 13GW0092D.References
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3. Yushkevich et al. User-guided 3D active contour segmentation of anatomical structures:Significantly improved efficiency and reliability. Neuroimage. 2006 Jul 1;31(3):1116-28
4. Haneder et al. Quantitative and qualitative (23)Na MR imaging of the human kidneys at 3 T: before and after a water load. Radiology. 2011 Sep;260(3):857-65
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