Wei Zha1, Stanley J Kruger1, Robert V Cadman1, Kevin M Johnson1,2, Andrew D Hahn1, Scott K Nagle1,2,3, and Sean B Fain1,2,4
1Department of Medical Physics, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, United States, 2Department of Radiology, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, United States, 3Department of Pediatrics, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, United States, 4Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, United States
Oxygen-enhanced MRI using 3D radial ultrashort echo time
sequence (OE-MRI) is a promising alternative to evaluate ventilation and
defects with wider accessibility and better affordability. Eleven cystic fibrosis (CF) subjects with
different severities of disease underwent OE-MRI and HP-MRI. The disease
severity ranks on the percent signal enhancement map (PSE) derived from OE-MRI
was compared to the whole lung ventilation defect percent (VDP) measured from
HP-MRI as a reference standard using Spearman rank correlation. The moderate
association between VDP and PSE suggest OE-MRI shows promise for
differentiating disease severity in CF.Purpose
To assess the capability of oxygen-enhanced 3D radial
ultrashort echo time (UTE) MRI (OE-MRI) in detecting disease severity of cystic
fibrosis (CF) using ventilation defect percent (VDP) from hyperpolarized
helium-3 MRI (HP-MRI) as a reference standard.
Eleven (11) CF subjects with various severities were
enrolled in HIPPA-compliant studies with IRB approval. Each underwent OE-MRI and
HP-MRI scans at 1.5 T (Signa HDx, GE Healthcare, Waukesha, WI).
OE-MRI: The air-breathing (V021) and 100% oxygen-breathing (V100)
UTE images were acquired sequentially with the following scan parameters: 3.2
mm isotropic resolution, FOV = 32x32 cm, TR/TE=2.9/0.08 ms, flip angle = 8°,
with an 8-channel cardiac surface coil (GE Healthcare, Waukesha, WI). The total
scan time is 9 min consisting of the following intervals: 3.5 min.
air-breathing at V021, 2 min. wash-in to avoid transient effects,
followed by 3.5 min. of 100% O2-breathing. Real-time gating to
end-expiration with a 50% acceptance window was used to minimize respiratory
motion and obtain consistent lung inflation. V021 and V100
images were reconstructed offline at high (0.7 mm3) resolution for
anatomy and at 1cm3 using a Fermi filter to improve signal-to-noise
ratio for OE MRI.1
HP-MRI: The 3He scan used a fast 2D multislice gradient-echo
sequence with the following parameters: TR/TE = 6.5/2.9 ms; flip angle = 7°; FOV
= 40 x 40 cm, slice thickness = 10 mm. Proton MRI was performed prior to the
3He scan using a 2D single-shot multislice fast spin echo sequence under
equivalent breath-hold conditions with acquisition matrix, field of view, slice
thickness, and position matching the 3He scan.
Analysis: V021 and V100 images were
intensity corrected using the open source N4ITK2 and co-registered using
ANTs B-spline deformable registration3. Density changes in normoxic vs. hyperoxic
breathing were corrected using the adapted slope model.4 The corrected V021 was given by V021C=T(V021)/det(JT)S where S=log(T(V021))−log(V100)log(det(JT)),
T is the deformable transformation and det(JT) represents the
Jacobian determinant of the deformation field. The density corrected percent
signal enhancement (PSE) was calculated as PSE=(V100−V021C)/V021C.
A radiologist with seven years of experience blindly and independently ranked the
subjects for disease severity from 1 to 11 with 1 being least severe.
Proton images were registered to 3He using 3D affine
registration by ANTs.5 The whole lung VDP was measured by the adaptive K-means
Relative severity rankings from OE-MRI and VDP from HP-MRI
were compared using Spearman rank correlation in SAS v9.4 (SAS Institute Inc.,
Cary NC).
Lung volumes measured at V
021 were consistently
larger than at V
100 (
Table 1).
An example of unregistered vs. registered and density corrected PSE map demonstrates
improved alignment (orange arrow in
1), while the density correction accounted for local parenchymal density
changes that influence in perceived O
2 concentration. Regional patterns of ventilation
defects were not consistently well matched between HP-MRI and OE-MRI (
Figure 2). However, disease severity, determined
from OE-MRI alone (
Table 2), were positively
related to the whole lung VDP values (
= 0.62.
p = 0.046, 95% confidence
interval = [0.015, 0.89]).
The consistent bias in lung volumes observed in V
021 relative
to V
100 reflects the lower density in V
021. The applied deformable registration
and density correction improved the spatial consistency of PSE maps with
anatomy in the presence of systematic physiological volume differences. OE-MRI
may ultimately have advantages over other functional MRI techniques in its
potential for dissemination. Future work will investigate the waveforms from
the bellow signal to assess the effect of uneven breathing, and develop a
histogram based approach for quantifying regional disease in PSE maps rather
than depending strictly on ordinal ranking.
OE-MRI shows promise in characterizing disease severity of
CF using HP-MRI as a reference standard. Further advancements in data
acquisition, post-processing, and analysis will improve the capability of
OE-MRI in regional defect assessment in obstructive lung disease.
We acknowledge support from GE Healthcare, NIH UL1TR000427, and NIH KL2TR000428.References
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3D radial ultrashort echo time magnetic resonance imaging in the healthy human
lung. NMR in Biomed. 2014; 27:1535-1541.
2.Tustison N, Avants B, Cook P, et al., N4ITK:
Improved N3 bias correction, IEEE Trans Med Imaging. 2010; 29(6):1310-1320.
3.Tustison N and Avants B. Explicit B-spline
regularization in diffeomorphic image registration. Frontiers in
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4.Staring M, Bakker M, Stolk J, et al., Towards
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6.Zha W, Kruger S, Cadman R, et al. An adaptive
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