Neville D Gai1, Ashkan A Malayeri1, and David A Bluemke1
1Radiology & Imaging Sciences, NIH, Bethesda, MD, United States
imaging of short T2 species requires efficient suppression of longer T2 tisues
to maximize short T2 contrast and dynamic range. While inversion with segmented
k-space acquisition in Cartesian schemes is straightforward, inversion with segmented
k-space UTE radial acquisition offers some challenges since the center of
k-space is sampled with each acquisition resulting in magnetization modulation
related artifacts. Here we perform 3D inversion recovery dual-echo UTE imaging
of lung parenchyma using a reordered k-space radial scheme to perform artifact
free high contrast imaging of native lung parenchyma.Purpose
To develop a
technique for obtaining high contrast images of native lung parenchyma using
ultrashort echo time imaging.
Effective contrast
agent free imaging of short T2 species requires efficient suppression of
longer T2 species to maximize short T2 contrast and dynamic range. Previously,
2D dual inversion recovery UTE imaging[1], dual-echo inversion recovery UTE[2,3]
and long T2 saturation UTE[4] have been employed for high contrast cartilage,
bone, tendon and myelin imaging. Most of the techniques are 2D and acquire one
radial line per inversion or saturation pulse and work well in areas with
limited motion such as head or knee but are not suitable for lung imaging. In
this work, we design a scheme for effective suppression of longer T2 species in
the lungs using an inversion recovery dual echo ultrashort echo time (IR-DUTE) 3D
frame work with respiratory triggered (RT) segmented acquisition.
A hyperbolic-secant adiabatic inversion
pulse with the following parameters was utilized to saturate short T2* lung while
inverting spins from the longer T2 species: B1
max = 13.5µT, µ=4.35, b=969 rad/s, pulse width = 18ms, BW = 1.34kHz. The
offset frequency was set to 220Hz to cover both fat and water peaks[2]. Bloch
simulations were performed to ascertain magnetization from lung, fat, muscle
and blood. Since inversion pulse was targeted for fat, TE
2 need not be chosen to
be in-phase with TE
1 and was fixed based on conflicting requirements of higher SNR
and lower blurring[5]. Subtraction of the second echo image from the first
provides a theoretical (Bloch simulation) reduction in fat, muscle and vessel signal of 98%, 97% and
99% while reducing lung signal by just 14%. The spokes in different segments were
reordered in a Modulo 2 forward-reverse scheme to provide near symmetric
modulation of magnetization and were compared with a standard sequential acquisition
scheme. The modified 3D sequence was used to scan six volunteers on a 3T
Philips Achieva scanner (version 3.2.3 software). The following imaging
parameters were used: FOV=38 cm, TR/TE1/TE2=4.2/0.1/1.7 ms, θ = 5.5°, TI=320
ms, 128 spokes/segment, 512 spokes, RT, res = 1.5x1.5x5mm3, ~35
slices, scan time: ~8:30. The contrast between lung and fat and
lung and muscle was assessed by drawing ROIs in the relevant tissue type in IR-DUTE
and corresponding UTE images. Positive lung CNR was measured as (SNR
Normalized M
values from Bloch simulations were 0.24 (lung), 0.11 (fat), 0.27 (muscle) and
0.21 (blood). The point spread function (central 50 mm FOV) for fat before and after reordering
of spokes from sequential to a Modulo-2 forward-reverse scheme is shown in
Figure 1. Comparison first echo phantom and in-vivo images after inversion for
the two ordering schemes are shown in Figures 2 and 3. The linear ordering
scheme results in noticeable artifacts from fat compared to the acquisition
scheme devised to provide uniform modulation of magnetization. Figure 4 shows
two example slices after subtraction of echoes and provides enhanced lung
parenchyma signal as expected. Mean (std) of CNR values before and after
contrast manipulation are given in the Table 1.
Muscle and
fat suppression can be helpful in better characterization of lesions that are
close to the chest wall or mediastinum. In addition, fat suppression in the chest wall decreases artifacts related to patient motion.
Effective suppression of a tissue in
segmented acquisition is easily achieved in Cartesian imaging but may result in
artifacts in segmented radial imaging as shown here. This is because the center
of k-space is well defined in Cartesian acquisition by one phase encoding line
whereas each k-space acquisition begins at the center for UTE radial imaging. A golden
angle scheme would not be effective with the limited number of shots per k
encoding used in RT acquisition here.
Lung parenchyma has roughly 1/10th
the proton density of muscle [6]. As a result, subtraction targeted to muscle
but inversion targeted to fat still yields a low lung-muscle CNR. Fat
suppression could be employed but does not achieve the same efficacy when the
segment duration is long as is the case here. Relative motion between the two
echoes can result in slight misregistration between the subtracted images so that
finer structures such as vessels may not be effectively suppressed.
3D segmented inversion recovery dual echo time technique with k-space
reordering was shown to achieve effective long T2 and fat suppression for
native lung parenchyma imaging. Full coverage of lungs with respiratory
triggering can be achieved in a clinically feasible time.
No acknowledgement found.References
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2010;63:447-455 [2] C. Li et al. MRM 2012;68:680-689.
[2] J. Du et al. Neuroimage
2014;87:32-41. [4] P. Larson et al. MRM
2006;56:94-103. [5] J. Rahmer et al. MRM
2006; 55:1075-1082. [6] R. Mulkern et al. Con. Mag. Res. A 2014; 43:29-53.