Assessment of Variation induced by Physiological Motion in Multi-Slice Renal Diffusion-Weighted MRI at 3T
Iris FRIEDLI1, Lindsey Alexandra CROWE1, Sophie DE SEIGNEUX2, and Jean-Paul VALLEE1

1Department of Radiology, Geneva University Hospitals, Geneva, Switzerland, 2Department of Nephrology, Geneva University Hospitals, Geneva, Switzerland


Diffusion-Weighted Imaging (DWI) allows the non-invasive assessment of the whole kidney. However, multi-slice DWI remains challenging because of artifacts, such as motion, partly related to the multi-slice acquisition. Despite the use of physiological triggering schemes to limit respiratory artifacts, kidney images can be impacted by the presence of inhomogeneous signal dropout causing slice-to-slice signal variation of signal intensity and Apparent Diffusion Coefficient (ADC). In this study, we highlight the presence of signal dropout in DWI and ADC maps, and present feasibility of a novel motion and signal correction algorithm to provide robust renal DWI.


Diffusion-Weighted Imaging (DWI) has demonstrated its potential in research applications for renal pathologies(1,2). Compared to biopsy, DWI is non-invasive and the whole kidney can be imaged and assessed. However, renal multi-slice DWI acquisition has been considered too challenging because artifacts, such as motion, partly related to the multi-slice acquisition, limit the analysis(3,4). Despite the use of physiological triggering schemes to limit respiratory artifacts, native kidney images can be impacted by the presence of signal dropout (local and non-consistent) causing slice variation. The mean of several slices or one single slice is commonly analyzed and variability between slices is lacking in the literature. We compared first the inter-slice variations between a standard fast gradient echo (GRE) and DWI sequences. Then, an algorithm inspired by a study minimizing bulk motion on cardiac DWI(5) was proposed and tested to reduce the variability of Monoexponential Apparent Diffusion Coefficient (ADC) in renal multi-slice acquisition.


Four healthy volunteers were scanned on a PRISMA 3T MR (Siemens AG) with the spine and abdominal coils. The MR protocol included a GRE sequence with TR/TE=2000/95ms, resolution 1.4x1.4x5mm, GRAPPA acceleration factor 2, bandwidth 780Hz/pixel, 30 slices; and three single-shot SE-EPI DWI with sequence parameters TR/TE=2000/69ms, resolution 2x2x5mm, GRAPPA acceleration factor 3, bandwidth 2500Hz/pixel, 10 slices, respiratory navigator (PACE, prospective acquisition correction) and diffusion gradients (3 orthogonal directions, 10 b-values [0-900seconds/mm2]). Assessment of GRE and DWI slice variability before correction: One Region-Of-Interest (ROI) with both cortex and medulla was drawn on 4 consecutives slices of GRE and DWI. Care was taken to maintain similar locations over each sequence. In DWI, the ROI was drawn on b0 images and propagated through all b-values with manual registration. The mean signal intensity (SI) of all voxels in the ROI was calculated. The Pearson standard deviation (PSD) between the SI of the 4 consecutive slices was used to quantify slice variation. To compare between sequences, GRE and DWI, PSD was expressed as the percentage of the mean SI. Motion correction algorithm: Registration of individual images and correction of signal dropout were performed with an in-house developed software using MATLAB®. The images of the 3 references acquisitions were registered for each b-values with gradient images. One acquisition was used as reference and the 2 others shifted pixel-by-pixel to maximize the gradient image product. From this, a reconstructed set of images was rebuilt with the pixel provided by the highest intensity value of the 3 acquisitions. Assessment of DWI slices variability after correction: PSD of the 3 reference acquisitions was averaged and compared to the PSD of the reconstructed images for each b-values. ADC variability: Quantitative ADC maps were also calculated on a voxel-by-voxel basis with OsiriX© ADC map plugin and used to compare the variability in ADC between slices before and after correction.


Uncorrected, DWI images were impacted by signal dropout causing slices variations. This artifact was reduced in the corrected DWI compared to the 3 references DWI by the use of correction algorithm as shown in figure 1. The slice variations were on average 2.7% ± 2.9% in GRE images, 7% ± 1.2% [range: 2% to 17%] in uncorrected DWI and 4% ± 0.6% in corrected DWI. The signal dropout led to hyperintense area in ADC map as shown in the Multiplanar Reconstruction (MPR) of healthy volunteers kidney (Figure 2). Figure 3 represents the PSD of the uncorrected DWI (in red) with the error bars for the standard deviation between the 3 acquisitions, compared to the corrected DWI (in green) and the GRE (in blue) for each volunteer. In 36/40 b-values analyzed, the corrected DWI provided less variability than uncorrected with a reduced PSD between slices. The reduction of DWI slices variation led to a reduced slice variation in ADC map as shown in figure 4.

Discussion and Conclusions

We attempt to highlight the presence of signal dropout in DWI and ADC maps despite the use of a respiratory navigator. There is a real advantage in using a motion correction algorithm to reduce slice variations and improve the quality of renal DWI. An important factor gained is the reduction of signal dropout leading to less variability in multi-slice renal DWI. Despite the cost of 3 single-shot EPI acquisitions, this technique can reduce motion-induced artifact and provide robust renal DWI data for further quantification and detection of renal abnormality in clinical applications.


This work was supported by grants from the Clinical Research Center of the Medicine Faculty of Geneva University and Geneva University Hospital, as well as the Leenaards and Louis-Jeantet foundations and in part by the Centre for Biomedical Imaging (CIBM) of EPFL, the Swiss National Foundation, University of Geneva and the University Hospitals of Geneva and Lausanne.


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2.Zhao J, Wang ZJ, Liu M, et al. Assessment of renal fibrosis in chronic kidney disease using diffusion-weighted MRI. Clinical radiology 2014;69(11):1117-1122.

3.Friston KJ, Williams S, Howard R, Frackowiak RS, Turner R. Movement-related effects in fMRI time-series. Magn Reson Med 1996;35(3):346-355.

4.Gedamu EL, Gedamu A. Subject movement during multislice interleaved MR acquisitions: prevalence and potential effect on MRI-derived brain pathology measurements and multicenter clinical trials of therapeutics for multiple sclerosis. J Magn Reson Imaging 2012;36(2):332-343.

5.Rapacchi S, Wen H, Viallon M, et al. Low b-value diffusion-weighted cardiac magnetic resonance imaging: initial results in humans using an optimal time-window imaging approach. Investigative radiology 2011;46(12):751-758.


Figure 1: Example of one slice of the left kidney of a healthy volunteer after correction compared to 3 standard DWI acquisitions, which served as reference. Pink arrows point to areas of signal dropout in DWI. The parenchyma of the corrected image is more homogenous.

Figure 2: Example of ADC Multiplanar Reconstruction of healthy volunteer kidney. Signal dropout in DWI caused a white stripe area in ADC map

Comparison of the slice variability with the PSD measured with the GRE (blue) and for each of the 10b-values. In red is the PSD average value of the uncorrected DWI (error bars for the standard deviation between 3 acquisitions). A reduced PSD calculated in the corrected images (green) represent less slice variability.

Figure 4: The graph shows the reduction of slice ADC variability with comparison of Pearson Standard Deviation (PSD) before and after correction for the ADC map. Before correction, all PSD were more than 5%.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)