Zhe Liu1, Pascal Spincemaille2, and Yi Wang1,2
1Biomedical Engineering, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, United States, 2Radiology, Weill Cornell Medical College, New York, NY, United States
The quality of
Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping (QSM) depends critically on a correct
estimation of total magnetic field, which may sometimes be degraded by phase
unwrapping failure. We propose to bypass the traditional field estimation and
phase unwrapping steps and estimate both background field and local susceptibility
distribution directly from complex GRE images, which is referred to as dcQSM.
Since no field is explicitly existent in our method, dcQSM eliminates phase
unwrapping errors in tradition methods.Purpose
Quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM) allows quantification of
magnetic biomarkers such as iron, calcium and gadolinium in the brain, blood or
[1]. Traditional QSM is generated from gradient echo (GRE) data using
steps of field estimation, field/phase unwrapping, background removal and local
dipole inversion
[1] as shown in the left of Fig.1. Traditional QSM has a major
drawback that an error in field unwrapping, often occurring at brain boundary
due to low SNR, can cause severe artifacts in the final susceptibility map. Here
we propose a novel QSM method directly from the complex GRE data
(dcQSM) that requires neither field mapping nor phase unwrapping, by fitting both
the background field and the local susceptibility distribution directly to
original complex GRE data.
The optimization
model for nonlinear background removal is:
with I_{j} the complex GRE image for the j-th echo, TE_{j} the j-th echo time, d the dipole kernel and \chi_{B} the background susceptibility distribution responsible for background
field inside the region of interest M. This is a nonlinear version of projection onto
dipole field (PDF) [2] model but, additionally, fields are no longer explicitly
obtained by instead fitting the susceptibility directly to complex images I_{j}, hence bypassing the field estimation as well as phase unwrapping. From the estimated \chi_B^*, the effect of the background inhomogeneity can be removed from the original
complex GRE data:
I_{Lj}=I_je^{i2\pi TE_j(d\star\chi_B^*)} (2)
Here the modified GRE data I_{Lj} are complex
images whose phase is induced by local field only. The local susceptibility \chi_L^* in M can now be directly estimated from this complex signal:
\chi_L^{*}=arg\min_{\chi_L}\sum_j^{N_B}\parallel I_{Lj} - \mid I_{Lj} \mid e^{-i2\pi TE_j(d\star\chi_L)} \parallel_2^2+\lambda\parallel M_G\triangledown\chi_L \parallel_1 (3)
Here the binary mask M_{G} is derived from anatomic magnitude image as in traditional QSM [1]. This dcQSM differs from traditional QSM [1] in that we are fitting to multi-echo complex
signal rather than the local field. Both minimization problems (1) and (3) are
solved using the iterative Gauss-Newton linearization and Conjugate Gradient search [1].
We applied the proposed dcQSM on an agarose phantom
in which 4 balloons filled with Gadolinium solutions at prepared
susceptibilities of 0.4, 0.8, 1.6 and 3.2ppm. The phantom was scanned at 3T (GE
Healthcare, Waukesha, WI) with FA=15, FOV=18cm, 0.8\times0.8\times0.8 mm3 and echo spacing
3.5ms. We estimated mean
susceptibility inside each balloon from the QSM. We also applied our proposed dcQSM on 5 human brain data to test its
robustness against phase unwrapping problem. Subjects were scanned at 3T (Siemens Skyra), FA=15, FOV=24cm, 0.9\times0.9\times2 mm3 and echo spacing 5ms. For both phantom and in
vivo experiment, dcQSM was compared with traditional QSM.
In the
phantom experiment, as shown in Fig. 1, both traditional QSM and proposed dcQSM achieved comparable estimation
accuracy for balloon susceptibilities (traditional QSM: 0.48, 0.84, 1.61, 3.13
ppm; Proposed dcQSM: 0.45, 0.84, 1.62, 3.25 ppm). In an example from
in vivo
experiments, the traditional method didn’t generate a correct local field due to
phase unwrapping failure, resulting in a shadow artifact in QSM in Fig. 2. In
contrast, the proposed dcQSM method reconstructed a susceptibility map without
the artifact.
Our proposed dcQSM removes the need for phase
unwrapping by directly fitting the background field to the complex raw GRE
data using nonlinear optimization (1). This dcQSM method achieved the same
accuracy as the traditional method in phantom susceptibility estimation. In
clinical MRI data, dcQSM is robust against the phase unwrapping errors sometimes
seen with the traditional method. In the future work, we will focus on
developing faster algorithm in solving our nonlinear background removal (1) and
local susceptibility inversion problem (3).
proposed dcQSM algorithm eliminates the need for phase unwrapping in
traditional QSM.
We acknowledge support from NIH grants RO1 EB013443 and RO1 NS090464References
1. Liu, Tian, et al. "Nonlinear formulation of the magnetic field to source relationship for robust quantitative susceptibility mapping." Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 69.2 (2013): 467-476.
2. Liu, Tian, et al. "A novel background field removal method for MRI using projection onto dipole fields (PDF)." NMR in Biomedicine 24.9 (2011): 1129-1136.