A direct and non-invasive measure of tissue O2 would be a major advance. O2 is paramagnetic and can thus, in principle, be quantified with NMR/MRI. However, such measurements are challenged/masked by two competing effects: (i) magnetization transfer between 1H spins of tissue water and the solid-like macromolecular matrix (e.g., proteins, cell membranes) and (ii) blood flow, which can bring equilibrium-polarized 1H spins into the interrogated tissue volume. We describe a strategy for mitigating these confounds and quantify the direct relationship between pO2 and the MR-measured longitudinal relaxation rate constant, R1.INTRODUCTION
Tissue oxygen content is a critical determinant of metabolic functional status. Development of a non-invasive method to quantitatively map (image) tissue oxygen content (pO
2) would be a major advance, enabling assessment of physiologic competence in response to stimulus, disease, and therapeutic intervention. It remains under appreciated that water
1H longitudinal relaxation in mammalian tissue is well modeled as bi-exponential and it is the experimentally accessible exponential rate constant R
1,slow, characterizing the long-lived relaxation component, that is linearly related to tissue pO
2: R
1,slow = R
1,0,slow + r
2. Following appropriate calibration to determine R
1,0,slow and r
1,slow (O
2 relaxivity), an MRI-determined R
1,slow map can, in principle, be converted to a map of tissue pO
2. However, MR-based quantification of tissue pO
2 is challenged by two competing apparent longitudinal relaxation mechanisms: (i) magnetization transfer (MT, characterized by R
1,fast) between the
1H spins of tissue water and of the solid-like macromolecular matrix (e.g., proteins, cell membranes) and (ii) blood flow, which can bring equilibrium-polarized
1H spins into the interrogated tissue volume. Herein, we demonstrate that by mitigating the relaxation effects of (i) MT (via discrimination of R
1,slow from R
1,fast) and (ii) blood flow (via non-slice-selective inversion pulses and gradient-enabled IVIM-based vascular spin dephasing), the direct relationship between pO
2 and tissue water longitudinal relaxation can be quantified and tissue pO
2 determined/mapped.
Phantoms. Glutaraldehyde-cross-linked 15% (wt) x-BSA/PBS (bovine serium albumin/phosphate-buffered saline) tissue mimics/phantoms were prepared at various pO
2 by bubbling varying mixtures of O
2 and N
2. Sample pO
2 was measured by an Integra® Licox® Clark-type (platinum) electrode.
•In vivo. Normal female BALB/c mice breathed alternate mixtures of 100% O
2, 12.5% O2/87.5% N
2, and 95% O2/5% CO
2 (mixed to modulate tissue pO
2). An OxyLite® optical microprobe (“gold standard”) was implanted into either the right thalamus or thigh muscle to determine tissue-pO
2 in vivo concurrent with MR monitoring.
•MRI. Modified Fast Inversion Recovery (MFIR) Point RESolved Spectroscopy (PRESS) data were acquired in x-BSA phantoms and mice: x-BSA - 4.7 tesla; 64 TI from 0.0075 to 6 seconds; non-slice-selective inversion pulse; voxel dimensions = 4x4x4 mm
3, two=averages, scan time = 9 min 4 sec; muscle/thalamus in vivo - 1x1x1 mm
3 one average, scan time = 4 min 33 sec.
•R1 Determination. Relaxation rate constants were estimated using a bi-exponential relaxation model yielding: (i) a “fast” relaxation rate constant (R
1,fast, i.e., MT-dominated relaxation of
1H spins proximal to the macromolecular matrix, ~20 sec
-1) and (ii) a “slow” relaxation rate constant (R
1,slow, i.e.,
1H spins remote from the macromolecular matrix, ~0.6 sec
-1). Parameter estimates were obtained using Bayesian-probability-theory-based methods:
•x-BSA phantoms. In the x-BSA phantoms, only R
1,slow is sensitive to dissolved O
2 (
Figure 1).
•In vivo. Employing a blood-flow-mitigating PRESS sequence (non-slice-selective inversion pulse and gradient-enabled IVIM-suppression of vascular
1H spins) and bi-exponential data modeling, brain and muscle r
1,slow (pO
2 tissue relaxivity in vivo) was determined as 0.56 x 10
-3 ± 0.09 x 10
-3 and 0.69 x 10
-3 ± 0.15 x 10
-3, respectively (summarized in Table inlaid in
Figure 2).
We report a milestone in the development of a translatable MRI/MRS-based method for quantitatively mapping tissue pO
2. The direct relationship between pO
2 and R
1 (r
1,slow) can be, and has been herein, resolved/quantified by: (i) isolating R
1,slow from MT-dominated R
1,fast and (ii) using non-slice-selective inversion pulses and gradient-enabled IVIM-suppression of vascular
1H spins) to mitigate blood flow - Quantitative MR Oximetry (QMRO).
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