The use of multi-channel receivers is essential for acquiring B1+ with sufficient SNR to calculate electrical properties. Combining the
individual channel images prior to these calculations typically involves a
SENSE-like method or the use of some reference image. In this work we present a
modified version of coil compression to provide an automatic
and simplified multi-channel array data combination for high SNR phase-based
conductivity mapping. Purpose
properties tomography (EPT) is a method to calculate the conductivity and
permittivity of a material from measured
B+1 fields using MRI. These calculations
result in high noise amplification, warranting the use of high signal-to-noise
ratio (SNR) images. Multi-channel receivers can be used to improve SNR of the
images, but the individual coil data must be combined while leaving the image
phase intact. Combining coil data prior to EPT calculations provides the
benefit of eliminating phase artifacts in areas of low signal, which would lead
to highly inaccurate electrical properties. Current approaches to combining phase
data include SENSE-like methods
1 and methods using some sort of
reference coil
2,3. We present an adaptation of coil compression
to optimally combine the
B+1 data such that the phase is preserved for
EPT. This method requires no reference images or sensitivity maps. We
demonstrate the SNR gains and reconstruction efficacy with phase-based
conductivity mapping
σ=1ωμ0∇2ϕ+ where
σ is conductivity, ω is the scanner frequency, µ
0 is vacuum
permeability, and φ+ is the phase of
array data was compressed into one virtual coil using the singular value
decomposition (SVD), which provides the globally optimal combination of k-space
data. The procedure for a fully-sampled slice with dimensions [nx, ny] from a
N-channel array is as follows:
1. Perform a 2D IFFT for each coil image
and place into a matrix X, which is size [N, nx*ny], such that each row is the
vectorized k-space data from a different coil.
2. Calculate the SVD: X = UΣVH.
Keep only the first column of U, the first element of Σ, and the first row of VH.
Multiply these truncated matrices to form the virtual coil k-space, XV1.
spatially varying combination can be calculated in a similar manner. This
requires an alignment of the singular vectors to ensure the compressed image is
smooth, as described by Zhang5. This local compression technique is called geometric decomposition coil compression with alignment, GCC-Align in this work.
phase from each compressed coil was divided by two to approximate the transmit
phase for conductivity mapping, calculated using a model-based method7.
was acquired for a saline phantom and a healthy control subject’s brain, each
with an 8-channel receiver (GE Healthcare, Waukesha, WI) and a 32-channel
receiver (Nova Medical) on a GE Discovery MR750 3.0T scanner. For the phantom,
a spin echo (SE) scan was performed with TE/TR = 11/1000 ms, FOV = 24cm x 24cm,
256x256 pixels, 3mm slices. Nominal values of the phantom were measured using
the coaxial probe method8. For the brain, a SE scan was performed
with TE/TR = 14/1000 ms, FOV = 24cm x 24cm, 256x256 pixels, 3mm slices.
levels in the virtual coils were compared in a uniform spherical phantom using
the same acquisition parameters as the saline phantom. The noise variance was
calculated as the variance of the residuals after fitting a parabolic surface
to phase data in a 15x15 pixel sliding window.
1 shows that while both compression techniques provide substantial noise
reduction in the phase images, the GCC-Align method provides a more uniform
noise profile across the object.
2 and 3 show representative coils from the multi-channel arrays and the respective
coil combinations for a saline phantom. The arrow in Figure 3 shows an
open-ended fringe line in a low signal region. This problematic feature is
eliminated in the virtual coil. The phantom conductivity maps are shown in
Figure 4, along with the measured values. Human subject conductivity maps are
shown in Figure 5.
the SE image data to a single virtual coil decreased the noise variance by at
least an order of magnitude. For a small increase in computation, we create a
more uniform noise profile with the GCC-Align virtual coil. The conductivity
maps shown in Figure 4 show values consistent with those measured, but the GCC-Align images have less
variation farther from the coil. While true values for the brain are not
available, the higher conductivity of the cerebrospinal fluid is easily
identified. The GCC-Align image shows more uniformity in the white matter, as
evidenced by fewer black patches, due to reduced phase noise.
We have applied the idea of multi-channel compression to virtual coils
for the purpose of high SNR phase maps for EPT. This increases the accuracy of
the reconstruction, eliminates the need for reference coils in phase
combination, and can be done for the entire FOV or in a locally-varying manner.
No acknowledgement found.References
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