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Probing the myelin water compartment with saturation recovery, multi-echo GE imaging at 7T
Elena Kleban1, Benjamin Tendler1, Penny Gowland1, and Richard Bowtell1

1The Sir Peter Mansfield Imaging Center, School of Physics and Astronomy, Nottingham, United Kingdom


The purpose of this work was to investigate the microstructural properties of white matter in the human brain using saturation recovery multi-echo GE imaging at 7T.

Multi gradient-echo data acquired at three different flip-angles from 8 healthy subjects was fitted for corpus callosum to a three-pool model describing the axonal, myelin and external compartments and variation of the relative amplitude of the myelin water signal with flip-angle was used to assess the T1 values of the different compartments. Results show an increased frequency variation with TE and faster magnitude signal decay at higher flip-angles, consistent with reduced T­1 in the myelin water compartment.


The interference of gradient-echo signals from the different compartments of white matter produces non-linear phase evolution and magnitude signal decay that is not well characterised by a single exponential[1,3,4]. This interference is a result of the different frequency offsets in the myelin, axonal and external compartments, which are well explained by a hollow cylinder fibre model incorporating the effect of the anisotropic magnetic susceptibility of myelin and the short T2 relaxation time of the myelin water[1,4,5]. Analysis of the complex signal evolution allows to separate the contributions of the different compartments, thus providing useful information about white matter microstructure. Multi-echo GE measurements of white matter structure are generally carried out using sequences with short TR-values and low flip-angles, giving rise to some T1-weighting of signals. Recent work has suggested that there may be a component of myelin water with a much shorter T1 than that of the external/axonal compartments[2]. Flip-angle variation at fixed TR should thus vary the weighting of the different compartments providing additional microstructural information and potentially allowing the T1 of the different compartments to be determined.

Materials and Methods

Data acquisition was performed on eight healthy subjects on an Achieva 7.0T scanner (Philips Healthcare). Single-slice, sagittal GE images (TE1/ΔTE/TR=2.2/2.2/127ms,nechoes=20,naverages=10, (P×R×S)voxel=1×1×5mm3) were acquired at nominal flip-angles of α=[106090]. We focused on the corpus callosum since this is a highly myelinated region with nerve fibers aligned perpendicular to B0 thus providing the largest frequency differences between compartments[1]. In initial experiments we found that there were in-flow-related artefacts in high-flip-angle images, particularly adjacent to the anterior cerebral artery, which could be significantly suppressed by saturation of the signal in a thick, axial band positioned just below the corpus callosum (Figure1). Saturation band excitation prior to each excitation was therefore used for all flip-angles in this study. Each protocol included B1-map-acquisition for the determination of the actual flip-angles applied in the different ROIs.

The complex signal from white matter at echo-time t=TEn=TE1+(n1)ΔTE was described using a three-pool-model S(t)=(AaAeeiωat+AmAeer2mteiωmt+1)eR2teiΩteiΦ0,(1) where the labels a, m and e denote the axonal, myelin and external compartments, A- and ω-values characterise the amplitudes and frequencies of signals, while r2m is the additional relaxation rate of the myelin water signal. Ω and ϕ0 represent the uninteresting effects of large length scale field variation and RF-related phase offsets, which were removed by calculation of frequency difference values arg(S(TEn)S(TE1)n2S(TE2)n1)1ΔTE(n1). These and the scaled magnitude values abs(S(TE)S(TE1)), were averaged over ROIs in the genu, body and splenium of the CC (Figure1) for each data set and the resulting values were fitted to (1). Data from three flip-angles were fitted simultaneously for each ROI. The value of Am/Ae was allowed to vary with flip-angle to accommodate the expected relative change in saturation of the myelin compartment, all other parameters were assumed to be the same for all flip-angles, including equal T1-values for the axonal and external compartments.

The resulting values of Am/Ae were fitted to AmAe=cLmLe with La,m=sin(α)1exp(TR/Ta,m1)1cosαexp(TR/Ta,m1) at the corrected α-values calculated for each ROI using the B1-maps.

Results and Discussion

Figure2 shows the variation of FDM and magnitude data with TE in the splenium for one subject. The faster rate of magnitude signal decay at short TE and the larger negative frequency offsets in the data acquired with larger flip-angles are consistent with there being a relative increase in the amplitude of the myelin water signal as a result of its shorter T1, and consequently lesser saturation than occurs in the external and axonal pools. Figure3 shows frequency difference maps acquired from the same subject at the three different flip-angles with and without saturation bands. The increased frequency offset with increasing flip-angle is evident, along with the reduction of in-flow artefacts manifested at high flip-angles through use of saturation band. Figure2 indicates that the three-pool model provides good fits to the experimental data. The best-fitting model parameters averaged over subjects are shown in Table1. These are in reasonable agreement with previously reported frequency offset and relaxation rate values[1,4]. Table1 also details the T1-values in the different compartments, found by fitting Am/Ae versus flip-angle for each compartment. Figure4 shows example data from the splenium of all subjects, displaying the expected relative increase in the myelin-compartment-amplitude at higher flip-angles. The calculated myelin T1-values (Table1) are lower than in the external/axonal compartment as expected, but the T1-values in the different compartments are much closer in size than reported in previous work based on double inversion-recovery at 3T[2]. This may be a result of magnetization transfer effects and inter-compartmental exchange, which should be incorporated into future modelling.


No acknowledgement found.


[1] Wharton S, Bowtell R. Fiber orientation-dependent white matter contrast in gradient echo MRI. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2012;109(45):18559-18564. doi:10.1073/pnas.1211075109.

[2] Kim D, Lee HM, Oh SH, Lee J. Probing signal phase in direct visualization of short transverse relaxation time component (ViSTa). Magn Reson Med. 2015;74(2):499-505. doi:10.1002/mrm.25416.

[3] Nam Y, Kim D.-H, Lee J, Physiological noise compensation in gradient-echo myelin water imaging, NeuroImage. 2015;120:345-349. doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2015.07.014.

[4] Sati P, van Gelderen P, Silva AC, et al. Micro-compartment specific T2 relaxation in the brain. NeuroImage. 2013;77:10.1016. doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2013.03.005.

[5] Sukstanskii AL., Yablonskiy DA. On the role of neuronal magnetic susceptibility and structure symmetry on gradient echo MR signal formation. Magn Reson Med. 2014;71(1):1522-2594. doi:10.1002/mrm.24629.


Figure1: Magnitude image at the first gradient echo for 90 excitation pulse with and without saturation band. Corpus callosum is separated in to three regions: genu, body and splenium.

Figure2: Frequency difference and magnitude data at different echo-times TE for splenium acquired using saturation band including three-pool model fits at each flip angle.

Figure3: Frequency difference maps averaged for TE-values 15.430.8ms for a single subject for all three flip-angles with(+SatBand) and without(SatBand) saturation band. The images show a lower frequency offset at the lower flip-angles and the reduction of the in-flow artefacts when saturation band was used.

Figure4: Am/Aa-values versus flip angle α resulting from the splenium data for all subjects and the corresponding T1-fit.

Table1: Fitting parameters averaged across the subjects. Labels a, m and e denote the axonal, myelin and external compartments. The amplitudes A, frequencies f, transverse relaxation rate R2 and the additional rate of relaxation for myelin water r2m, result from the three-pool model. T1 and c result from T1-fit.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)