QUASAR: In vivo quantification of magnetic susceptibility in rodents
Ferdinand Schweser1,2, Paul Polak1, Nicola Bertolino1, and Robert Zivadinov1,2

1Buffalo Neuroimaging Analysis Center, Department of Neurology, Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, The State University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY, United States, 2MRI Molecular and Translational Research Center, Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, The State University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY, United States


Despite increasing exploration of quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM) in humans and the method's potential to study tissue iron pre-clinically, only few studies have yet applied QSM in alive rodents at ultra-high magnetic field strength. In the present work we hypothesized that the low quality of pre-clinical QSM compared to human QSM is due to the combination of a similar level of non-susceptibility phase contributions with much lower susceptibility variations. Here, we propose a new type of QSM algorithm that accounts for non-susceptibility phase effects and, hence, enables pre-clinical QSM: QUAntitative Susceptibility And Residual mapping (QUASAR).


Quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM) is a recent phase-based MRI technique that yields unprecedented anatomical contrast1,2 and is currently regarded the most sensitive technique to study tissue iron in vivo3,4.

Despite increasing exploration of QSM in humans and the method's potential to study tissue iron pre-clinically, few studies have yet applied QSM to rodents in vivo at ultra-high magnetic field strength5,6. Most pre-clinical work involving QSM thus far relies on post mortem tissue, often perfused with a T1-shortening agent7.

We presume that one of the reasons for the low number of applications in vivo is the relatively poor visual quality of susceptibility maps obtained with currently available algorithms, including streaking artifacts and inhomogeneities.

In the present work we hypothesized that the low quality of pre-clinical QSM compared to human QSM is due to the combination of a similar level of non-susceptibility phase contributions (e.g. macromolecular proton exchange effects8) with much lower susceptibility variations. Here, we propose a new type of QSM algorithm that accounts for non-susceptibility phase effects and thus enables pre-clinical QSM: QUAntitative Susceptibility And Residual mapping (QUASAR).

Theory of QUASAR

Assume that the MRI phase φ consists of two components, a susceptibility-related component φs=d*χ (χ is the underlying susceptibility distribution, d is the unit dipole response and * denotes the convolution operation) and a non-susceptibility component φns. In this case, susceptibility mapping can be understood as solving the highly under-determined problem φ=d*χ+φns for φns and χ. The under-determination is illustrated by the trivial solution with χ=0 and φ = φns (φns can also be understood as the residual of the problem). Additional constraints are needed to obtain a physically meaningful solution.

To avoid the direct incorporation of (potentially incorrect) a priori information into the susceptibility map, we propose to impose constraints only on the (unknown) φns. In the present work, we forced φns to obtain the same values throughout the ventricles (cerebrospinal fluid; CSF), which is justified by the homogeneous nature of CSF.


Algorithm: Least-squares with QR decomposition (LSQR; tolerance 10-5) was used to solve the following optimization problem: minχ,φns ||φ-d*χ-λ·φns||2 with φns=const. throughout the ventricles. The regularization parameter λ defines a trade-off between attribution of phase to susceptibility and non-susceptibility phase, respectively. For λ=0 the conventional LSQR solution is obtained. We incorporated QUASAR into our HEIDI-QSM algorithm9 and defined the φns-constraint via R2*<10/s.

Animals: We demonstrated the algorithm in an SJL/J mouse (8 weeks of age). The experiment was approved by our Institutional Animal Care & Use Committee (IACUC).

Data acquisition and reconstruction: Experiments were performed on a 9.4 Tesla Bruker BioSpec 94/20 USR equipped with a two-element transmit-receive 1H cryogenically cooled MRI coil. The protocol involved a 3D multi-echo gradient-echo sequence (TR/TE1/ΔTE=90ms/2.38ms/4.4ms, 9 monopolar echoes, FA=18°, 80μm isotropic resolution, TA=27min). Phase images were obtained by scalar phase matching10, best path unwrapping11, multi-echo combination12, and V-SHARP4,13. R2* was calculated with the Power-method14 using logarithmic calculus.

Effect of λ: We performed an L-curve optimization of λ (steps of 0.01 between 0 and 0.1, and 0.05 between 0.1 and 0.5).


Figure 1 shows the L-curve optimization, which yielded λ=0.2 as the optimal parameter.

Figure 2 illustrates results obtained with different λ-values. Conventional HEIDI (λ=0; left) was not able to correctly reconstruct the frontal horn of the lateral ventricles (cf. arrows in Fig. 4), which was resolved with QUASAR even when λ was chosen too low. However, in this case the residual phase resembled exactly the constraint (right-hand side in Fig. 2). Too high a value of λ yielded a pale susceptibility contrast with dipole-like patterns around the ventricles, indicating incomplete inversion. The optimal λ-value yielded a map with meaningful anatomical contrast and reduced inhomogeneity in both the susceptibility and the residual maps.

Figure 3 directly compares QUASAR with HEIDI, illustrating the inaccurate reconstruction of the frontal horn of the lateral ventricles. Interestingly, the phase residuals (right) were almost identical between the two methods.

Figure 4 shows the (input) SHARP phase, R2* map, QUASAR, and HEIDI. The side-by-side comparison illustrates that QUASAR yielded a more reasonable anatomical contrast.

Discussion and Conclusion

The present work introduced QUASAR, a novel susceptibility mapping approach that yields improved susceptibility maps and decouples non-susceptibility phase contributions, potentially providing valuable information on macromolecular tissue composition including myelin integrity.

It is interesting to note that the absence of ventricular phase contrast (arrows in Fig. 4) was also previously reported in humans by Duyn et al.15 and He and Yablonskiy16. Hence, our study provides further support for a significant contribution of non-susceptibility effects to MRI phase in the brain.


No acknowledgement found.


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Figure 1: L-curve optimization of λ. (normalized values on both axes)

Figure 2: Comparison of QUASAR with different weighting parameters to conventional QSM (HEIDI). The employed residual constraint (derived from R2*) is shown on the right.

Figure 3: Comparison of the results of HEIDI and QUASAR. Susceptibility maps and their difference are shown on the left-hand side of the figure; residual differences are shown on the right-hand side. The residual of HEIDI is the difference between input phase and a forward field computation based on the HEIDI susceptibility map. HEIDI in fact results in a similar effective residual as QUASAR, but the corresponding susceptibility distribution is incorrect.

Figure 4: Detailed comparison between HEIDI and QUASAR, along with the SHARP background-corrected (input) phase image and R2*. The arrows point to the regions in which the conventional QSM approach was unable to correctly reconstruct the lateral ventricles.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)