Noise Propagation of Variable Flip Angle T1 mapping with Emphasis on the Precision of RF Transmit Field Mapping
Yoojin Lee1,2, Martina F. Callaghan3, and Zoltan Nagy1

1Laboratory for Social and Neural Systems Research, University of Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland, 2Institute for Biomedical Engineering, ETH Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland, 3Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging, UCL Institute of Neurology, London, United Kingdom


Rational approximation of the SPGR signal provides a simple algebraic expression of T1 within the VFA framework. For this method, we derive an analytical solution of how the precision in T1 maps depends on the noise in the B1+ map as well as the component SPGR images. We show that the derived equation provides a good prediction of the noise in T1 measured in-vivo. Further, we show that B1+ maps can introduce as much noise into the T1 maps as the SPGR images for equal input variance.


The variable flip angle (VFA) method1, which uses a set of spoiled gradient echo (SPGR) images (S 1 and S2) with different flip angles, is widely–used for T1 mapping in neuroscience2,3. Because this method exploits the flip angle dependency of the SPGR signal, additional RF transmit field (B1+) maps are necessary to obtain accurate T1 estimates. Recently, rational approximation of the SPGR signal was suggested, providing a simple algebraic expression of T1 as a function of SPGR signals and correction factor (fB1) for B1+ inhomogeneities (Eq. [1] in Fig. 1)4. While several studies reported on how the precision of T1 estimation depends on noise in SPGR signals5,6, few considered error propagation from B1+ maps7. Hence we derive an analytical solution of how the precision in T1 maps depends on the noise in the B1+ map and the SPGR images for the T1 mapping method in Ref. 4 and validate it by in-vivo experiments. In particular, we demonstrate that more precise B1+ maps substantially improve T1 mapping.


Theory: The noise propagation8 of Eq. [1] (Fig. 1) was derived as a function of the input variables S1, S2, and fB1 (Eq. [2]). Each partial derivative term (Eq. [3-5]) is a weighting factor for the noise in the corresponding input variable.

Data Collection: Four different experiments were performed (Exp1–4) using a 3T Philips Achieva scanner involving one adult volunteer with local ethics committee approval. In each experiment one of the input variables (S1/S2/fB1) was repeatedly measured to assess its variability.

Exp1: six S1, one S2, and one B1+ map with large spoiler

Exp2: one S1, six S2, and one B1+ map with large spoiler

Exp3: one S1, one S2, and six B1+ maps with small spoiler

Exp4: one S1, one S2, and six B1+ maps with large spoiler

SPGR imaging parameters were: 0.8 mm3 isotropic voxels, TR/TE = 25.0/4.6 ms, SENSE factor = 2.0, and scan time = 11.6 min. The flip angles for S1/S2 were α1/α2 = 6/20°. The B1+ maps were acquired at 4 mm3 isotropic resolution using the actual flip angle imaging method9 with either small (AG1/AG2 = 45.33/761.2 mT×ms/m and TR1/TR2/TE = 20/100/2.2 ms) or large (AG1/AG2 = 931.8/1971.0 mT×ms/m, TR1/TR2/TE = 46/138/2.2 ms, and SENSE factor = 1.7) spoiler gradients. AG1 and AG2 are the spoiler gradient areas on one axis for the interleaved acquisitions with TR1 and TR2, respectively. With large spoiling SENSE was used to keep scan time constant across B1+ mapping approaches.

Data Analysis: Data were evaluated in two different ways:

VarEval1: Using Eq. [1] six T1 maps were calculated for each of Exp1–4 and the variance of these T1 maps was calculated (Fig. 2b,e,h, Fig. 3b).

VarEval2: The voxel-wise variance of the repeated scans (σS12, σS22, σfB12) was calculated and inserted into the theoretical noise propagation. E.g. in Exp1 we assumed σS22 = σfB12 = 0 and evaluated σT12 by multiplying σS12 with Eq. [3]. σT12 was similarly evaluated in Exp2–4 (Fig. 2c,f,i, Fig. 3c).

For easy comparison of results in Exp1–4, coefficient of variation (CV = 100 x standard deviation / mean) maps are shown. Image S2 was used to extract the gray matter segment.


Fig. 2 shows the input variances of Exp1–3 (column 1), the results of VarEval1 (column 2) and VarEval2 (column 3). The similarity of T1 variance maps from VarEval1 and VarEval2 demonstrates the validity of the framework presented in Eq. [2-5] for estimating in-vivo variance in estimated T1 maps. The mean CVs inside gray matter show that the noise in S1/S2/fB1 propagated similarly into T1 maps, resulting in approximately doubled noise in T1 maps for each. Improving the precision of the B1+ maps by increased spoiling improved the precision of the T1 estimates (Fig. 3).


Although accuracy of B1+ maps has been shown to be important for accurate T1 maps, the impact of precision is less studied. Here we showed that, for equal input variance, B1+ maps introduce as much noise into the T1 maps as the SPGR images. We also confirmed that the theoretical evaluation of noise propagation (Eq. [2-5]) provides a robust framework in which to evaluate T1 precision in-vivo. With the repeated measurements approach adopted here all noise sources (e.g., thermal/physiological noise, scanner stability, etc) were simultaneously assessed. We conclude that B1+ mapping is important not only for accuracy but also for the precision of T1 maps. When optimizing T1 mapping protocols, variance should be minimized not only in the SPGR data, as typically done, but also in the B1+ maps.


No acknowledgement found.


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[8] Bevington PR and Robinson DK. Data Reduction and Error Analysis for the Physical Sciences. New York: McGraw-Hill; 1992

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Figure 1. Equations for the T1 estimation and propagation of noise from S1, S2, and fB1. Here, S1 and S2 are the SPGR images with two different flip angles (α1 and α2) while fB1 is a B1+ map normalized to 1 being the nominal flip angle4.

Figure 2. CV maps of (a,b,c) the input images (S1/S2/fB1), (b,e,h) the estimated T1 maps (VarEval1). and (c,f,i) the theoretically predicted T1 noise from Eq. [2-5] (VarEval2). Results are shown separately for (a,b,c) Exp1, (d,e,f) Exp2, and (g,h,i) Exp3. The CV averaged over gray matter is shown in each figure.

Figure 3. CV map of (a) the six fB1 acquired with large spoiler gradients in Exp4, (b) the estimated T1 maps (VarEval1), and (c) the theoretically predicted noise in T1 map from Eq. [2-5] (VarEval2). The image intensity scale and the calculation of CV are identical to Fig. 2.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)