Tom Hilbert1,2,3, Jean-Philippe Thiran2,3, Reto Meuli2, Gunnar Krueger2,3,4, and Tobias Kober1,2,3
1Advanced Clinical Imaging Technology (HC CMEA SUI DI BM PI), Siemens Healthcare AG, Lausanne, Switzerland, 2Department of Radiology, University Hospital (CHUV), Lausanne, Switzerland, 3LTS5, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland, 4Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc., Boston, MA, United States
iterative reconstruction techniques have been published in the past,
facilitating the calculation of quantitative parameter maps based on
undersampled k-space data. Model-based approaches, for example, iteratively
minimize a cost function that comprises a formulation of the signal behavior.
Minimizing this non-linear problem yields the quantitative parameter maps, but is
numerically challenging and thus accompanied with reduced robustness and long
reconstruction times compared to a direct Fourier transform. Here we suggest a
method to split the optimization problem of a model-based T2 mapping into
sub-problems which are solved alternately. The splitting results in a more
robust reconstruction with less computational cost.Introduction
Quantitative Magnetic
Resonance Imaging (qMRI) provides a measure of physical tissue properties that
are ideally independent from scanner hardware and the employed sequence. This
allows a better inter- and intra-patient comparison, thus bearing the potential
to be a good biomarker for pathology. However, long acquisition times are
usually required for qMRI in comparison to conventional MRI, a disadvantage
which is an obstacle for its use in clinical research and routine. Several
iterative reconstruction methods have been developed to accelerate qMRI
sequences; these algorithms usually go along with long computation times and a
reduced robustness compared to a direct Fourier transform. Here, we propose to
split the optimization problem of a model-based reconstruction of T2 maps into
smaller sub-problems, with the purpose of increasing its robustness as well as
decreasing its computational cost. This can be generalized to other, similarly
posed problems.
It is common practice
for model-based methods to define a cost-function that incorporates the model
behavior directly within a data fidelity term1-3. This is also done
in the “Model-Based Accelerated Relaxometry by Iterative Nonlinear Inversion”
(MARTINI)2, a T2 mapping algorithm using a multi-echo spin-echo
(MESE) sequence. MARTINI’s cost-function is defined as follows:
with TE being
the echo times, N the number of coil elements, P a binary mask representing the
sampling pattern, F the Fourier transform operator, S the coil sensitivities, M0
the equilibrium magnetization, T2 the transverse relaxation and Y the
acquired k-space data. Minimizing this cost-function will result in an
estimation of T2 and M0. However, the minimization of this nonlinear
problem is numerically challenging and may lead to image artifacts and long
reconstruction times. We suggest splitting up the problem similarly to what was
proposed for compressed sensing4, resulting in a 2-step algorithm
which we term “Split-Algorithm for Fast T2 mapping” (SAFT).
Step 1:
MESE magnetization is calculated based on an initial guess of T2 and M0
using the forward signal model:ˆMt=M0exp(−tT2)Using this first
guess of the magnetization, the following problem is solved with a linear least-squares
algorithm:ϕ1(M)=12N∑c=1∑t∈TE∥PF{ScMt}−Yt,c∥22+∑t∈TEα∥Mt−ˆMt∥22estimating the
magnetization M that best fits the acquired data. The second l2-norm of
the cost function forces the magnetization to be similar to the previously
calculated ˆM with the
similarity weighted by α.
Step 2: The MESE signal model
is fitted onto the previously estimated M by solving the following problem with
a nonlinear least-squares algorithm,ϕ2(T2,M0)=12∑t∈TE∥Mt−M0exp(−tT2)∥22yielding a new
estimate of T2 and M0. Subsequently, steps 1 and 2 are iteratively
repeated until the algorithm converges to a minimum, providing an approximation
of T2 and M0. Optionally, a spatial regularization can be added
to Φ2. Here, we performed an additional reconstruction using a
wavelet sparsity constraint for both T2 and M0.
Materials & Methods
After obtaining
written consent, three whole-brain MESE datasets (TA 3:28min, acq. matrix 260x512,
resolution 0.75x0.45x3mm³, slice gap 0.3mm, TR/∆TE 4000/10.9ms, Number of
echoes/slices/concatenations 16/43/2) of healthy volunteers were acquired at 3T
(MAGNETOM Skyra, Siemens Healthcare, Germany) using commercially available 20-
and 32-channel head/neck coils. The used prototype MESE sequence was 10x
undersampled according to a GRAPPATINI sampling pattern
5. The
datasets were reconstructed using MARTINI
2 and the proposed
algorithm, with and without a spatial regularization (SAFT vs. regularized SAFT).
Results & Discussion
To compare the
convergence of MARTINI and SAFT, the cost value of each iteration according to Φ(T2,M0)
is plotted in Figure 1. For a fair comparison, all algorithms were initialized
with the same guess for T2 and M
0. The plot demonstrates that both SAFT
reconstructions converge smoothly and reach a minimum after ~25 iterations.
MARTINI’s cost values jump initially until the algorithm starts converging at
~15 iterations and reaches a minimum similar to SAFT after ~60 iterations.
Example T2 maps, reconstructed using MARTINI, non-regularized and regularized
SAFT, are illustrated in Figure 2. It can be seen that the non-regularized SAFT
reconstruction resembles the results of MARTINI. The wavelet-regularized SAFT
reconstruction yields similar results but with less noise in the parameter
maps. It should be noted that an even faster computation performance can be
achieved solving Φ
2 with a log-linear regression, because then
the algorithm comprises only two linear problems. However, we used a nonlinear
approach to avoid noise-induced T2 overestimation
We suggest a method
that splits the nonlinear problem of model-based reconstruction into smaller
sub-problems which are solved alternately. The splitting results in a convex
convergence, improving the robustness of the inverse reconstruction problem.
Furthermore, we demonstrate that the improved robustness can be used to add
non-convex regularization (e.g. sparsity constraints) to the optimization in
order to further improve the estimated quantitative maps.
No acknowledgement found.References
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