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Repeatability and sample size estimations for myelin water imaging
Thibo Billiet1, Stefan Sunaert1, Bea Van den Bergh1, Ronald Peeters1, Mathieu Vandenbulcke1, and Louise Emsell1

1KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium


Currently, only single slice repeatability results for myelin water imaging (MWI) metrics are available. We assessed the within- and between-subject variation of the myelin water fraction (MWF); intra- and extracellular water fraction (IEWF), and intra- and extracellular water geometric mean T2 time (IEW-gmT2) in a whole cerebrum MWI sequence1 We demonstrated good within- and between subject variability, comparable to previous single-slice results. Future studies may benefit from sample size estimations documented in this work.


To assess the within- and between-subject variation of the myelin water fraction (MWF); intra- and extracellular water fraction (IEWF), and intra- and extracellular water geometric mean T2 time (IEW-gmT2) in a whole cerebrum MWI sequence1.

To compute (1) the sample size necessary to detect predefined group differences, and (2) necessary group differences given predefined sample sizes based on our between-subject variability estimates.


For between-subject testing, a 3D GRASE dataset was acquired from 31 healthy volunteers (age 27.7 years ± 5 months) on a Philips Achieva 3T scanner with a 32-channel head coil and in-coil AC/DC conversion (dStream). Scan settings: ETL=32, TE = 10ms, TR = 1s, EPI factor 3, voxel size 1 x 1 x 2.5 mm3, SENSE factor 2. For within-subject testing, the GRASE sequence from a different subject (age 26.8) was acquired 4 times on a Philips Achieva 3T. A high-resolution 3DTFE T1-weighted image was obtained from all participants. Voxel per voxel the intensity decay curve was transformed into the underlying T2 distribution, using non-negative least squares with regularization constraint and accounting for stimulated echoes2. From the T2 distribution, MWF and IEWF were calculated as the relative T2 fraction between 10 and 40 ms, and 40-200 ms, respectively3. IEW-gmT2 was the geometric mean T2 time between 40 and 200 ms. The TE=10ms image of each participant was affine registered to the T1-weighted image and normalized to MNI space using affine and diffeomorphic registration. The inverse transformation was applied to regions of interest (ROI) from the Johns Hopkins University (JHU) white matter atlas4. In each subject’s MWI space, mean MWF, IEWF and IEW-gmT2 values were obtained in the genu, body and splenium of the corpus callosum, fornix column and body, external capsules, anterior and posterior limb of the internal capsules, and anterior corona radiata. Furthermore, a total cerebral white matter mask was obtained from segmentation of the T1 image using SPM8. In each ROI, the mean (μ) and standard deviation (σ) across participants and across repeated scans were obtained. For within-subject and between-subject variability, the coefficient of variation (CoV) was computed as CoV = σ/μ. Using between-subject variability, the sample size (N) was estimated, necessary to detect a deviation (Δ), from the mean, assuming a two-sample t-test with 90% power (Zβ = 1.28) and 95% confidence level (Zα =1.96) through the formula N=[(Zα+Zβ)σΔ]2. Inversely, the detectable deviation from the mean was computed, given predefined sample sizes.


Table 1 summarizes the within-subject variability of white matter ROIs. For MWF, the intra-subject standard deviation varied between 1.9 and 21.3% of the mean, depending on the region of interest. Lowest CoV (hence highest repeatability) was found for the total white matter ROI. Table 2 estimates the necessary sample size and detectable difference given between-subject variabilities. For studies in which two groups of 20 subjects are compared, the minimum detectable group difference is between 7% (e.g. splenium, PLIC, total WM) and 18% (fornix body) of MWF mean; between 0.9% (external capsules, total WM) and 2.6% (fornix body) of the IEWF mean and between 1% (external capsules, total WM) and 1.9% (body of CC) of the IEWgmT2 mean. Figure 1 illustrates the assessed regions and mean MWF across participants of the between-subject test.


Previous studies that assessed (single-slice) white matter intra-subject variability reported a scan-rescan difference between 0.6 and 23% with intra-subject CoV between 4.4 and 25%5. Meyers et al. found scan-rescan CoV of 19%6, with regional CoV in the range of 10%-23%. The intra-subject variability found using the whole cerebrum 3D GRASE sequence is therefore comparable with these previous results.


Within-subject repeatability of the whole cerebrum 3D GRASE sequence is similar to reported values in the literature based on single slice acquisition. Between-subject variability was assessed and used to obtain tables of sample size and detectable differences for assessment of MWF, IEWF and IEWgmT2. These tables can be used in power analyses for future studies using whole cerebrum MWI.


The authors wish to thank all volunteers for participating in the scan sessions.


1. Prasloski T, Rauscher A, MacKay AL, et al: Rapid whole cerebrum myelin water imaging using a 3D GRASE sequence. Neuroimage 63:533-9, 2012

2. Prasloski T, Madler B, Xiang QS, et al: Applications of stimulated echo correction to multicomponent T2 analysis. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 67:1803-1814, 2012

3. MacKay A, Whittall K, Adler J, et al: In vivo visualization of myelin water in brain by magnetic resonance. Magnetic resonance in medicine : official journal of the Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine / Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 31:673-7, 1994

4. Mori S, Wakana S, Nagae-Poetscher LM, et al: MRI Atlas of Human White Matter, Elsevier, 2005

5. Levesque IR, Chia CL, Pike GB: Reproducibility of in vivo magnetic resonance imaging-based measurement of myelin water. J Magn Reson Imaging 32:60-8, 2010

6. Meyers SM, Laule C, Vavasour IM, et al: Reproducibility of myelin water fraction analysis: a comparison of region of interest and voxel-based analysis methods. Magn Reson Imaging 27:1096-103, 2009


Figure 1 Average MWF across 31 healthy volunteers in white matter ROI of the JHU white matter atlas.

Table 1 Repeatability of MWI metrics assessed through 4 repeated scans of 1 subject. Low CoV indicates high repeatability.

Table 2 Sample size (N) and differences detectable with 95% confidence and 90% power. In case of two-sample t-tests, both groups should contain at least N subjects. μ = mean, σ = standard deviation, Δr = difference relative to μ. MWF and IEWF are in %, IEWgmT2 in milliseconds.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)