Vasileios Zampetoulas1, Lionel M. Broche1, and David J. Lurie1
1Aberdeen Biomedical Imaging Centre, School of Medicine & Dentistry, University of Aberdeen, Foresterhill, AB25 2ZD, Aberdeen, United Kingdom, Aberdeen, United Kingdom
graph of T1 versus
magnetic field obtained via Fast Field-Cycling (FFC) NMR relaxometry techniques
can be developed into a new diagnostic tool thanks to the information about
molecular dynamics that it provides. In this work, a novel method that
compensates for the environmental fields acting on an FFC relaxometer is analysed,
and applied to acquire measurements in the µT region for the study of much
slower molecular motions, that was not previously possible. The results
acquired from human cartilage indicate motions occurring in a slow time scale (0.1
to 10 ms), which show promise for clinical studies. Purpose
Fast Field-Cycling (FFC) NMR relaxometry is a technique that measures the spin-lattice relaxation time T1 over a range of magnetic fields, and provides curves that indicate the dispersion of T1 values with the applied field. These are known as T1-dispersion curves and are already used for the investigation of the dynamical and structural features on the molecular level of a range of complex systems. The dispersion curves are expected to provide clinically relevant information and develop into a new diagnostic tool, through the method of FFC-MRI1.
The range of the dispersion curves acquired in most biological applications extends from 10 kHz to 10 MHz in terms of measured proton Larmor frequencies, probing molecular motions of submillisecond to microsecond time scales. The segment of the dispersion curve that extends below 10 kHz (the ultra-low field (ULF) region) provides information on even slower molecular dynamics of time scales in the range of tens of milliseconds, and can be clinically useful, leading to new types of contrast. However, for the application of ULF FFC techniques, compensation for the unwanted environmental magnetic fields is necessary since their magnitude becomes comparable to B0 and leads to artefacts2. In this work, have implemented a novel calibration method based on the work of Anoardo et al.2, applied on a commercial FFC NMR relaxometer to compensate for the environmental magnetic fields acting inside its bore. The aim is to obtain dispersion curves from biological samples that extend to the ULF region and to explore the potential that this segment has in medicine.
The calibration is achieved with the implementation of FFC measurements in a range of fields close to zero, along with correction fields of varying magnitude and orientation applied by the relaxometer. During this process, the magnetisation precesses around a resultant field of unknown magnitude and orientation composed of the correction and stray field, with the frequency of precession determined by its magnitude. As the correction fields vary, the direction and magnitude of the resultant field change, leading to variations in the frequency of precession. The novelty of our approach is the measurement of the precession frequency for each correction field applied, and the determination of correction fields that lead to the effective calibration by using the model:
(where Bcl and Bel the longitudinal correction and environmental fields, Bct and Bet the transverse correction and environmental fields, θ and ϕ the azimuth angles of Bct and Bet). This is applied to fit the graphs that plot the measured precession frequency for the range of the applied correction fields.
The correction fields
found by the curve fitting (Figure 1) are: Bcl = 500 Hz,
Bct= 66 Hz, and azimuth
angle: -45°. These are validated according to known dispersion curves obtained
from the polymers polydimethylsiloxane and polybutadiene.
Following calibration,
dispersion curves that extend to the ULF region were acquired from two samples
of cartilage taken from different regions of the femoral head of a patient
suffering from osteoporosis (Figure 2). The models applied
to fit the measured dispersion curves are a power law composed of three
segments fitting the background and a model describing the quadrupolar
relaxation in proteins3 fitting the three quadrupolar peaks shown between 0.4 to 0.9
MHz, and 1.5 to 3.5 MHz. The curves extend to minimum applied B0 of 100 Hz (2.3 µT) and 260 Hz (6.1
µT), while the segment
of the ULF region shows a different slope from the one of the central (104
to 106 Hz) and the high field region (106 to 107
Hz). Additionally, a difference is observed in the offset between the two
background curves acquired from each patient, while the three quadrupolar peaks
are consistently shown in the same regions.
quadrupolar peaks are developed due to known interactions between
14N nuclei
3. Additionally, the calibration
reveals a segment below 10
4 Hz that shows a different slope from the
rest of the curve, indicating a different type of motion that occurs in a time
scale of 0.1 to 10 ms.
this work, we have shown that an FFC NMR relaxometer can be calibrated for
experimentation in the ULF region. Based on the acquired results on cartilage,
this has potential applications in medicine by providing information on
extremely slow dynamic processes in tissues. Our work indicates that, the
differences observed between the slopes, offset of the background, and
quadrupolar peaks of the dispersion curves are likely to provide clinically
relevant information and can form the basis of new types of contrast.
The author acknowledges funding from the EPSRC through the Center for Doctoral Training in Integrated Magnetic Resonance.References
Lurie D, Aime S, Baroni S, et al. Fast field-cycling magnetic resonance
imaging. C R Phys. 2010;11(2):136-48.
Anoardo E, Ferrante G. Magnetic field compensation for field-cycling NMR
relaxometry in the ULF band. Appl Magn Reson. 2003;24(1):85-96.
Sunde E, Halle B. Mechanism of 1H-14N cross-relaxation in immobilized proteins.
J Magn Reson. 2010;203(2):257-73.