The longitudinal relaxation rate (R1) of MRI-invisible macro-molecular protons is an important parameter in the generation of MT and T1 contrast. Despite this, considerable uncertainty exists about its actual value. To address this MT and inversion recovery experiments were jointly analyzed with a 2-pool model of exchange, and estimates were derived for human brain at 3T and 7T.Introduction
R1 of macro-molecular protons (MP) is an important determinant of MT and
T1 contrast in human brain tissues, through its effect on MT between MP and water protons (WP). Since MP have a short
T2 and can not be observed directly, there is substantial uncertainty in the actual value of their
R1 (
R1,MP). This uncertainty hampers quantitative interpretation of MT and
T1 contrast. To address this, we developed a novel approach to extract
R1,MP from joint analysis of MT and inversion recovery (IR) data using a 2-pool model of exchange. The analysis assumed constant values for
R1,MP and
R1,WP across brain tissues, and constrained the saturation level of MP magnetization by inversion and MT pulses.
The 2-pool model analysis (1) followed here involved fitting the saturation level SWP(t) of the WP signal measured at time t after an inversion or MT pulse to the equation:SWP(t)=1−Mz(t)/Mz(∞)=a1e−λ1t+a2e−λ2t[1]MT and IR data were fitted jointly, resulting in one set of rates (λ1,λ2) common to both experiments, and two sets of amplitudes (a1,a2), one for each experiment. The rates depend on the R1’s and exchange rates kWM, kMW between WP and MP and vice-versa according to:λ1,2=12(R1,WP+R1,MP+kWM+kMW±√(R1,MP−R1,WP+kMW−kWM)2+4kMWkWM)[2]The
amplitudes are related to the initial saturation levels SWP(0), SMP(0) according to:a1,2=SWP(0)(R1,WP+kWM−λ2,1)−SMP(0)kWMλ1−λ2[3]Our approach to determine a global R1,MP and R1,WP was as follows: based on initial estimates for R1,MP and R1,WP, the kWM, kMW, and the SMP(0) values for IR and MT were extracted from Eq.[2-3] for each pixel. The values for SMP(0) in both experiments then were required to obey a-priori determined constraints: both to be smaller than 1.0, and the IR-saturation to be between 70 and 100% of the MT-saturation, as is indicated in Fig 1. The R1,MP and R1,WP were then iteratively adjusted to have most pixels obey these constraints.
IR and MT experiments (n=10) were performed at both 3T and 7T, under an IRB approved protocol. Delay dependent pulsed MT was performed with a composite (2) MT pulse (6ms, 833Hz B
1, 16 sub-pulses) that nearly completely saturated the MP-pool (
SMP(0)~1). IR used an adiabatic inversion (5.1ms, 833Hz B
1). Delays (t) of (10, 72, 138, 258, 600) and (9, 71, 147, 283 and 1200) ms were used for MT and IR respectively. Images were acquired with EPI (1.7mm resolution, acceleration 2, 5 slices of 2mm thickness and 1.5mm spacing), TE 30ms at 3T, 24ms at 7T, TR 3s for MT, 4s for IR, 20 repetitions for MT, 14 for IR, four reference scans without MT or inversion pulse to measure
Results & Discussion
Values of 4.0/s and 2.0/s were found for
R1,MP at 3T and 7T respectively (Fig.1). Corresponding values for
R1,WP were 0.40/s and 0.35/s. Estimated accuracies for these parameters are 10% for
R1,MP and 20% for
R1,WP. The values for
R1,MP are within the reported range of estimates based on the tissue fraction of MP, and modeling IR based on fast exchange (i.e. 5/s at 1.2T (3), 3.7/s at 3T (4), 2-3/s at 3T and 2-2.3/s at 7T (5). Our estimates for
R1,MP will aid in quantitative interpretation of MT and
T1 contrast, and their dependence on RF pulse parameters and field strength.
No acknowledgement found.References
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