The cross-relaxation effects between “free” and “bound” water affect the
gradient recalled echo (GRE) MRI signal and can bias quantitative measurements
of tissue relaxation parameters. Herein we have generalized the classical Ernst
equation for the GRE signal dependence on sequence parameters (echo and
repetition times, flip angle) by accounting for cross-relaxation effects. The derived
equation creates a basis for a new technique - Simultaneous Multi-Angular
Relaxometry of Tissue with Magnetic Resonance Imaging
(SMART MRI). The technique allows simultaneous quantitative measurements of
longitudinal and transverse relaxation rates constants and some essential
cross-relaxation parameters without utilizing off-resonance magnetization
transfer pulses.Purpose
Accurate measurement of tissue-specific relaxation parameters is an
ultimate goal of quantitative MRI. The cross-relaxation effects between “free”
and “bound” water are known to affect MRI signal and can bias quantitative
measurements of tissue relaxation parameters in gradient echo
1-3 and
inversion recovery studies
4. The objective of this study is to theoretically
account for the cross-relaxation effects in a gradient recalled echo (GRE)
experiment and to demonstrate that the new theoretical approach can be used as a
basis for a novel technique - Simultaneous Multi-Angular Relaxometry of Tissue
with Magnetic Resonance Imaging (SMART MRI). The technique provides naturally
co-registered quantitative maps of spin density, longitudinal and transverse
relaxation rates along with parameters characterizing magnetization transfer
(MT) effects, thus allowing measurements of some MT parameters without
exploring off-resonance MT pulses.
Theory and Methods
A system comprising a pool of
free water molecules (f-pool) and a
pool of water bounded to macromolecules (b-pool)
is analyzed in the framework of Bloch-McConnell equation5. Since T2
relaxation time of bound water is very short (~ 10 μsec 6,7), the b-pool does not directly contribute to
the measured MR signal. However, the cross-relaxation among the pools between
RF excitation pulses substantially affects the free-water MR signal. In the
present study, we derive a theoretical expression describing the GRE signal
affected by the cross-relaxation effects between the f- and b-pools.
Experimental studies
were approved by the local IRB. Experiments were performed using a 3T Trio MRI
scanner (Siemens, Erlanger, Germany) equipped with a 32-channel phased-array
head coil. High resolution SMART data with a voxel size of 1×1×1 mm3
were acquired using a 3D multi-gradient-echo sequence with TR=18ms, TE1=2.3ms, ΔTE=3.9ms, five flip angles of 5°, 10°,
20°, 40° and 60° with a rectangular RF pulse of 400 μs duration. A navigator-based
method was used to correct the physiological artifacts8. GRAPPA9
acquisition with an acceleration factor of two and 24 auto calibrating lines in
each phase encoding direction, resulted in the total acquisition time of 17 min
30 sec.
The following analytical expression describing the GRE
signal S in the presence of MT
effects, as a function of gradient-echo time TE, repetition time TR
and flip angle α, has been derived:
where the amplitude S0 is proportional to the magnetization of the f-pool; R2* describes the transverse relaxation of the f-pool affected
by the cross-relaxation effect; the functions E and G (not shown due to
space restrictions) depend on the relaxation and cross-relaxation parameters,
the volume fraction of the b-pool,
and a structure and duration of RF pulses. The above equations can be
considered as a generalized Ernst-Anderson expression10, accounting
for the cross-relaxation effects with the b-pool. The function ψ can be shown to depend on 3
independent model parameters: R1, kf', and λ:
R1f and R1b
are the R1-relaxation rate constants in the f- and b-pool, respectively; R2b is the R2-relaxation
rate constant in the b-pool; kf and kb
are the (f→b) and (b→f) exchange constants, correspondingly.
Importantly, the parameter kf'
is proportional to the
volume fraction of the f-pool.
the pulse sequence parameters, the five model parameters (S0,
R2*, R1, kf', and λ)
can be found by fitting the model to the measured multi-flip angle, multi-echo
GRE signal. The intrinsic R1f -
relaxation rate constant in the f-pool can be readily obtained as R1f
= R1 – kf’. Examples of the parameters’
maps obtained from one healthy subject (24 y.o.) and one MS subject (41 y.o.) are
shown in Fig.1 and Fig.2, respectively. In Fig.1, all the maps show good
white matter (WM) / gray matter (GM) contrast. WM
shows higher kf'
values, indicating more exchange activity in WM, which usually contains highly
myelinated fibers. As only short TEs were used, the R2* map is highly weighted
by the fast decaying signal from myelin water. In Fig.2, different maps exhibit
different contrasts: lesions are hyperintense on the S0 map and hypointense on R1, R1f,
kf' and R2* maps, consistent with a myelin
loss. MS lesions exhibit different details on different maps, thus providing
a potential for discrimination of MS lesion severity and structure.
Our approach establishes a theoretical basis for a SMART MRI technique
that is based on derived theoretical model and multi-flip angle, multi-gradient-echo
time MRI experiment. The technique provides quantitative measurements of
longitudinal, transverse, and some essential MT parameters without exploring
off-resonance MT pulses.
No acknowledgement found.References
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