Mobeen Ali1, Penny Gowland1, and Richard Bowtell1
1SPMIC, School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, United Kingdom
Comparison of post mortem and
in vivo MR images requires an understanding of the temperature dependence of
the NMR parameters that generate relevant image contrast. Here, we therefore
evaluated the temperature dependence of the susceptibility and relaxivity of
ferritin-doped agar. A phantom containing cylinders doped with different
ferritin concentrations was scanned at 7T at temperatures ranging from 5–35⁰C.
R1, R2* and field maps were generated and the variation of each parameter with
ferritin concentration was evaluated. The variations of susceptibility, R2* and
R1 with ferritin concentration all decreased with increasing temperature with
R2* showing the strongest temperature dependence. Background
Magnetic resonance imaging
(MRI) of post-mortem tissue is typically carried out with samples chilled or at
room temperature. However, the magnetic susceptibility and relaxivities of
different tissue components can have different temperature dependencies. This
needs to be taken into account when comparing post mortem results to in vivo
Ferritin is the main storage
molecule for non-haeme iron in many organisms, which is required for
respiration and various other metabolic processes [1]. It is one of a few
sources of iron known to occur in sufficient concentrations to affect MRI
[2,3]. The ability to map iron distributions is clinically useful in brain,
liver and heart iron overload diseases, but to validate in vivo methods we need
to be able to compare in vivo and post mortem data.
The aim of this study was to
characterise the effect of temperature on the NMR behaviour of ferritin at
varying concentrations.
Four cylinders of agar were
doped with ferritin at concentrations ranging from 0.5 to 3mg/ml. These
cylinders were embedded in a spherical agar phantom of 12cm diameter, in a
parallel two by two arrangement. The phantom was then placed inside a tank (Figure
1), around which cold water was pumped, using a Tamson Instruments water bath,
to achieve a temperature of 5⁰C. The water
round the phantom was then warmed in 5⁰C increments
to 35⁰C, allowing the temperature to stabilize after each
temperature increment, which took approximately 30 minutes each time. The
phantom and surrounding tank were scanned at each temperature in a Philips 7T
MRI scanner with the cylinders oriented parallel to the field, using a varying
inversion time, inversion recovery fast field echo sequence (1.25x1.125x1.25mm3
voxel, FOV=200x180 x72.5mm3, 7 TI values in the range 192-2652ms)
and a multi-echo gradient echo sequence (0.94x0.94x1.7mm3 voxel,
FOV=210x210x42.5mm3, TE1= 4ms, ΔTE=4ms, 10 echoes).
R1 and R2* values were
calculated from an ROI in the centre of each tube (Figure 2). The signal
magnitude from the multi GE sequence was linearly fitted to measure R2* and the
polarity restored magnitude data from the inversion recovery was fitted to obtain
R1. The phase evolution with TE from an ROI inside each tube was compared to
that in an annulus around the tube to calculate the field offset inside the
tube which is given by △Bint=B0△χ2(cos2θ−13) where B0 is the
scanner field and θ is the angle of the tube to B0. This was used to
calculate the susceptibility difference, Δχ.
The susceptibility of each
cylinder increased linearly with increasing ferritin concentration with a
constant of proportionality of 0.88ppm per mg Fe per gram agar at 293K and
decreased with increasing temperature. The gradient of the susceptibility
variation with concentration, increased with inverse of the temperature (Figure
3) as expected.
Figure 4 shows that R2* decreased
for higher concentrations and increased for lower concentrations with
increasing temperature so the R2* values showed less variation with
concentration. The R2* of the undoped agar around the tubes was found to
increase with temperature, with a similar increase found over multiple ROIs.
The gradient of R2* with ferritin concentration was used to calculate the R2*
relaxivity which increased significantly with the inverse of the temperature
(changing by nearly a factor of 2 over the temperature range 5-35⁰C).
R1 for the ferritin samples decreased
with increasing temperature, as did R1 for the undoped agar as shown in Figure 5.
Ferritin-induced R1 relaxivity also increased with the inverse of the
Phantoms and support
platforms for post-mortem samples are usually made from agar and this study
confirms previous work that showed that the T2 of agar decreases with temperature
[4], and showed that agar T1 increases with temperature.
In ferritin-doped agar gels
R1 and R2* are both sensitive to the magnetic susceptibility effects of iron.
Ferritin contains a superparamagnetic core whose average magnetization has a
linear dependence on inverse temperature over the temperature range studied
here [1] as confirmed by the results in Figure 3. The more significant increase
in R2* with inverse temperature may be explained by the additional temperature
sensitivity of water diffusion rates.
The magnetic susceptibility
variation with ferritin concentration is 10% higher at 5⁰C compared to 35⁰C.
R1 and R2* change much more significantly over this temperature range
potentially leading to significant discrepancies between post mortem and in
vivo measurements.
Financial support from the
MRC and The University of Nottingham.References
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Relaxometry and Magnetometry of Ferritin, MRM
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High-field magnetic resonance imaging of brain iron: birth of a biomarker? NMR
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Imaging iron stores in the brain using magnetic resonance imaging. Magnetic
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