For quantitative analysis of CEST signal, it is crucial to decrease or eliminate the influence of parameters unrelated to chemical exchange thus emphasizing chemical exchange weight. Recently inverse Z-spectrum method realized analytical calibration but only in situation of steady state. We propose a novel analytical calibration method suitible to non-steady state situation, calculating new indexes which reflect chemical exchange weight better than those commonly used, and verifying its performance in phantom and in vivo experiment.This calibration method will be greatly helpful in quantitative CEST data analysis. PURPOSE
One primary limitation of CEST is the quantification reproducibility, which is intrinsically challenging due to the simultaneous and competing spillover and
T1 decay effects. Recently, a new metric
1 has been proposed to eliminate these competing effects to deliver a CEST effect only quantification. However, this model is under the requirement of being in a steady state, which is difficult to satisfy in practice due to the restricting long saturation period needed (>3s). In this work, we extent this metric to transient state while eliminating the contaminating effects, and verify its performance in phantom and in vivo experiment.
Zaiss2,3 used the Z value with a continuous wave rectangular pulse for quantification:
θ is defined as θ=tan−1(γBbΔω), R1 and R1ρ are reciprocal of T1 and T1ρ. Pz and Pzeff are projection factors dependent on the pulse sequence. The first part (weighted by exp(−R1ρtsat) represents the transient effects of CEST saturation, which was neglected in previous reports [1].
As R1ρ=Rcalib1ρ+∑Rex, in a general case we can treat influence of exchangeable solutes ∑Rex as a perturbation to R1ρ. As Z in Equ.(1) is a function of R1ρ, for small R1ρ it is natural that ΔR1ρ=ΔZ/∂Z∂R1ρ. Under the assumption of a continuous square wave, it can be expressed as:
For proper ΔZ=Zref−Zlab, direct water saturation could be excluded then ΔR1ρ=∑Rex. According to analytical solution of Rex [2], for high exchange rate (kb≫R2) solutes and small B1 (ω1≪kb), a simplification could be:
Then a new transient state CEST effect metric could be defined as ΔRcalib1ρ=ΔR1ρsin2θ=∑Rcalibex.
For verification of the
proposed metric, CW rectangular saturation pulse followed by a SE-EPI sequence
was implemented and used for CEST acquisition. Several experiments were
designed to assess impacts of various experimental factors: a) phantoms with the
same solutes densities and but different MnCl
2 densities (hence
different relaxation times) were prepared and used to test the impacts of
T1 and
T2; b) data acquisitions with different TR (2s, 3s, 5s) and lengths of
saturation (0.5s, 0.75s, 1s, 1.25s, 1.5s)
were performed to test impacts of TR and
tsat; c) CEST saturations with differentmagnitudes (1uT, 1.25uT, 1.5uT, 1.75uT, 2uT, 3uT) were performed to
test the impacts of
In vivo data was acquired on a healthy subject with varying
tsat: 2s/1.5s, 1.5s/1s, 7s/5s. The resulting CEST quantification using the
ΔRcalib1ρ for phantom and in vivo data were compared to those using conventional
As shown in
Fig.1, for phantom 1 and 2
(Fig.1a) that have the same solutes
densities (the same CEST effects) but different relaxation times, conventional were quite different; whereas
ΔRcalib1ρ were nearly identical that better reflect the
underlying CEST effects. Also
MTRasym was also impacted by
B1 inhomogeneity
(Fig.1b) leading to heterogeneous CEST
quantification within the phantoms, while
ΔRcalib1ρ was not.
Fig.2, where the TR and saturation
period were varied, conventional
MTRasym were dramatically different
with different scan parameter settings, whereas
ΔRcalib1ρ measure stayed nearly unchanged as desired. In
Fig.3, B1 of the CEST saturation, which has largest impacts on conventional
CEST measurement, was varied. It can be seen that for a range of
B1 used, the
MTRasym measure not only changed in
magnitude, the location of its spectral peak was also shifted; whereas
ΔRcalib1ρ stayed fairly constant for small level of
B1 variation (<3uT), and although
the magnitude level changed for larger
B1 the position of the
spectral peak stayed unchanged. In in vivo experiments using different
(Fig.4), it was also observed that
MTRasym varied considerably as
compared to
ΔRcalib1ρ when
MTRasym is dramatically nonzero (arrowed).
Conventional CEST
measurement is contaminated with both competing signal sources and transient signal
state, although the former may may be eliminated via proper correction
1,4 ,
steady state requires restrictingly long saturation period. In this work, an
analytical metric for transient state that also eliminates spillover and T
1 decay effects is proposed. This metric is analytical and hence eliminates the
computation burden and error in empirical fitting. In the comparison with
conventional CEST measure, this metric was seen to be largely immune to
variation in relaxation rates, scan parameters as well as saturation pulse
magnitude, hence better reflect the underlying unchanged CEST effects in
transient states. The use of this metric would be beneficial for application
where quantitative measure is needed, such as in tumor grading.
No acknowledgement found.References
1. Moritz Zaiss, Junzhong Xu, Steffen Goerke et al., Inverse Z-spectrum analysis for spillover-,MT-, and T1-corrected steady-state pulsedCEST-MRI – application to pH-weightedMRI of acute stroke, NMR
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2. Moritz Zaiss, Peter Bachert, Chemical exchange saturation transfer (CEST) andMR Z-spectroscopy in vivo: a review of theoreticalapproaches and methods, Phys. Med.
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3. Moritz Zaiss, Peter Bachert, Exchange-dependent relaxation in the rotatingframe for slow and intermediate exchange –modeling off-resonant spin-lock and chemicalexchange saturation transfer, NMR Biomed. 2013; 26(5): 507-518
4. Junzhong Xu, Moritz Zaiss, Zhongliang Zu et al., On the origins of chemical exchange saturationtransfer (CEST) contrast in tumors at 9.4 T, NMR Biomed. 2014; 27(4): 406-416