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Model-based direct Extraction of z-spectrum Asymmetry from undersampled k-space using SYmmetric Basis (k-EASY)
Hoonjae Lee1,2 and Jaeseok Park3

1Center for Neuroscience Imaging Research (CNIR), Institute for Basic Science (IBS), Suwon, Korea, Republic of, 2Department of Brain and Cognitive Engineering, Korea University, Seoul, Korea, Republic of, 3Department of Biomedical Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon, Korea, Republic of


In chemical exchange saturation transfer (CEST) MRI, multiple acquisition of imaging data with varying saturation frequencies is typically performed, which prohibitively prolongs imaging time. Furthermore, conventional, subtraction-based MTR asymmetry analysis is prone to substantial errors, because the z-spectrum is convoluted by CEST as well as inherent asymmetric MT, nuclear Overhauser enhancement (NOE), etc. To tackle these problems, in this work we propose a new, model-based direct Extraction of the z-spectrum Asymmetry from undersampled k-space using SYmmetric basis (k-EASY) that incorporates main field inhomogeneity correction and z-spectrum asymmetry analysis into a framework of compressed sensing.


Introducing a new, model-based direct Extraction method of the z-spectrum Asymmetry from undersampled k-space using SYmmetric basis (k-EASY), which is a compressed sensing approach to accelerate z-spectrum acquisition while directly characterizing the signal sources of the asymmetric z-spectrum.


In chemical exchange saturation transfer (CEST) MRI[1], multiple acquisition of imaging data with varying saturation frequencies is typically performed[2], which prohibitively prolongs imaging time. Furthermore, conventional, subtraction-based MTR asymmetry analysis is prone to substantial errors, because the z-spectrum is convoluted by CEST as well as inherent asymmetric MT, nuclear Overhauser enhancement (NOE), etc. To tackle these problems, in this work we propose a new, model-based direct Extraction of the z-spectrum Asymmetry from undersampled k-space using SYmmetric basis (k-EASY) that incorporates main field inhomogeneity correction and z-spectrum asymmetry analysis into a framework of compressed sensing.


The z-spectrum in CEST MRI consists of symmetric signal modulation with respect to the resonance frequency of water due to direct water saturation and symmetric MT as well as asymmetric signal modulation due to inherent asymmetric MT, NOE, and CEST, etc. In this work, we propose a new, z-spectrum signal model consisting of symmetric and asymmetric components under the assumption that main field inhomogeneities are corrected in the z-spectral direction: S=Ssym+Sasym+N, where S is a Casorati matrix of the total z-spectrum signal, Ssym is the symmetric component, Sasym is the asymmetric component, and N is additive noise. Since the aforementioned signal model is highly underdetermined and Ssym and Sasym are somewhat correlated, the proposed z-spectrum decomposition in undersampled k-space is performed by solving a constrained optimization problem with the following priors: 1)Ssym is modeled by a product of spatial coefficients (U) and temporal (V) basis (Ssym=UV), and the temporal basis can be determined using the Bloch simulation model with only symmetric signal pools taken into account, 2)the spatial coefficients are sparse in a transform domain, 3) Sasym is highly spatiotemporally correlated(||Sasym||), and 4) Sasym results in an additional signal drop (saturation) in S (Sasym<0). Given the considerations above, the proposed z-spectrum decomposition in k-space is described by the following optimization problem:

\mathrm{\min_{S_{sym},S_{asym}}||d – F_u(φ(S_{sym}+S_{asym}))||_2^2+λ_S||ψ(U)||_1+λ_L||S_{asym}||_* \\ \text{subject to} \quad S_{sym}=UV, S_{asym}<0,}

where d is the measured data in k-space, φ represents the two-step operator, phase modulation in the in-plane followed by B0 magnetic field modulation in the z-spectral direction, Fu is the undersampled Fourier transform, and ψ is the sparsifying transform. It is assumed that phase modulation in the z-spectral direction remains identical. Image phase and B0 magnetic field are used as prior information. Discrete wavelet transform is used as a sparsifying operator, and spline interpolator is used as B0 field modulation operator. Symmetric basis, V, is extracted from 10000 simulated z-spectra with only symmetric components taken into account (Fig.1), and seven basis functions are then employed.

Experimental studies in creatine-agar phantom and brain were performed on 3T (Siemens Trio), and imaging parameters were described in the caption of the corresponding figures.

Results and Discussion

Figure 2 demonstrates proposed method can generate same contrast when it is compared with conventional MTR asymmetry analysis. Because there is no confounding asymmetry component of frequency of interest, 2.0ppm in creatine-agar phantom, extracted asymmetry of z-spectrum using proposed method, -Sasym, MTR asymmetry analysis of the extracted asymmetry, MTRasym(Sasym), and MTR asymmetry analysis of B0-corrected z-spectrum, MTRasym(S), result in similar images. Especially, extracted asymmetry shows pure CEST effect of target frequency and comparison of MTR asymmetry analysis of the extracted asymmetry and B0-corrected z-spectrum shows accuracy of reconstruction algorithm qualitatively. In creatine-agar phantom, proposed method work properly even in high reduction factor (R=6). Figure 3 demonstrates proposed method can separate out sources of conventional MTR asymmetry analysis from undersampled CEST data. Especially in in-vivo CEST experiments, there is confounding asymmetry effect on z-spectrum and it generates error in MTR asymmetry analysis. According to the results of proposed method, in the experiment setting, there is almost zero CEST effect at 3.5ppm and there is large NOE or asymmetric MT effect at -3.5ppm, and it generates contrast of conventional MTR asymmetry analysis. Figure 4 demonstrates that Sasym in the proposed k-EASY method is highly sensitive to varying amplitudes of saturating RF pulses.


We successfully demonstrated that the proposed k-EASY method, which incorporates a novel z-spectrum asymmetric analysis (EASY) into a framework of compressed sensing, not only produces signal separation of CEST, inherent asymmetric MT, and NOE directly from undersampled k-space but also makes it possible to achieve high acceleration without apparent artifact and amplified noise, though its utility in in vivo is to be further investigated in the future.


This work was supported by IBS-R015-D1 and NRF(National Research Foundation of Korea) Grant funded by the Korean Government (NRF-2013-Global Ph.D. Fellowship Program).


1. Ward, K. M., A. H. Aletras, and R. S. Balaban. "A new class of contrast agents for MRI based on proton chemical exchange dependent saturation transfer (CEST)." Journal of magnetic resonance 143.1 (2000): 79-87.

2. Zhou, Jinyuan, et al. "Amide proton transfer (APT) contrast for imaging of brain tumors." Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 50.6 (2003): 1120-1126.

3. Zhao, Bo, et al. "Image reconstruction from highly undersampled-space data with joint partial separability and sparsity constraints." Medical Imaging, IEEE Transactions on 31.9 (2012): 1809-1820.

4. Otazo, Ricardo, Emmanuel Candès, and Daniel K. Sodickson. "Low-rank plus sparse matrix decomposition for accelerated dynamic MRI with separation of background and dynamic components." Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 73.3 (2015): 1125-1136.


Figure 1 Simulated z-spectra (a) and their singular values (b). Simulation parameters were: PD/T1/T2 of water are 1.0±0.1/4500±450ms/2200±220ms for CSF, 0.8±0.08/1300±130ms/71±7.1ms for GM, and 0.65±0.065/850±85ms/56±5.6ms for WM; PD/T1/T2 of MT pool are 0.02±0.002 of water/1000±150ms/0.2±0.04ms; exchange rate is 40±5Hz; amplitude and duration of saturating RF field are 1±0.5uT and 10s.

Figure 2 Reconstruction results of creatine-agar phantom (50mM and 3% agarose are mixed). Imaging parameters of TSE sequence were: α, 120°; TR, 6000ms; TS, 3000ms; TE, 8.2ms; ESP, 8.2ms; ETL, 32; resolution 1x1x5mm3; average amplitude of saturation RF is 0.7uT and duration and duty cycle are 50ms and 50%.

Figure 3 Reconstruction results of human brain. Imaging parameters of TSE sequence were: α, 120°; TR, 5000ms; TS, 3000ms; TE, 8.2ms; ESP, 8.2ms; ETL, 64; resolution 1x1x5mm3; average amplitude of saturation RF is 0.5uT and duration and duty cycle are 100ms and 50%.

Figure 4 Analysis of extracted asymmetry of human brain with varying saturating RF amplitude; Imaging parameters are same with in-vivo study (Fig. 3); average amplitude of saturation RF is 0.5uT, 1.0uT, 1.5uT and 2.0uT and duration and duty cycle are 100ms and 50%.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)