Johannes Windschuh1, Moritz Zaiss1, Jan-Eric Meissner1, Steffen Goerke1, and Peter Bachert1
1Division of Medical Physics in Radiology, German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg, Germany
We investigated the dependencies of the exchange-relayed Nuclear Overhouser Effect (rNOE) observable in Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer (CEST) experiments on tissue integrity and static magnetic field strength B0. By comparison of a homogenized and native sample of white matter tissue of animal brain we could show that
the CEST signal of the aliphatic rNOE is independent of tissue structure. The observed increase of all CEST effects on decrease of B0 probably results from relatively broader
saturation bandwidth at lower field strengths. No indication for a rNOE dependency on B0 differing from that of chemical exchange effects could be found.
Chemical Exchange
Saturation Transfer (CEST) MR imaging has proven to be able to create new, insightful
contrasts especially for brain tumors1. One possible contrast is
based on the Nuclear Overhauser
enhancement2 (NOE) mediated aliphatic proton magnetization transfer
(so called exchange-relayed (rNOE)3) occurring at -3.5 ppm from the
water resonance in vivo. The
signal is attributed to mobile proteins apparent inside the cytoplasm of cells.
In addition to the exchange-relayed process this homo-nuclear 1H-NOE
signal it should depend on mobility, quantified by the correlation time τc
and external field strength B0 in the following way4: SrNOE∼τc(1−61+4ω20τ2c)(1) The purpose of this study was to examine if changes of tissue integrity influence the protein mobility and thus rNOEs. We compared the signal of an intact cell environment to an environment of ruptured cells and investigated the dependence of the aliphatic rNOE on B0 by measuring at different static field strengths.
Materials and Methods
White matter (WM) was extracted from fresh pig brain from sacrificed pigs. One half was homogenized using a 7 ml Wheaton Dounce (Wheaton, Millville, USA) tissue grinder first with a loose pestle (gap approx. 112 µm) followed by a tight pestle (gap approx. 50 µm). The other half was cut into small pieces (>1mm). Each half was then diluted by Phosphate Buffered Solution (PBS) with pH=7.05 in a ratio of 2:1 (PBS:tissue) to yield a final buffer concentration of 1/15M and 50µM Gadopentetat-Dimeglumin using Magnevist® (Bayer, Leverkusen, Germany) to reduce T1. The experiment was performed on a 14.1-T NMR spectrometer (Bruker, Germany) using 8 mm tubes at 37°C.
2.5% (w/v) aqueous bovine serum albumin (BSA) at T = 25°C, pH = 6.56 in PBS was measured on a 7-T whole–body MR tomograph (MAGNETOM 7 T; Siemens Healthcare, Germany), a 9.4-T NMR spectrometer (Bruker) and a 14.1-T NMR spectrometer (Bruker).
T1 was measured using a saturation recovery sequence with 17 recover times. Z-spectra were obtained using saturation by a train of Gaussian-shaped rf pulses (mean amplitude B1 = 0.6 µT, tpulse = 15 ms, duty cycle DC = 60%, tsat = 15 s, 133 unevenly distributed offsets). To correct for influences of direct water saturation, MT, and T1 the relaxation-compensated metric AREX5 was used. AREX(Δω) = (1/Z(Δω)–1/Zref(Δω))/T1 was calculated using a 2-pool Lorentzian fit of the direct water saturation and MT for Zref(Δω).
There was no significant difference observable when comparing AREX spectra from the homogenate and the native tissue of the WM from pig brain (fig.2). The T
1 values also match within their errors T
1,homogenate = 2.54 ± 0.10 s and T
1,native = 2.47 ± 0.06 s. There is a slight reduction in the chemical exchange (CE) effects downfield from water. The semi-solid MT was reduced by 10% in the homogenized sample. The AREX spectra of BSA acquired at different B0 show that both the aliphatic rNOE and the CE effects of BSA increases non-linearly with decreasing field strength B
0 (fig.3).
The invariance of the aliphatic rNOE to the homogenization of the tissue reveals that there is no influence of the macroscopic, cellular structure on the correlation time τ
c of the respective rNOE-CEST signal. In other words, the tumbling of the proteins and peptides is not affected by the tissue structure. Hence only the immediate chemical environment and the structural state of the protein itself alter the CEST signal considerably
6,7. The observed decrease of MT is coherent with the extensive rupture of the semi-solid matrix due to homogenization. The rupture of the cellular membrane should also lead to fragments of membrane that show no additional signal in the AREX spectra. The increase of the rNOE at lower field strengths contradicts theoretical expectation (eq.1). In addition the increase of CE effects as a function of B
0 suggests another origin for the variation in AREX signals, since CE effects have no explicit dependency on B
0 8. An explanation may be the reduced spectral resolution at lower field strengths and thus, using the same saturation pulse, labeling of more proton species at each frequency offset at lower B
0. Nevertheless the similar behavior of CE and rNOE effects as a function of B
0 disproofs a strong dependendy of the rNOE on B
Through homogenizing of a tissue sample we could show that the CEST signal of the aliphatic rNOE is independent on the cellular structure. Hence mobility of proteins protons contributing to the CEST effects seems to be unaffected by the induced tissue structure change. We could not find a clear indication that the B0 dependency for rNOEs is different than that of CE effects.
We thank Dr. Manfred Jugold for helping with the preparation of the animal tissue samples and Dr. Karel Klika for his support concerning the measurements on the spectrometers.References
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