Amide proton transfer (APT) imaging is a
novel chemical exchange saturation transfer (CEST)-based MRI modality that can
detect various endogenous mobile proteins and peptides in tissue, such as those
in the cytoplasm. The APT quantification results depend on the CEST metrics,
which is undesirable. In this study, four CEST metrics: (i) CEST ratio (CESTR),
(ii) CESTR normalized with the reference value (CESTRnr), (iii)
inverse Z-spectrum-based (MTRRex), and (iv) apparent
exchange-related relaxation (AREX), were compared using five-pool Bloch
equation-based simulations with varied RF saturation powers and magnetic field
strength, and in an in vivo rat tumor
study at 4.7 T.Purpose
imaging is an important molecular MRI technique that allows detection of
endogenous, low-concentration biomolecules in tissue. However, CEST
quantifications depend on the choice of CEST metric approaches and reference
images; thus, care should be taken when doing the quantification of CEST
imaging and comparing the measurements in different labs. Herein, we evaluated
the reliability of four CEST imaging metrics and potential confounds in tumors
at different experimental settings.
A five-pool proton exchange
model (free water, semi-solid, amide, amine, and NOE-related protons) combined with
the super-Lorentzian lineshape for semi-solid protons was used for the
simulation. Four CEST metrics (CEST ratio or CESTR [1-5], CESTR normalized with
the reference value or CESTRnr [6-9], inverse Z-spectrum-based or
MTRRex [10], and apparent exchange-related relaxation or AREX
[11-13]) were compared. All reference signals (Zref) were taken from
the simulated semi-solid MT signal. For the in vivo study, eight glioma-bearing
rats were scanned at 4.7 T.
Results and Discussion
The five-pool Bloch equation-based simulation results with six RF
saturation power levels of 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, and 3 μT are shown in Fig. 1 (for 4.7 T) and 2 (for 9.4 T). (i) Similar
CEST signal features at 3.5 ppm and 2 ppm can be seen with all four CEST
metrics when a relatively low RF saturation power (< 1 μT) is applied. (ii)
The CEST signals using two inverse metrics (MTRRex and AREX) are
dramatically increased (e.g. MTRRex ≈ 43 % and AREX ≈ 30 % at 3.5
ppm, and MTRRex ≈ 132 % and AREX ≈ 95 % at 2 ppm with B1
of 3 μT), while CESTR and CESTRnr metrics stay the same or similar
as the RF power increase up to 3 μT. Such a tremendous increase of the inverse
metrics occurs due to the inherent error from small denominators, likely
resulting in their applications at high RF saturation powers and low clinical B0
field strengths (3 T and 4.7 T) problematic. (iii) The inverse metric signals
around the water frequency are not reliable due to denominators approaching
zero. These peaks
definitely lead to an erroneous result, in particular, for the detection of OH
groups (hydroxyl) at 1 ppm and NH2 groups (amine) at 2 ppm, close to
the water resonance. (iv) At a high field of 9.4 T, the APT peaks can be
relatively well resolved in AREX metrics, as shown in Fig. 2, because of the
high spectral resolution compared to 4.7 T, while the AmineCEST peaks is still
unreliable at high RF saturation power (> 2 μT).
For the in
vivo tumor rat study, quantitative APT signals obtained from these four CEST
metrics were assessed at varied saturation power levels (0.5, 0.9, 1.3, 2.1,
3.2, and 4.4 μT) as shown in Fig. 3. The high MTRRex and the AREX
peaks can be seen clearly around 1 ppm due to the intrinsic error of the
inverse metric, very similar to the result from the Bloch equation-based
simulation. As expected, the APT signals of the tumor from CESTRnr
and CESTR were significantly higher than those of the normal tissue across all
power levels (p < 0.05), while the upfield NOE signals of the tumor from
CESTR and CESTRnr were significantly lower than those of the normal
tissue across all power levels (p < 0.01) as shown in Fig. 4. Multiple
quantitative MRI maps of a tumor-bearing rat are shown in Fig. 5.
Remarkably, the tumor was hyperintense on the MTRasym, CESTR, CESTRnr,
and MTRRex maps at 3.5 ppm when an RF saturation power of 1.3 μT was
applied. On the CESTR, CESTRnr, and MTRRex maps at 2 ppm,
the tumor was slightly hyperintense. As reported previously [11-13], the AREX
maps at 3.5 and 2 ppm showed no contrast between the tumor and normal tissue.
In this study, we evaluated the
reliability of two inverse CEST metrics and
compared them with other CEST metrics, using a five-pool Bloch equation-based
simulation and the rat tumor experiment at 4.7 T. The choice of CEST metrics
must be carefully considered according to RF saturation power levels, B
field strengths, and specific exchangeable solute protons. MTR
and AREX may not be used for amine and hydroxyl CEST measurements,
particularly, with a relatively higher saturation power level (with the large
direct water saturation and semi-solid MT effects). At the clinical field
strength (3 T and 4.7 T), CESTR and CESTR
nr would be more reliable
and valid for APT imaging at the optimal saturation power of 2 μT used
No acknowledgement found.References
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