CEST MRI is an indirect molecular
imaging technique, in which a small molecular signal is amplified by chemical
exchange phenomenon. Multiple acquisition of imaging data with varying
saturation frequencies, called z-spectrum acquisition, is typically performed, and then subtraction-based MTR asymmetry analysis is employed to
investigate the effect of CEST on MRI. However, since the z-spectrum is
additionally convoluted by inherent asymmetric MT, NOE, etc, conventional asymmetry analysis is prone to substantial
errors. To tackle these problems, in this work we introduce a new, model-based
extraction method of the z-spectrum asymmetry using symmetric basis (EASY) to
directly characterize the signal sources of the asymmetric z-spectrum.Purpose
Introducing a new,
model-based Extraction of z-spectrum Asymmetry using SYmmetric basis (EASY)
that directly characterizes the signal sources of the asymmetric z-spectrum.
Chemical exchange saturation
transfer (CEST) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) [1,2] is an indirect molecular
imaging technique, in which a small molecular signal is amplified by chemical
exchange phenomenon. Multiple acquisition of imaging data with varying
saturation frequencies, called z-spectrum acquisition, is typically performed
[2], and then subtraction-based MTR asymmetry analysis is employed to
investigate the effect of CEST on MRI. However, since the z-spectrum is
additionally convoluted by inherent asymmetric MT, nuclear Overhauser
enhancement (NOE), etc, conventional asymmetry analysis is prone to substantial
errors. To tackle these problems, in this work we introduce a new, model-based
extraction method of the z-spectrum asymmetry using symmetric basis (EASY) to
directly characterize the signal sources of the asymmetric z-spectrum.
The CEST z-spectrum, if main magnetic field
inhomogeneities are corrected, includes symmetric modulation of water signal
with respect to the resonance frequency of water due to direct saturation and
symmetric MT effects, while pertaining asymmetric properties due to inherently
asymmetric MT, NOE, and CEST effects. Given the considerations above, in this
work we propose a new, spatiotemporal signal model in the B0-corrected z-spectrum: S=Ssym+Sasym+N, where S is a Casorati matrix of the total z-spectrum signal, Ssym is the symmetric component, Sasym is the asymmetric component, and N is additive noise. Nevertheless, the proposed signal
decomposition model is highly underdetermined, and both components are possibly
inter-related. To tackle these problems, the proposed, z-spectrum decomposition
is performed by solving a constrained optimization problem with the following
priors: 1) the symmetric z-spectrum can be modelled by a product of spatial coefficients (U)
and temporal (V) basis (Ssym=UV), and the temporal basis can be
pre-determined using the Bloch simulation based z-spectra by taking only
symmetric signal pools into account, 2) the asymmetric z-spectrum has high
spatiotemporal correlation (||Sasym||∗), and 3) signal pools, which generate the asymmetric
z-spectrum, always result in an additional signal decrease in water (Sasym<0). Thus, the proposed spectrum decomposition problem is
written by:
\mathrm{\min_{S_{sym}, S_{asym}} ||S – (S_{sym}+S_{asym})||_2^2 + λ_L||S_{asym}||_* \\ \text{ subject to } \quad S_{sym}=UV, S_{asym}<0.}
Numerical simulations and experimental studies in
creatine-agar phantom and brain were performed on 3T (Siemens Trio) using the
proposed method and conventional MTR asymmetry analysis (MTRasym(S,f)= S(-f)/S0 - S(f)/S0) for comparison. S0 is the reference image without CEST preparation. S, Ssym, Sasym, MTRasym(S), and MTRasym(Sasym) were estimated. Furthermore, the proposed,
EASY asymmetry analysis was performed in brain by varying the amplitude of CEST
saturation pulses. Imaging parameters were described in the caption of the
corresponding figures.
Results and Discussion
Figures 2 and 3
represent S, S
sym, S
asym, MTR
asym(S), and MTR
asym) in numerical simulation and creatine-agar phantom, respectively.
Conventional MTR
asym(S), and MTR
asym), and S
asym are nearly identical in
both simulation and phantom studies except the sign change in S
asym, because CEST is the only asymmetric component in the
z-spectrum. However, conventional MTR
asym(S) and S
asym in brain exhibit discrepancies possibly due to additional,
asymmetric signal contributions from inherent MT and NOE, etc, in which the former cannot differentiate CEST from non-CEST and
thus results in mixed asymmetry between them (Fig. 4). Figure 5 demonstrates
that S
asym in the proposed EASY method is highly
sensitive to varying amplitudes of saturating RF pulses at 3.5 ppm (amide
proton pool) and 2.0 ppm (amine proton pool). It is noted that CEST effects
increases with rising amplitude of saturating RF pulses.
We successfully
demonstrated the feasibility of the proposed, EASY asymmetry analysis in
numerical simulation, creatine-agar phantom, and in vivo brain. It is expected
that the proposed EASY method enables signal separation of CEST, inherent
asymmetric MT, and NOE in the z-spectrum, though its utility in in vivo is to be
further investigated in the future.
This work was supported by IBS-R015-D1 and
NRF(National Research Foundation of Korea) Grant funded by the Korean Government (NRF-2013-Global Ph.D. Fellowship Program).References
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2. Zhou, Jinyuan, et al. "Amide proton transfer (APT)
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3. Zaiss, Moritz, Benjamin Schmitt, and Peter Bachert.
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