Xiang Xu1,2, Kannie WY Chan1,2, Huanling Liu1,3, Yuguo Li1,2, Guanshu Liu1,2, Peter C.M. van Zijl1,2, and Jiadi Xu1,2
1Department of Radiology and Radiological Science, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, United States, 2F.M. Kirby Research Center, Kennedy Krieger Institute, Baltimore, MD, United States, 3Department of Ultrasound, Guangzhou Panyu Central Hospital, Guangzhou, China, People's Republic of
on-resonance variable delay multi-pulse (onVDMP) CEST technique was developed for the detection of
fast-exchanging protons. The new method was applied to the detection of
glucoCEST signal changes upon venous glucose injection in a mouse tumor model
and compared with conventional cw-CEST method. Both methods highlight the tumor
and the blood vessels upon glucose injection in mice brain implanted with brain
tumors. However compared with cw-CEST, the onVDMP technique increased the tumor
contrast to noise ratio by about 50% due to its sensitivity to total fast exchanging
protons. Purpose
D-glucose can be used as a natural biodegradable
contrast agent for cancer detection by exploiting the exchange properties of hydroxyl
protons [1, 2]. Several MRI methods have been shown
to have the ability to detect glucose signal in vivo including the conventional continuous wave chemical exchange
saturation transfer (cw-CEST), R2 relaxation enhancement [3, 4] and chemical exchange sensitive spin
lock (CESL) [5, 6]. When D-glucose enters the tumor, it
diffuses into the extravascular extracellular space (EES) due to disruption of
the blood brain barrier (BBB). Unlike gadolinium-based contrast agents, glucose
can also be actively taken up in the cells via facilitated transport and
metabolized. In this study, a new on-resonance variable delay multi-pulse
(onVDMP) method, which can be optimized to detect fast-exchanging protons such
as the hydroxyl protons in D-glucose, was applied to study glucoCEST on a mouse
with a 9L tumor. Dynamic glucose enhanced (DGE) images [7] were acquired using both the new
technique and cw-CEST for comparison.
preparation: 9L glioma cells were implanted (0.05×105 cells/μl) by stereotaxic injection into the right
caudate/putamen of female SCID mice. Imaging was performed on day 7 (cw-CEST) and 8
(onVDMP) post implantation.
CEST imaging: Mice were anesthetized
using isoflurane and positioned in an 11.7T horizontal bore Bruker Biospec
scanner. For
images were acquired at a single frequency of 1.2 ppm and saturation was achieved by a single magnetization transfer (MT)
pre-pulse (3s, B1=1.6 μT). For onVDMP, 32 binomial pulses with 20 ms mixing
time between pulse
pairs were applied. The binomial pulses consisted of two 1.5 ms 46.8 μT pulses
of opposite phase (Fig. 1A). Since a high saturation power is applied for a
brief period in onVDMP, it is more sensitive to fast-exchanging protons.
DGE Images were acquired using a Rapid Acquisition with Relaxation Enhancement
(RARE) sequence, TR/TE=5.0 s/3.8 ms. The time for acquiring each dynamic scan
was 10 s for both methods. 0.15 mL 50% w/w glucose was given over 60 s through
the tail vein during the DGE scans.
Data analysis: dynamic difference
images were generated by taking the difference between each dynamic image and
the average of all pre-injection images. Contrast to noise ratio (CNR) was
calculated from the difference images:
CNR(t)=S(t)tumor−S(t)brain√2SD(si+1−si), in which the standard deviation (SD) is a measure of
variation in noise over two consecutive acquisitions,
si and
si+1.Results and Discussion
Figures 1a
and 1b illustrate the onVDMP and cw-CEST sequences. Bloch simulations were
performed to show CEST signal as a function of exchange rates using the MRI parameters described in the Methods section. Both methods have similar sensitivities for
protons with exchange rate around 1kHz, such as some hydroxyl groups in glucose
under physiological conditions. However for protons with higher exchange rates
(> 1kHz), the sensitivity of cw-CEST decreases rapidly while that for
onVDMP increases. The dynamic difference images from one mouse imaged on two
consecutive days using the two methods are shown in Figure 2. It can be seen
that both methods highlight the tumor and blood vessels upon glucose
injection. When comparing the dynamic CNR (Figure 3) it can be seen the onVDMP
method has in general 1.5 times higher CNR than the cw-CEST. There are 5
hydroxyl protons in each glucose molecule and their exchange rates range from 1
kHz to 3 kHz. Since the cw-CEST images were acquired at 1.2 ppm, only 3 out of
5 hydroxyl protons resonate around that frequency.[8] On the other hand, since
onVDMP is not frequency selective, all fast exchanging protons contribute to
the observed signal explaining the large gain in CNR. The onVDMP method is
similar to spin-lock approaches and the on-resonance WALTZ-16 method [9] in the way that it is not
frequency selective, but provides much higher sensitivity by detecting all
fast-exchanging protons simultaneously.
compared the glucoCEST signal change upon venous glucose injection using
cw-CEST and a newly developed onVDMP method. It has potential for widespread
application for monitoring CEST contrast agents and drug delivery for compounds
with fast-exchanging protons.
Funding support from NIH:
P50CA103175, R01EB015032, P41EB015909 and R21EB018934.References
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