Tao Jin1, Bistra Iordanova1, Ping Wang1, and Seong-Gi Kim2,3
1University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, United States, 22Center for Neuroscience Imaging Research, Institute for Basic Science, Suwon, Korea, Republic of, 3Department of Biomedical Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University, Kuwon, Korea, Republic of
Glucose uptake and metabolism are important
biomarkers for tumor diagnosis and prognosis. Recent studies showed that the
glucose uptake and metabolism can be measured by a chemical exchange sensitive
spin-lock (CESL) MRI approach with administration of non-labelled glucose or
analogs (glucoCESL), providing unique advantage over the widely used position
emission tomography technique. In this preliminary study, we evaluated the
efficacy of glucoCESL for the study of brain tumor. The sensitivity and
spatiotemporal characteristics of CESL signal with administration of D-Glucose, 2-deoxy-D-glucose and
L-glucose were compared.Purpose
Recent chemical
exchange saturation transfer (CEST) MRI studies with administration of
non-labelled D-glucose (Glc) and 2-deoxy-D-glucose (2DG) had demonstrated the
capability of tumor detection [1-3]. However, the injection dose was relatively
large in these studies, ranging from 1 to 3 g/kg, which will likely affect
the normal physiology and limits its wide application. In this preliminary
study, we evaluated the efficacy of an alternative technique, chemical exchange
sensitivity spin-lock (CESL) [4,5], for the study of brain tumor.
Brain MR images
of Fisher rats bearing 9L glioma were acquired at 9.4 T in a total of 6 rats with
detunable volume
excitation and surface receiver coils. CESL data with spin lock time (TSL) of 0
and 50 ms were acquired in an interleaved manner for a total of 70 minutes,
i.e., 25 min before and 45 min after an intravenous injection of 1 g/kg Glc (n
= 4) and 0.25 g/kg of 2DG (n = 3). The 2DG was injected more than 2-hr
after the Glc injection to make sure the blood and brain glucose level has
returned to normal [4]. To gain a better understanding of the source of the
glucoCESL signal in tumor, 0.25 g/kg of L-glucose (L-Glc) were injected to two
different rats. The parameters for the image acquisition are: two-shot
spin-echo EPI with a field of view 2.56 cm x 2.56 cm, matrix size 96 x 96, and one or two
slices of 1.5-mm thickness. The repetition time was 2.5 s for each image, and
the echo time was 8.5 ms. After the CESL studies, T1-weighted
EPI images were acquired before and after an injection of Gd-DTPA to delineate
the tumor region. For data analysis, time series of images with TSL = 0 and TSL = 50 ms
were separated, and a time series of spin-lattice relaxation rate in the
rotating frame (R1ρ) was calculated by
pixel-wise fitting to R1ρ = ln(S
TSL=50 ms)/50 ms [3]. Percent change maps were calculated by comparing the R1ρ data before and after the Glc or
2DG injection.
Results and discussions
Fig. 1A shows the
Gd-enhanced T1-weighted images from two brain slices of a
representative rat, in which the glioma can be identified as the hyperintense region.
Fig. 1B and 1C show the relative R1ρ change maps of CESL with injection of Glc and 2DG, respectively. In both maps an
increase of R1ρ can be seen in
large portion of the brain, and the increase is higher within the tumor region
(more yellow pixels). Comparable sensitivity was observed for the injection of
1 g/kg Glc versus 0.25 g/kg of 2DG. Fig. 2A shows the averaged time courses of
the R1ρ change induced
by glucose injection obtained from an ROI of normal contralateral tissue versus
that from the tumor region. The onset-to-peak time is ~5 minutes and ~15
minutes for the tumor and the normal tissue ROI, respectively. R1ρ values from both ROIs return to
baseline at similar time of 40 minutes post-injection, suggesting glucose is
quickly metabolized in both regions. With 2DG injection (Fig. 2B), the R1ρ at normal tissue reaches a peak at
~15 min and sustain for the rest of the time course. In tumor region, R1ρ rises rapidly for the first 2 min
or so, but the increase slows down after this initial period before it reaches
a peak at ~15 min, and then start to decrease slightly. For both Glc and 2DG,
the faster onset-to-peak time and larger magnitude of R1ρ response for tumor may be
attributed to an elevated cellular glucose uptake, and/or an impaired blood
brain barrier in the tumor vasculature. The difference between Glc- and 2DG-CESL
results may indicate their different metabolic properties because Glc is fully
metabolized but the metabolic product of 2DG (i.e., 2DG-6-phosphate)
accumulates within cells. In Fig. 2C, injection
of L-Glc (which has similar chemical exchange property as Glc, but cannot be
transported by GLUT transporters) yields much smaller R1ρ change than 2DG for the same dose
at 5-10 min after injection, suggesting that in the 2DG-CESL signal, the
contribution from the BBB leakage should be small.
Our results indicate that glucoCESL has high sensitivity and can be
applied for the diagnosis and prognosis of brain tumor, offering a safe
alternative to the conventional PET method. Further studies with administration
of glucose and analogs will be helpful for the understanding of the source of
the CESL contrast in brain tumor
This study is supported by NIH grants EB003324 and P30-NS076405.References
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[2] Walker-Samuel, S., et al. Nature
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