Xu Jiang1,2, Peter van Gelderen1, and Jeff H. Duyn1
1AMRI, LFMI, NINDS, NIH, Bethesda, MD, United States, 2Physics, University of Maryland, College Park, MD, United States
Studying the spectral asymmetry in Magnetization
Transfer (MT) is essential for precise estimation of MT-related parameters from
off-resonance MT experiments. Measurement of the delay-dependent water proton
saturation following composite MT pulses was used to determine parameters for a
2-pool exchange model. These parameters were further used to calculate
saturation levels of macromolecular protons (MPs) following off-resonance MT
pulses. The off-resonance frequency for MPs is found to be -2.7ppm from water for fixed marmoset brain, and -2.56ppm for human brain. This is consistent with previous studies.Introduction
Magnetization Transfer (MT) contrast has been used to
study brain myelination and the characterization of myelin disorders (1–3). Most MT studies ignore potential chemical shifts
between macromolecular protons (MPs) and water protons (WPs) (1–4), despite reported evidence to the contrary (5,6). Ignoring chemical shift results in errors in
estimation of MT parameters, especially at high field. Experiments with steady
state off-resonance RF irradiation have been performed to characterize MP
chemical shift and its effect on MT, however these generally suffer from confounds
related to direct WP saturation and CEST effects. Here we propose a novel
approach based on a delay-dependent pulsed MT experiment.
approach to measure the effect of chemical shift between MP and WP on MT is
based on a 2-pool model of MT and involved two steps: 1) The measurement of
2-pool model parameters based on fitting of WP signal at various delay times
Δ following MP saturation with a 4 ms composite
MT pulse. 2) The use of these parameters to calculate MP saturation levels from
the measurement of delay-dependent WP saturation after a 12 ms hyperbolic
secant (HS) pulse at various off-resonance frequencies. The composite pulse was
4ms long and consisted of variable number of subpulses and different pulse
amplitudes: B1=250Hz with 2 subpulses, 500Hz with 4, 1000Hz with 8, 2000Hz with
16, 4000Hz with 32 , 5000Hz with 32, with flip angles of 0.5x, -x, x …, -x,
Δ ranged from 5.8 to 1600ms. HS pulse duration was 12ms
and peak B1 amplitude was 500Hz;
ranged from 6 to 406ms, and frequency offset ranged from -30kHz to 30kHz. A fixed common marmoset brain was scanned on a Bruker 4.7T scanner. Multi-gradient
echo was used for acquisition, with 0.25mm isotropic resolution, TE of 3ms, TR
of 3s, and nominal excitation flip angle of 90°. Reference signal level was
measured by omitting the MT pulse.
Regions of interest (ROI’s) were selected
in white matter (WM) and grey matter (GM). The averaged signal amplitude
S(Δ) in these ROIs was converted into saturation
Satw(Δ)=1−S(Δ)/Sref and fitted to:
Satw(Δ)=A1e−λ1Δ+A2e−λ2Δ, where
λ1,2=12(kwm+R1w+kmw+R1m±√(kwm+R1w−kmw−R1m)2+4kmwkwm), subscripts
w and
m refer to water and macromolecular protons respectively,
kmw is
the forward exchange rate, and
kwm=kmwf/(1−f) the reverse rate, with
f referring to MP fraction.
R1w were
assumed to be uniform across WM and GM. MP saturation was calculated from:
The resonance frequency of the MP was determined from
the MP saturation as function of offset frequency of the HS pulse by fitting
this data with a super-Lorentzian line shape. While this method cannot be used
to measure the line shape, it does allow estimation of the (average) MP resonance
Figure 1 shows the fitting of WP saturation following a
composite MT pulse with varying pulse amplitudes. WP saturation leveled off at
2000 Hz pulse amplitude suggesting full (100%) MP saturation. Figure 2 shows the
extracted 2-pool model parameters. MP
saturation dependence on off-resonance frequency (Fig. 3) shows a maximum at -540 Hz (-2.7 ppm) for
marmoset, in both WM and GM. Preliminary
results from white matters in human subjects at 7T showed a -2.56ppm offset.
pulses MT experiment allowed investigation of MT asymmetries without
confounding effects from direct WP saturation and CEST. The former was
effectively accounted for in the 2-pool fitting approach, whereas the latter
was avoided due to the short duration of the MT pulse. Based on this, the MT
effect was found to be symmetric around -2.72
ppm from water, which is consistent with previous work (5) and the range of chemical shift of
alkyl protons, which are abundant in membrane lipids and constitute a major
fraction of MPs. The relatively low power of the pulse MT approach make it
suitable to be applied
in vivo,
even at high field in humans. The observed MP chemical shift should be
accounted for in the analysis of MT experiments that aim at quantifying
parameters such as MP pool fraction (
and MT exchange rates (
No acknowledgement found.References
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