The aggregate myelin g-ratio is
a function of the myelin volume fraction (MVF) and the fiber volume fraction
(FVF). While this
relationship holds in theory, obtaining precise and accurate MRI measures of
the MVF and FVF remains a challenge. Most MVF mapping techniques have
been linearly correlated with histology, but the literature suggests that the
slope and intercept are acquisition dependent. In this work, we focus on three
magnetization transfer (MT) derived MVF metrics (MTR, MT_sat and qMT) and explore how improper
calibration of the MVF estimates propagates to the aggregate g-ratio.
result of an incorrect MVF calibration is not simply loss in sensitivity
to g-ratio changes, but rather g-ratio trends that are statistically
significant, incorrect, and highly dependent on the fiber volume fraction
changes.Target audience
Researchers and clinicians
interested in non-invasive characterization of tissue microstructure
The aggregate myelin g-ratio (see Fig. 1) is
a function of the myelin volume fraction (MVF) and the fiber volume fraction
(FVF) (
1, 2. While this relationship holds in theory
3, obtaining precise and accurate MRI measures of
the MVF and FVF remains a challenge. In this work, we focus on three
magnetization transfer (MT) derived MVF metrics and explore how improper
calibration of the MVF estimates propagates to the aggregate g-ratio.
We performed magnetization
transfer and diffusion imaging (2mm isotropic resolution) on one healthy
subject and one multiple sclerosis (MS) patient. For the MS patient, T2W and PDW images were
acquired for lesion segmentation. For
each subject we calculated three MRI myelin metrics: magnetization transfer
ratio (MTR)
4, MT_sat
5 (similar to MTR, but accounting for T1 effects), and the
fractional pool size (F) obtained from quantitative MT
6 (10-point sampling of the z-spectrum). To relate
each metric to the absolute MVF, we used a combined MT/histology dataset in
cynomolgous macaques as the ground truth
7, with the scaling constants for F, MTR and MT_sat chosen to match
the MVF from histology, assuming a zero intercept. First we computed correlations in brain parenchyma
between the three myelin metrics. Then
we calculated FVF using the NODDI model of diffusion
FVF=MVF+AVF), where AVF is the axon volume
AVF=(1−MVF)(1−viso)vic. Next, we computed the aggregate g-ratio
with each of the three metrics, and looked at g-ratio differences between healthy
white matter, normal-appearing white matter (NAWM) and MS lesions. Finally, we performed a theoretical computation varying the slopes (c) and
intercepts (b) in the MVF model (MVF = c * MRI_metric + b) to see how
improper MVF calibration would affect the aggregate g-ratio measurement.
Figure 2 shows the MVF derived from MTR, MT_sat, and
F in a healthy brain. The trends are similar, but the percent difference
between healthy white and grey matter was 15.02% for MTR, 40.08% for MT_sat,
and 45.86% for F. Figure 3 shows that F is better correlated with MT_sat than
with MTR, partly due to the larger dynamic range of MT_sat, but also because
the relationship between F and MTR in parenchyma is non-linear (MTR ~ T1 * F). Figure 4 shows aggregate g-ratio maps in the MS patient computed using MTR, MT_sat and
F. When using F or MT_sat, the aggregate g-ratio was 0.76 in NAWM and 0.8 in lesions
(p < .001). When using MTR, the
g-ratio trend was reversed (0.76 in NAWM and 0.65 in lesions, p < .001). This reversed trend (when using MTR) indicates
thicker myelin in lesions, which is highly unlikely. Figure 5 shows how improper MVF calibration can bias the g-ratio measures via the FVF metric.
Most MT-based MVF mapping
techniques have been linearly correlated with histology
9-12, particularly in MS brain, where the
dynamic range is larger due to pathology.
However, the literature suggests that the slope and intercept are acquisition
dependent, and that neither linearity nor monotonicity is guaranteed
13,14. Figure 5 shows how important it is to get an
accurate MVF estimate, even if the relationship is linear. Being off by a
small amount will result in interpreting FVF changes as g-ratio changes, and
vice versa.
using MTR as a surrogate for myelination, nonlinearity and the conflicting
effects of magnetization transfer and T1 changes severely confound quantitative
g-ratio computation. In healthy and normal-appearing white matter
the g-ratio is relatively constant, so improper MVF calibration gives
reasonable values. However, in lesions
MTR drops much less than F (15% vs. 50%), whereas AVF drops by more. This makes it seem like little
myelin was lost (despite large losses), so the result is an artifactually lowered
g-ratio. On the other hand, MT_sat produces
similar percent differences to qMT in white matter and MS lesions, making it a
clinically feasible candidate for g-ratio mapping (one quarter of the qMT scan
time and only 25% longer than conventional MTR).
result of an incorrect MVF calibration is not simply loss in sensitivity to
g-ratio changes, but rather g-ratio trends that are statistically significant, incorrect,
and highly dependent on the fiber volume fraction changes. MT_sat and F seem to be better suited for g-ratio mapping (compared to MTR), but great care
must be taken in interpreting aggregate g-ratio values in light of the
sensitivities demonstrated in this abstract.
Study supported by the Quebec Bio-Imaging Network (QBIN 8436-0501), Fonds
de Recherche du Québec - Nature et Technologies (FRQNT 2015-PR-182754), the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research
Council of Canada (NSERC), and the Canadian Institute of Health Research (CIHR).References
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