Lydiane Hirschler1,2, Jérome Voiron2, Sascha Köhler2, Nora Collomb1,3, Emmanuel L. Barbier1,3, and Jan M. Warnking1,3
1Université Grenoble Alpes, Grenoble Institute of Neuroscience, Grenoble, France, 2Bruker Biospin, Ettlingen, Germany, 3Inserm, U836, Grenoble, France
Arterial Spin Labeling (ASL) is a non-invasive
technique to obtain quantitative maps of perfusion. At higher magnetic fields,
it benefits from both higher signal-to-noise ratio and longer T1 but could
suffer from higher RF power deposition and thus temperature increase. The latter
issue has however not been characterized in animals. In this study, the specific
absorption rate (SAR) delivered to a rat was measured in vivo at 9.4T using continuous
ASL (CASL) and pseudo-continuous ASL (pCASL) with and without a dedicated labeling
Spin Labeling (ASL) is a non-invasive technique to obtain quantitative maps of
perfusion. At higher magnetic fields, it benefits from both higher
signal-to-noise ratio and longer T
1 but could suffer from higher RF power
deposition and thus temperature increase. The latter issue has however not been
characterized in animals. In this study, the specific absorption rate (SAR)
delivered to a rat was measured in vivo at 9.4T using continuous ASL (CASL) and
pseudo-continuous ASL (pCASL) with and without a dedicated labeling coil.
Nine rats were anesthetized with 1-2% isoflurane.
Their respiration rate was maintained at around 50brpm. The animal’s temperature
was measured continuously at three different locations using fiber optic probes
placed as follows: inside the brain (Fig.1), subcutaneously near the labeling
plane (between carotids) and in the rectum.
were performed on a 9.4T scanner (Bruker Biospec, AVIII-HD) with a volume
transmit/surface (phased-array) receive coil configuration. A separate RF-transmit
coil (diameter 23mm) was placed under the animal’s throat for labeling. After
an anatomical TurboRARE-T2 scan, three sets of ASL experiments were performed: a
pCASL and a CASL (called ‘volCASL’) sequence using the volume transmit RF coil
for labeling, and a CASL sequence (called ‘labCASL’) using the separate
labeling coil. Within each set of experiments, a range of mean label B1 amplitudes
(B1ave) were applied: 3, 5 and 7µT for volCASL and labCASL, and 3
and 5µT for pCASL. To evaluate the reproducibility, the 3µT pCASL scan was
repeated at the end of the experiment. All other scans were performed once, in
random order.
each ASL scan, labeling pulses were applied in the neck (2cm from the
isocenter) during 3s followed by a 300ms post-labeling delay and a single-shot
EPI acquisition (in-plane resolution=234µm², slice thickness=1mm, 1 slice,
TE=22ms, TR=4s). 30 pairs of label/control images were acquired within 4
minutes. Sequence specific parameter settings were:
- The pCASL labeling pulse train consisted of Hanning window
shaped RF pulses1 lasting 400µs, repeated every 800µs. For a given B1ave,
note that the B1RMS (root mean square B1) is √3 times higher for
pCASL than for volCASL.
- During labCASL, the RF power during the control
experiment was turned off, since the labeling coil induced no magnetization
transfer effects in the imaged slice.
efficiency (IE, n=3) was measured 5mm downstream of the labeling plane with a
flow compensated, ASL encoded FLASH sequence for each B1ave value
and each of the three ASL sequences. Both label and control inter-pulse phases
were optimized prior to the pCASL IE measurement2.
Data Processing:
temperature time-course was corrected for baseline drift. SAR was calculated
with: SAR=Sscan∗Ctissue, where Sscan is the
fitted slope of the temperature increase and Ctissue the specific
heat capacity of tissue3 (3664 J/kg/K).
was calculated with: IE=MC−ML2MC∗100, where MC and ML
are respectively the complex magnetizations from the control and label experiments.
The relative IE difference between carotids was computed to evaluate the asymmetry
of labeling.
Results and Discussion
Fig.2 shows temperature timecourses
for the different techniques at identical B1ave=5µT and for the anatomical scan as a reference. For this animal, temperature increased up to 1.3°C
(brain) and 1.4°C (carotids) within 4 minutes. Since SAR is proportional to B1RMS² (Fig.4) and B1RMS,pCASL is higher
than B1RMS,volCASL, this explains the SAR difference between pCASL and volCASL
at equal mean labeling power B1ave (Fig.2-3-4). However the measured ratio was lower
than the factor 3 expected. SAR is lower for labCASL than for pCASL by at least
45%(brain)-75%(carotids), and lower than volCASL by 32%(brain)-62%(carotids)
The SAR derived from the two
3µT-pCASL scans performed on each animal were comparable (Fig.3), suggesting
experimental stability. The SAR standard deviation across rats is mainly due to
the positioning of the probes: we observed lower SAR deeper in the
Considering these SAR values, a
compromise must be found between SAR, inversion efficiency, acquisition time
and/or coil configuration. As shown previously4, IE increases with B1ave (Fig.5a). Reducing B1ave to less than 3µT led to lower
IE (<70%) and asymmetrical labeling between carotids (Fig5b). For B1ave≥5µT,
acceptable IE and low asymmetry were obtained. Note that pCASL reached higher
IE for lower B1ave values than both CASL methods but still needed B1ave>3µT
to produce symmetrical labeling.
This study shows that ASL experiments with standard parameters (B
1ave=3.5-5µT) at 9.4T lead to non-negligible increases in brain temperature. This should be taken into account when using them for long scanning periods or with diseased animals such as stroke or trauma. SAR effect can be dramatically reduced by using a dedicated labeling coil.
No acknowledgement found.References
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and gradient fields, Magn Reson Med., 2008;
2. Hirschler L., Debacker C., Voiron J., Warnking JM., Barbier EL. Robust Inter-Pulse Phase Correction for Brain Perfusion Imaging at Very
High Field using pCASL, ISMRM 2015.
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signals to brain temperature maps, Bull Math Biol. ,2011; 73(11):2731-47.
4. Duhamel G, Callot V, Tachrount M, Alsop DC, Cozzone PJ. Pseudo-continuous arterial spin labeling at very high magnetic field (11.75 T) for high-resolution mouse brain perfusion Imaging. Magn Reson Med., 2012; 67(5):1225-36.