ASL CBF signal is derived from the difference between successive
labeling and no-labeling images. The low signal-to-noise-ratio and the pairwise subtraction can then
result in outliers, which can significantly degrade CBF quantification quality
in a typical several minutes scan. A priors-guided adaptive outlier cleaning
algorithm was verified in this study. Our results showed that the proposed
method improved both CBF quantification quality and CBF measurement stability.Introduction
In ASL MRI, images acquired after spin labeling are subtracted from
those acquired without spin labeling (the control condition). Due to the T1
decay of the labeled spins and the transit time, spin labeling time is usually
limited to around 1-2 seconds, resulting in a low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) [1]. Both the pairwise subtraction and the low SNR
can result in signal outliers, which can significantly affect cerebral blood
flow (CBF) quantification quality. We have previously shown that outliers can
be removed automatically using the adaptive outlier cleaning (AOC) approach [2,
3]. In the original AOC, outliers are identified
in relative to the intermediate mean. If the initial mean value is already
dominated by outliers, the subsequent AOC process will favor outliers rather
than exclude them. In this work, we improved the original AOC by incorporating
prior knowledge about CBF images: a CBF map resembles a proton density map; CBF
doesn’t vary dramatically across brain regions especially within the grey
matter (GM) and white matter (WM).
Repeat ASL data acquired
with a pseudo continuous ASL sequence were identified from previous study [4] and local database.
Data acquisitions were approved by IRB with signed consent form from all
subjects. 15 old subjects were included. ASL images were
preprocessed using ASLtbx with state-of-art denoising procedures [5,
6]. After CBF
calculations, both the original AOC and the priors-guided AOC (PAOC) were used
to remove outliers before calculating the final mean CBF map. Mean CBF images were normalized into the MNI space using SPM12. The test-retest
stability of CBF maps was then calculated using the intraclass correlation
coefficient (ICC).
was implemented as shown in Fig. 1. The pseudo CBF map was created to have
higher value in GM and lower value in WM and can be replaced with the M0 map
after excluding CSF. The threshold for labeling timepoints as possible outliers
can be adjusted as well. In practice, we found that one standard deviation is
enough to label all suspicious points. Since CBF value doesn’t vary
significantly within each brain tissue, similar to [7], we remove
the suspicious timepoint if that results in reduced variations. Meanwhile,
since CBF varies more in GM (for example, CBF is higher in the default mode
network at rest), the outlier definition is further conditioned at whether a
removal will result in increased GM/WM variation difference.
Fig.2 shows results
from a representative subject. 2B shows that the original AOC improves CBF
image quality in terms of recovering signal in the posterior part of the brain
as marked by the dash green box. Fig. 2C shows that PAOC remarkably improved
CBF map quality in terms of recovering signal in the green box as well as suppressing
the artificial bright spot in the last slide.
Fig.3 shows the results
of PAOC for one representative subject’s two ASL MRI scans. By punishing both
the sum and the difference of GM/WM standard deviations (std), PAOC showed more
consistent image quality across different scan time (within an hour) as
compared to punishing the sum of std only.
Fig. 4 shows the ICC
analysis results. ICC maps were thresholded at ICC>0.5, indicating a high test-retest stability across scan time. As compared to the original AOC (4A), PAOC (4B and 4C)
improved ICC in both the anterior and posterior part of the brain. Punishing
both the sum and difference of GM/WM std (4B) yielded better ICC (as marked by
the green ovals) than punishing the sum only.
Discussion and conclusion
We showed that incorporating knowledge about the GM WM CBF contrast and
distributions into AOC improves both CBF image quality and the test-retest
stability. Though the prior CBF image was created empirically, any proton
density weighted image can be used to replace it. Actually, the prior image can
be even removed so PAOC can be initialized by marking all timepoints as
suspicious outliers, which can be then gradually verified. The performance of
PAOC in clinical applications is being validated in ongoing work.
This work was supported by the Penn-Pfizer Alliance Fund, by Natural Science Foundation of Zhejiang Province Grant
LZ15H180001, the
Youth 1000 Talent Program of China, and Hangzhou Qianjiang Endowed Professor Program.References
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