Adam Bush1, Jon Detterich2, Thomas Coates3, Herbert Meiselman4, and John Wood1
1Biomedical Engineering/ Cardiology, University of Southern California/ Children's Hospital Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, United States, 2Cardiology, Children's Hospital Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, United States, 3Hematology, Children's Hospital Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, United States, 4Physiology and Biophysics, University of Southern California, Keck School of Medicine, Los Angeles, CA, United States
Precise knowledge of the T2 of blood (T2b)
is required for spin-echo based blood oxygenation determination methods such as
TRUST (T2 Relaxation Under Spin Tagging). In this study we measure the T2b in vivo and vitro using TRUST MRI. After correcting for physiologic variable we found that our model of T2b is statistically significantly different from the models used by other groups. We conclude those model lead to errors in derived parameters including oxygen saturation, oxygen extraction fraction and cerebral metabolic rate.Introduction
Precise knowledge of the
T2 of blood (
is required for spin-echo based blood oxygenation determination methods such as
TRUST (T2 Relaxation Under Spin Tagging). Several groups have analyzed
T2b but previous studies have been limited by non-physiologic
measurement conditions including the use of nonhuman blood [3] and the lack of
calibration for lower HCT commonly found in congenital anemia syndromes.
In this study we characterized the
T2b dependence on hematocrit (HCT)
and oxygen saturation in human blood at 3T over the physiologic range of
hematocrit and blood oxygenation. For validation, we also measured
sagittal sinus saturation in 35 normal controls and 12 patients with chronic
This study was performed
under an IRB approved protocol with informed consent/assent. Imaging was
performed on a Philips 3T Achieva scanner with 8 channel head coil.
T2b calibration was performed using the blood of three subjects (1F, 33+15.1
years). Blood samples were centrifuged and separated into packed red cells and
plasma. Suspensions were recombined to create blood samples with HCT
ranging from 13%-52%. A custom, 37o C temperature controlled blood
imaging reservoir was used for in vitro imaging measurements. Blood was
deoxygenated external to the scanner in a 37o C temperature controlled glove
box using 5% CO2 /95% N2 gas mixture that maintained the pH at approximately
7.4. Upon desaturation, blood was transferred to the imaging reservoir
and agitated every 2-3 minutes to minimize sedimentation. Saturation was
measured using a hemoximeter (OSM3 Radiometer). Following
localization, TRUST was measured using a pulse sequence designed by Lu
and colleagues [4]. Arterial spin labeling was disabled.
For any given
saturation, 1/T2b was well described by the relationship:
1T2b=R2=1T2o+K(1−Y)2 where T2o is the
T2 of oxygenated fully saturated blood, Y is the oxygen saturation and K
is a constant dependent on several parameters including inter-echo spacing (τ)
and hematocrit. The joint dependency of 1/T2b, hematocrit and oxygen
saturation was well described by a hyperplane:
1T2b=A∗HCT+B∗HCT∗(1−Y)2+C∗(1−Y)2+D where A,B,C,D are empirical fitting coefficients. Two dimensional least squares was used to find A,B,C and D. For clinical correlation of the newly derived calibration curve, TRUST imaging was performed in 35 healthy controls (CTL) and 13 patients with chronic anemia (ACTL). The T2prep duration was 0, 40, 80 and160 with τ =10ms and standard parameters [4]. T2 value was derived after mono-exponential fitting of the difference of control and tagged images. For clinical correlation of the newly derived calibration curve, TRUST imaging was performed in 35 healthy controls (CTL) and 13 patients with chronic anemia (ACTL). The T2prep duration was 0, 40, 80 and160 with τ =10ms and standard parameters [4]. T2 value was derived after mono-exponential fitting of the difference of control and tagged images.
One hundred and twenty six blood measurements of HCT, oxygen
saturations and 1/T2b were used for model fitting. 1/T2b rose linearly with the square of
oxygen extraction (Figure 1A). The slope of this relationship steepened with
increasing hematocrit. Figure 1B
demonstrates an approximately linear relationship between K and HCT, K=.0566 *HCT+
2.87, R2= .907. Model parameters where found to be A=8.13,
B=121, C=5.46 and D=2.46, R2= 0.977. Our model predicted a mean saturation of 0.592 and 0.634 in the CTL vs ACTL whereas the Lu bovine
model [3] predicted mean saturation of 0.634 and 0.629 respectively. Bland
Altman analysis between saturation predicted by our model and Lu model is shown
in Figure 1D. The agreement is highly
nonlinear with hematocrit. The Lu calibration saturation estimates an
average of 5% higher absolute saturation. However, there is
linear decrease in the bias for HCTs less than 35%.
Figure 2 compares the sagittal sinus saturation estimates calculated
using both techniques in CTRL and ACTL.
We report the first description of changes in 1/T2b
of human blood across the entire physiological range of hematocrits and oxygen
saturations. By controlling for
physiological variables such as temperature, spontaneous blood sedimentation
and pH, we are confident our data represents the most accurate surrogate
physiological account of human T2b blood to date. Our model well characterized the relationships between 1/T2b ,
hematocrit and oxygen saturation . These data suggest that human T2b
is longer than that of bovine
blood (3), leading to larger predicted AVO2 consistent with invasive
measurements. Importantly, our data
allows accurate TRUST oximetry in patients having hematocrits less than 35%,
commonly observed in patients with chronic anemias. Care must be taken in the measurement and quantification of SvO2
for even deceivingly small errors is saturation will lead to much larger errors
in oxygen extraction fraction and cerebral metabolic rate.
thanks to Jon Chia at Philips Healthcare for technical support and pulse
sequence implementation on our Philips 3T Achieva
This work
was supported by the CTSI Translational Science, CTSI Neuropsychology core, and
National Heart Lung and Blood Institute 1U01HL117718-01.
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