Bolus dispersion phenomena affect the residue function computed via
deconvolution of DSC-MRI data. Indeed the obtained effective residue
function can be expressed as the convolution of the true one with a
Vascular Transport Function (VTF) that characterizes the dispersion.
The state-of-the-art technique CPI+VTF allows to estimate the actual
residue function by assuming a model for the VTF. We propose to
perform deconvolution representing the effective residue function
with Dispersion-Compliant Bases (DCB) without assumptions on the VTF,
and then apply the CPI+VTF on DCB results. We show that DCB improve
robustness to noise and allow to better characterize the VTF.Purpose
To improve robustness of dispersion kernel characterization in
DSC-MRI by means of Dispersion-Compliant Bases.
The residual amount of tracer, i.e. the residue function R(t)
computed from deconvolution of the measured arterial Ca(t) and
tissular Cts(t) concentrations, characterizes the tissue
However the actual arterial concentration may undergo dispersion.
This causes the effective residue function to reflect additional
vascular properties mathematically described by the convolution
Reff(t)=R(t)⊗VTF(t) where VTF is the Vascular
Transport Function1,2.
This severely affects the estimation of hemodynamic parameters3 such
as the blood flow BF, corresponding to the peak of R(t),
and the mean transit time MTT=BV/BF with BV the blood
volume. Indeed only effective parameters BFeff (peak of
Reff(t)) and MTTeff are computed.
A recent state-of-the-art technique4 based on control point
interpolation, CPI+VTF, allows to recover the actual R(t)
assuming that it is convolved with a VTF described by a Gamma Dispersion
Kernel (GDK)
where s,p are unknown. This allows the estimation of the actual
The estimation of s,p,BF is not an easy task and requires a
non-linear optimization routine which results are sensitive to noise.
We propose to improve robustness and precision of some of the
estimates by performing deconvolution with Dispersion-Compliant
Bases5 (DCB), and subsesquently fit the CPI+VTF4 model to the
obtaned effective residue function.
We perform DCB deconvolution representing Reff(t) on a
sampling grid t1,t2,..,tM as5
with order N (6 here), τ,an,bn unknown an
αn predefined5. The solution was constrained
via quadratic programming to
R(tm)≥0∀tm∈[t1,tM−1] and R(tM)=0.
The CPI+VTF deconvolution technique was implemented as in literature4
with 12 control points and initial parameters p,s for the
optimization routine log2±2 (mean±SD). In order to
decouple the influence of the estimation framework from the model the
estimation was performed non-linearly bounding parameters to
The CPI+VTF model was also fitted on the effective residue function
computed with DCB by minimizing
||RDCB(t)−[CPI+VTF]model||2 over the control points,
time-instants separations, and parameters BF,s,p4.
We perform synthetic experiments generating Ca(t) in
[0:1:90]s as a gamma-variate function1.The tissular concentration Cts(t) was
generated as Cts(t)=Ca⊗[R⊗VTF(t)](t) with
bi-exponential5 R(t). Three ground-truth VTF models
were used4: gamma (GDK), exponetial and log-normal. For each, three
dispersion levels were tested: low, medium, high4. Number 100
repetitions were generated for each combination of dispersion kernel,
level, BF∈[5:10:65]ml/100g/min, MTT∈[2:4:18]s, and
delay∈[0,5]s4 with noise added5 with
SNR=504. For each repetition DCB and CPI+VTF deconvolutions
were performed, as well as the CPI+VTF model fitting on
RDCB(t), henceforth DCB+VTF.
We then proceed with the following experiments:
1. we compare DCB5, CPI+VTF4 and oSVD6 deconvolutions and calculate
the relative errors of the recovered effective parameters
BFeff (Fig. 1), MTTeff=BV/BFeff (Fig. 2), and
time-to-maximum T2MAX of the Reff (Fig. 3);
comparisons are performed on all of the ground-truth dispersion kernels
(left images) and just on the GDK (right images);
2. we compare estimates of p,s,BF obtained with CPI+VTF and
DCB+VTF in case of GDK (Fig. 4);
3. we apply DCB+VTF on stroke MRI data and show maps of p,s,BF
Results in Fig. 1,2,3-left show that DCB-based estimates of
BFeff,MTTeff,T2MAX have sensibly lower relative error
than those obtained with CPI+VTF and oSVD. When the gound-truth
kernel is GDK (right columns) CPI+VTF sensibly improve. Still, DCB
perform comparably or better. DCB generally reduce errors and their
variability. In addition DCB results appears more stable than with
CPI+VTF with respect to the ground-truth kernel. Results in Fig. 4 show that
CPI+VTF and DCB+VTF render similar results for
BF,p but
DCB+VTF relevantly improves
s estimates at medium and high dispersion levels.
Maps in Fig. 5 well depict the infarcted area which is specially highlighted
The use of DCB deconvolution renders a better estimation of the
effective hemodynamic parameters.
The DCB do
not assume any model for the dispersion kernel (VTF)
and can handle the exponential and log-normal kernels better than
CPI+VTF. The use of these functional bases improves robustness to
noise and reduces variability in the results (Figs. 1-3). This leads
to a relevant improvement also when the CPI+VTF technique is applied
directly on the DCB results (DCB+VTF), specifically in the
estimation of the
s parameter of the gamma kernel (Fig.
4). The same parameter
reveals to be very effective
in delimiting the infarcted area in
in-vivo results (Fig. 5).
Perfusion deconvolution of DSC-MRI data by means of
Dispersion-Compliant Bases (DCB) provides more robust results in
quantifying the effective residue function and improves subsequent
VTF assessments. This allows a better characterization of dispersion phenomena and a consequent deeper understanding of the vascular dynamic.
We thank Olea Medical and the PACA Regional Council for providing
grant and support.References
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