Marina Lysenko1, Noam Ben-Eliezer1, Inbal E Biton2, Joel R Garbow3, and Michal Neeman1
1Biological Regulation, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel, 2Veterinary Resources, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel, 3Biomedical Magnetic Resonance Laboratory, Mallinckrodt Institute of Radiology, Washington University, St. Louis, MO, United States
The murine placenta
is a complex organ, consisting of different cell compartments that greatly influence
its blood-flow pattern. Dynamic contrast enhanced (DCE) MRI of murine
placental perfusion has been reported previously using both low and high MW
contrast media.
In this study, we used
high-MW, albumin-based macromolecular contrast agent that does not cross the
placental barrier, but, instead, forms contrast-based aggregates that accumulate
in the maternal vasculature simultaneously with active contrast internalization
by trophoblast cells in the labyrinth .To interpret the observed data, we
suggest a novel model for describing feto-maternal processing and aggregate
formation of labeled albumin in placental DCE-MRI experiments.Introduction
murine placenta is a complex organ, consisting of different cell compartments
that greatly influence its blood-flow pattern. Dynamic contrast enhanced (DCE) MRI of murine placental
perfusion has been reported previously using both low and high MW contrast
media. Low-MW gadolinium chelates can cross the placenta and reach the fetal blood-pool
[1]. In this
study, we used high-MW, albumin-based macromolecular contrast agent that does
not cross the placental barrier, but, instead, forms contrast-based aggregates that
accumulate in the maternal vasculature simultaneously with active contrast internalization
by trophoblast cells in the labyrinth [2, 3]. To interpret the observed data, we
suggest a novel model for describing feto-maternal processing and aggregate
formation of labeled albumin in placental DCE-MRI experiments.
Animal experiments were approved by
the animal care committee. MRI experiments were performed on B6 (C57BL/6J)
female mice on E14.5 (n=5)
of gestation, using a 9.4 T Bruker scanner. T1-weighted 3D-GE images
were acquired during a 60 min period immediately following contrast-agent
(biotin-BSA-Gd-DTPA) administration [Fig.1 A, P=Placentae, E=Embryonic sack].
The mean signal intensity (SI) was calculated for each placenta. Histological
validation was performed by Avidin-FITC labeling of the biotin-conjugated
contrast agent. A three-compartment model with two main placental compartments
-- maternal intravascular compartment and trophoblast cell intracellular
compartment – combined with contrast-based aggregate formation and dispersion
kinetics was developed
for SI interpretation and T2 map calculations.
Contrast-agent administration produced
an initial SI increase during the 3-9 min following contrast-agent injection,
which was followed by SI decrease (10-29 min) and then a second SI increase (recovery)
30-60 min post injection [Fig.1 B-C]. Histological analysis suggests aggregate
accumulation in the maternal compartment during the initial SI increase,
achieving its maximal level during the SI reduction stage [Fig.1 D, L;
Labyrinth]. Dispersion of aggregates was
observed during the SI recovery stage [Fig.1 E, white arrows]. T2 maps of the
aggregates demonstrate a homogeneous T2 effect during SI elevation stage [Fig.1
F, Lab; Labyrinth, Dec; Decidua]; while a heterogeneous and localized T2 effect
was observed in the SI reduction and recovery stages. Shorter T2 values were
observed in the decidual maternal placental area during SI reduction [Fig.1 G],
whereas shorter T2 values were observed in the labyrinth zone, which is mainly
composed of trophoblast cells, during the SI recovery stage [Fig.1 H].
The observed SI pattern, together with
the histological validation of contrast-agent aggregation during SI reduction
stage and its dispersion during SI recovery, suggest that the major portion of
the signal reduction is caused by contrast-based aggregation ,which result with T2 shortening effect. The dynamics of the albumin-based contrast media aggregation
and its internalization by trophoblast cells are superimposed on a gradual
accumulation of contrast media in the large, maternal placental blood pool.
Both T2 mapping and DCE-MRI images illustrate signal reduction directionality, with
effects initiating from the outer, maternal intravascular compartment, and
propagating toward the intracellular compartments in the labyrinth zone of the
placenta. This study reveals unexplored and complex in vivo system for non-invasive study of the assembly and
dispersion kinetics of aggregate forming compounds and sheds light on the
functionality and structure of different placental compartments.
This work was supported by the Seventh
Framework European Research Council Advanced Grant 232640-IMAGO (to M.N.);
by NIH 1R01HD086323-01 (to M.N. and J.R.G.); and Grant 2011405 from
the US–Israel Binational Science Foundation (to M.N. and J.R.G.).References
1.Taillieu, F., et al., . Radiology,
2006. 241(3): p. 737-45.
2.Plaks, V., et al., . Biol Reprod,
2011. 84(3): p. 537-45.
3.Plaks, V., et al., . Mol Imaging
Biol, 2011. 13(3): p. 481-92.