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3D CMRO2 mapping in human brain with direct 17O-MRI and proton-constrained iterative reconstructions
Dmitry Kurzhunov1, Robert Borowiak1,2, Marco Reisert1, Philipp Wagner1, Axel Krafft1,2, and Michael Bock1

1University Medical Center Freiburg, Dept. of Radiology - Medical Physics, Freiburg, Germany, 2German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), German Cancer Consortium (DKTK), Heidelberg, Germany


This work presents a comparison analysis of different reconstruction techniques for quantification of 3D maps of the cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen consumption (CMRO2) in human brain. Several 17O-MR 3D data sets of a healthy volunteer’s brain were acquired at a clinical 3 Tesla MR system with inhalation of 70%-enriched 17O2 gas. Iterative image reconstruction procedures, e.g. where different co-registered 1H MR image data sets of high spatial resolution act as edge-preserving constraints, are compared and used to improve the image quality and the precision of CMRO2 mapping. Anisotropic Diffusion as non-Homogeneous Constraint (ADHOC) is shown to be superior.


Abnormalities in brain oxygen metabolism are found in tumors, cerebrovascular and neurodegenerative diseases. A useful biomarker of metabolic brain activity is the cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen consumption (CMRO2). CMRO2 can be quantified with direct 17O-MRI [2-6] by fitting a pharmacokinetic model to the signal dynamics seen during and after the administration of 17O-enriched gas. So far, 17O-MRI was applied mainly at ultra-high fields (B0≥7T) to overcome the low SNR at clinical field strengths (B≤3T) [4]. Recently, preliminary results showed that 17O-MRI is feasible at clinical field strengths [5,6].

The aim of this work is to enable of 3D CMRO2 quantification at clinical field strengths by using prior information from co-registered 1H-MR data in combination with iterative, constrained image reconstructions. For that purpose, Anisotropic Diffusion as non-Homogeneous Constraint (ADHOC) using 1H MPRAGE data [5] were further expanded to T2-weighted images, the constraint weighting factors and the width of the AD operators were optimized, best values are reported and compared to binary mask (BM) constraint.

Material and Methods

4D 17O data sets were acquired in two in-vivo 17O-MR experiments [3-6] on the same volunteer with inhalation of 2.5L of 70%-enriched 17O gas (NUKEM Isotopes), at a nominal resolution Δx=10/8mm and a temporal resolution of 1min. For 17O-MRI, a clinical 3T MR system (Tim Trio, Siemens) and 3D ultrashort TE (UTE) density-adapted projection sequence (DAPR) [7] were used. Kaiser-Bessel (KB) gridding without/with Hanning filtering was used to reconstruct 17O MR images. After gridding, an iterative reconstruction was applied that minimizes the objective function:


where A denotes the system matrix that maps the image x to the corresponding raw data y, λ is the weighting factor of the regularization term R, which is initially chosen to be BM of the brain:


To include more anatomical information, ADHOC method with a high resolution proton prior, co-registered to the 17O-MRI data, was used for an edge-preserving reconstruction. Here, the regularization term contains a gradient operator 𝒈 which is applied to either T1- or T2-weighted 1H images:


After image reconstruction, CMRO2 values were calculated from the signal time curves using a model fit [3]. The factor λ for both BM and ADHOC constraints and for ADHOC were tested over the range 𝜆∈[10…105] and a∈[10-3…103] to find the best correspondence with 15O-PET CMRO2 values [1] without image distortions. For comparison, theoretical CMRO2 maps (Fig.1f) were calculated based on tissue segmentation from 1H MPRAGE data and PET values [1]. All reconstructed images and maps were interpolated to 643.

Results and Discussion

3D CMRO2 maps of different reconstruction techniques are shown in Fig.1. 17O-MR images reconstructed with KB gridding without filtering have low SNR=7 (Fig.1a) prohibiting pixel-wise fitting of CMRO2 (Fig.1g). Usage of BM information (Fig.1c) does not improve pixel-wise CMRO2 quantification (Fig.1i), whereas CMRO2 maps obtained with either Hanning filter (Fig.1b,h) or ADHOC (Fig.1j,k) show some anatomical features. Reconstruction with ADHOC, however, has highest amount of pixels with successfully fitted CMRO2 values (Fit%) compared to any other reconstruction (Tab.1).

Weighting factors λ for penalty terms are optimized for highest Fit% and lowest root-mean-square deviation (RMSD) to the theoretical value. For BM it was λ=1000/10000, and λ=4000/10000 with a=10-3 for both T1/T2-based ADHOC for Δx=10/8mm. Both CMRO2 maps with T1-and T2-based ADHOC reconstructions are similar (Fig. 1j,k), with a better quality and best Fit% (99%) and higher precision compared to Hanning-filtered KB gridding. Figure 2 shows a model fit to the signal-time curve in a representative GM pixel with the ADHOC based on 1H MPRAGE image. For Δx=8mm which has a two-fold lower SNR than Δx=10mm data, Fit% is 20-40% smaller and RMSD for ADHOC is 17% higher (Tab.2).

Filtering among the neighboring pixels was beneficial: ADHOC smoothes data among pixels with similar intensity (mostly within one brain tissue component) and preserves borders within different tissue compartments (edge-preservation), which is favorable compared to isotropic homogeneous Hanning filtering. The BM constraint suppresses noise outside the head, but barely increases SNR within the head. CMRO2 maps from ADHOC differ from the theoretical CMRO2 map due to the partial volume effects (PVEs). PVEs are only partly corrected by AD reconstruction and mainly caused by fast T2*=2ms relaxation of 17O nucleus, which leads to blurring.

Conclusions and Outlook

The results show that smoothing among neighboring pixels enables quantification of 3D CMRO2 maps in dynamic 17O-MR experiments. Iterative reconstructions with Anisotropic Diffusion as non-Homogeneous Constraint (ADHOC) applied to either T1-or T2-based 1H images are favorable. The reconstruction techniques will be applied for data analysis of further dynamic 17O-MR experiments on glioblastoma patients to investigate the metabolism of different tumor regions


Support from NUKEM Isotopes Imaging GmbH is gratefully acknowledged


[1] K.L. Leenders et al. (1982) Brain 113 [2]; R. Borowiak et al. (2014) MAGMA 27 [3]; I.C. Atkinson et al. (2010) Neuroimage 66; [4] S.H. Hoffmann et al. (2011) MRM 66; [5] D. Kurzhunov et al. (2015) Proc. of 23rd annual meeting, ISMRM; [6] R. Borowiak et al. (2015) Proc. of 23rd annual meeting, ISMRM; [7] A.M. Nagel et al. (2009) MRM 62


Figure 1: Transverse slice of the 17O MR images (TA=10 min and Δx=10mm), reconstructed with Kaiser-Bessel gridding without/with Hanning filter (a,b). Bottom row shows CMRO2 maps obtained by direct pixel-wise fitting with Kaiser-Bessel gridding (g,h) and iterative reconstructions (i-k) using different constraints (c-e).

Figure 2: Model fitting to the signal-time curve in a representative GM pixel, which was iteratively reconstructed with the T1- based ADHOC method. Free breathing (10min) is followed by 17O inhalation (5min), 17O rebreathing with a closed rebreathing circuit (8min), and final free breathing (22min).

Table 1: Root-mean-square deviations (RMSD) of the calculated CMRO2 values (Fig. 1g-k) from the theoretical values (Fig. 1f) of different reconstruction techniques (in µmol/gtissue/min) and corresponding percentage of the successfully fitted pixels within the brain (Fit%) for two spatial resolutions Δx=10/8mm.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)